
A Divine Angel

Archangel Micheal...

I have heard many tales of this divine beast in the past. He was said to be a creature made by the gods in order to saught retribution to foolish monarchs who got a bit too hungry for their power...

It was once said that he appeared in a city of sinners once and destroyed it with one swing of his blade

It was said that he turned a once bountiful river filled with all manners of wildlife into a sea of blood to punish an arrogant king who challenged the gods

There was even a tale of him obliterating a band of mighty dragons who once laid refuge on a mountain...

And here I thought that I was the evil one. It's really good to know that I'm not the only heartless creature capable of enacting such acts in this rose-colored world of ours. Considering the fact that he was also someone strong enough to take folks who were on the same strength as Luna, I honestly couldn't help but be excited by this...

My body is trembling from delight!

My heart is beating like a lovestruck maiden~

Ahahahaha! I haven't felt like this in a long while!

He was still floating steadily in the air with his golden sword pointed at me. And I, in turn, pointed my wand at him and began to cast my magic. I couldn't help but smirk under my mask, for I could also tell that he was tweaking something behind that bell of a head of his...

While we're still stuck in our stare-off. Isaac and the rest of his gang were standing at the sidelines, looking at me as if I was some crazy lunatic

"It's no use, just give up already and surrender your fate. He's one of the divine angels that served under the Great gods. You may be strong I'll give you that, but you're no match against a creature that fought and slain countless dragons!"


"What's so funny?...Have you lost your damn mind or something?"

"No, it's nothing...It's just I find it to be really strange..."

"About what?..."

"For someone to offer another a warning, they should on a situation that is dangerous enough to put them in peril. I'd like you to think back long and hard, little priest. Think back on how easily we destroyed your beloved city within minutes, how I waltz inside this castle of yours that's said to be impenetrable by any creature as if it's a walk in the park"

Saying this, I began to intensify my magic. And Micheal responded by charging at me at blinding speeds

"And tell me, have I ever been in danger?..."

Micheal swung his massive golden sword at me with seemed to cut through reality itself. My defenses were torn apart like an eggshell and blood began to rush out of my body. I could only smile as Micheal moved his sword again and was about to plunge it at me

"You fool, this is what you get for being too arrogant..."

Fool? Me? Why?

Do these people really think that the greatest villain could be destroyed by slicing through his chest? This was just a little test for me to know if fighting him will actually be worth it. And now that I do...

It's time to get a bit serious


I shifted my position and appeared behind him. Micheal seemed to be a bit confused about where I went, and I took advantage of this...

"[Call of the waves]"

Appearing from the tip of my wand was a massive burst of water than came out surging. The force of it was more powerful than any waterfall could ever create, which blasted off even the mighty angel down with the waves. I then quickly floated up into the air and followed it up with another attack

"[Dragonic lightning]"

A chain of bolts began to fall down on Micheal who was still struggling in the waves. This spell was a well-known level 8 one that's capable of releasing an energy that's estimated to produce over six-million volts in power...

Normally, that would be more than enough to literally roast someone to ashes. But Micheal only flinched in the face of this and flew his way out of the raging waves. He quickly headed towards me and swung his sword once more, but since his movements this time was a lot slower, I was able to teleport away...

"Hehe, I knew it..."

He may not have the same structure as most beings would, but his form was still being held by that orb which was probably a massive mana core. And just like most things, a little shock in their systems would surely make them a bit dull...

And with his speed cut down to half, we can start acting like a real bastard!

As I was dodging his attacks though, I noticed that the water that was around us was now all melted up. It's more than enough to sink a city so it couldn't just vanish into the air like that...

So my guess was that Micheal cleaned them up by removing the water from his realm...

But before I could confirm that, Micheal began to attack me once more. But this time, I could tell that he was being more relentless...

Can't say I blame him, I'd probably also be annoyed as hell if someone would just bust open a water tank in my house out of nowhere and toss a toaster in the mix. Though he could not speak, I could sense the feeling of annoyance he was experiencing through his attacks...

And it was wonderful...

While his sword seemed to be capable of slicing through just about anything, It won't really matter so long as I could just teleport at the right time. My strategy was that once I'm far enough, I'll then begin to blast him with long-range destructive spells

If he chases me, then I teleport far away and do it again

And I only need to repeat this until I win...

