
I Want To Get Isekai'd But The World Does Not Want Me To: Remastered

Hinata Tasuke is an ordinary Otaku, Shut-in NEET! But he has a dream of getting isekai'd someday. So he was waiting for the day it would come. So, he tried all varied methods to be able to get isekai'd, but he failed. But, one day girl named Clattanoia and a boy named Euclius appeared out of nowhere from a different world. They wanted to get back to their world as soon as possible. Sharing the same goals, Tasuke, Clattanoia and Euclius are going to team up to be able to get isekai'd.

Kamatis · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Isekai Clutter

"So anyway, Euclius?"

The three of us, Euclius, me and Frieda are now eating rice and pickled radish. I don't have any cash so we just ate pickled radish, It doesn't seem to bother them though.

As soon I called his name, Euclius raised his head, waiting for me to get to my point. He's now looking at me with the rice still on his cheek, geez.

"So will you tell why you still couldn't kill a dragon? You've already become a Dragon Slayer, aren't you? Technically, we're still halfway to your story."

I stated the words but he just came back at eating the pickled radish, damn you! Then, after chewing the rice he just wolfed down, he finally replied to me.

"Well, that's-"

Euclius is still not finished with what he's about to say when all of a sudden, a seemingly violet portal interrupted us. It opened literally in front of us, at the dining table!

What the hell is happening? There's so much air pressure being emitted! Good thing, Euclius immediately shielded Frieda from being blown away.

Just a few seconds, I'm going to get blown away, damn It! What the heck is this? Just when I'm to get blown from the air pressure, the portal finally stopped.

"Geez finally, what the hell was that?"

"I'm finally back..."

Wait, I've heard that voice before. A light voice reminiscent of a teenage girl. It's so high too and... Wait, isn't this-


I finally raised my head and opened my eyes. That dark frilly bodysuit is definitely hers. I looked further up for me to see the face and...

"I'm back!"

"You idiot, where the hell did you go?!"

Clattanoia... is back...


"Wait, why am I happy? This isn't the time to be happy!"

Wait, Clattanoia, why can't you be happy? Isn't this supposed to be a touching reunion between two friends? At least, let me be happy, come on bro or sis? I don't know.

"Hinata, we need to leave now!"


I still don't have any grasp of what just happened and Clattanoia, like lightning from the sky, immediately grabbed my hand, jumped from the dining table, and rushed towards the door.

"Euclius! You come too! We don't have any time, let's evacuate!"

"Wait, what?! Evacuate from what?!"

Out of confusion, Euclius also took Frieda and carried her, immediately following suit behind us. I don't know what's happening but If Clattanoia is this panicked, there might be something wrong happening.

Geez, what kind of reunion is this? We never saw each other for three months and this is what's happening.

"All right, we're far enough!"

"Oh shit, we're finally safe now, even though we just moved 5cm from outside of the house! Gee, thanks Clattanoia. You're a real help."

I didn't even feel like we moved places, we literally just walked 5 steps away from my house, you dunce!

"Clattanoia, what the hell's happening?! At least, tell me why you're acting like this!"

I don't know what's happening but If you don't tell me anything, I can't help you, Clattanoia! Please tell me what's going on!

"All right, Hinata! I'll tell you what's happening-"

"Good job, Clattanoia!"

All of a sudden, interrupting the conversation, someone just appeared behind us and attempted to grab Frieda from Euclius's arms. What the hell?! I didn't even see how he passed us. Who the hell is this guy?

"It's okay, Hinata! He didn't get her!"

What a relief, Euclius. Failing to grab Frieda, the man flipped away backward so he can have distance. He can do some acrobats like that?

"Clutter! I told you not to appear without my signal!"

Clutter? Isn't that the guy who's with that Commander three months ago? Now that you that of It, that black hooded robe and mysterious aura... I remember him! But this time, his face is revealed to me, for all I can see, he's kind of handsome, honestly.

"You're taking way too long, Clattanoia. We're supposed to be this job fast so we can meet up with Paranoia."


At that response, Clattanoia just clicked her tongue with a frustrated expression. What the hell's happening? Why is this Clutter guy here? What's his connection with Frieda and most importantly...

"Why did he try to take Frieda?"