It was a scummy way of fighting, sure. But--

"You deserve a half-ass fight for coming at me with half-ass effort"

Micheal stopped in his tracks as if he understood what I was saying. It was true, even if his power seemed to be beyond human capabilities, all he was basically doing now is making himself intimidating with his magic energy and swaying his sword back and forth

It's like-

"Are you even the one they call Archangel Micheal? The punisher of man and the incarnation of divine retribution? Or are you nothing more than a giant swinging that colored stick like a child? Because this...this isn't the being I hear from the tales. You seem more like an old fool who is way past their prime"

"You dare speak to an archangel in such a way-"

"But isn't it true though? You may be swift, but that's all you have to offer to the table. Where are the divine level 9 magic spells that are wielded by you angels? Where is the awesome power that is told by the stories? If this is all you have to show for, the lapdog of the gods, then I believe that you should just retire and go back to sleeping in your little bubble..."

--You insolent maggot!--

For the first time, I heard his voice scream in anger. It sounded like gibberish, yet I could feel his searing rage. I guess I really must've pissed him off...

His wings began to glow a bright golden color, and the energy that was gathering around his sword became more and more intense. He cast something that seems to be a barrier on Isaac and his little gang as he slowly floated toward me

---I will make you regret your mockery towards the gods!---

He pointed his sword at me and emerging from the white ground were hundreds...No, thousands of golden swords with the same shape. Each of them looked sharp enough to pierce through my defenses which only served to fuel my excitement

"Yes, now this is what we're talking about! Come on, give me everything you've got!"


Micheal charged at me, and was way faster than before. At the same time, the golden swords on the ground were launched toward me in coordination with his attacks. Each of those things was capable of traveling beyond the speed of sound and had the numbers to become quite annoying for me...

My only choice was to teleport away from it. But since this fabric of reality is under his control, he's able to easily pinpoint my location and bombard me with those floating golden swords once again

And if that doesn't sound bad enough, Micheal wasn't giving me any leeway. His swordplay was somehow becoming more and more intense...

"Ggh...[Arms of Gia]!"

I figured to hold them down using this spell even if it was for a moment. I summoned about fifty of these gigantic hands only for them to be cut down with one swift motion as he continued to bombard me with relentless slashes from his swords

I retreated and continued to lay down a bunch of high-level spells at him, but he was literally able to slice through all of them and push forward

I'm honestly a bit surprised that I was still alive. But if it continues at this rate, then It's only a matter of time before he gets me. I was constantly teleporting back and forth so as to dodge his attacks, and I'm already getting quite dizzy...

"Alright, what about this one? [Bane of Chronos]!"

I activated one of my most powerful trump cards. Micheal's fast attacks and the swords that were coming towards me began to gradually lose their speed. And it didn't take long for everything in this space to come to a complete halt...

This was the ability of this level 9 spell. To completely have the power of time under your mercy. Of course, I won't be able to maintain for long with my current magical energy. But I reckon that's more than enough for me...

I floated towards Micheal's still body and began to activate the [Mark of the dead] but just as I was about to put it at him-

I heard the sound of the bells ringing, and before long-...

"...Wait are you moving-"

One of my arms was suddenly sliced off before I even realized it

"Oh damn..."

I quickly teleported away the moment I saw Micheal being able to move in this state. My brain tried to conjure up a reason as to how could he even do such a thing. Theoretically speaking, even if this plane of reality was under his control, the flow of time should still be under one unified motion. Meaning that he shouldn't be able to pull something like this...

Is this an ability of his? Or was he just so pissed off that he managed to break free?

"Well, aren't you just full of surprises"

---If you think you can stop me using such petty tricks, then you're more foolish than I thought---

I was unable to maintain [Bane of Chronos] anymore and time resumed once more. The floating swords were able to reawaken, and his flurry of attacks continued until I was blasted down to the ground...

Micheal slowly floated towards me like a hunter trying to finish off his prey. The swords that were surrounding him were all pointed at me, while Isaac and the others were practically kneeling at him

On the other hand, the pain began to spread throughout my entire body as I was coughing up blood. I had already cast a spell to ease the pain and slowly recover my wound, but even now, it still hurts like hell...

"Ugh...Pain can really be such a hassle sometimes"

I muttered as I placed my hand on my head and began to pump my brain full of magical energy. I specifically manipulated them in a way in which they'd shut down the pain receptors in my brain, but It seems that I went a bit too overboard and now I'm not physically feeling anything at all...

Oh well, it does the job so it's all good I guess. I can just fix that later

---It's over. Apologize for your insolence and I'll make your death painless---

"Well, ain't that sweet of you...Giving a sinner like me a chance to repent"

---I am not that kind. I would usually ensure that foolish creatures like you suffer dearly for their hubris. I'm only doing this in consideration of your strength---

"So something like a warrior's pride, eh? Someone in our group thinks that way so I kind of understand. But I believe you're mistaking something here, Archangel Micheal. What gave you the idea that you'll be the one to beat me?"
