
I Think It Glitched...

if you saw instructions on a paper, would you follow them? what if you were the only one to see them? what if you could make anything, learn anything, what would you become?

cluelessauthor · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

3) Potion

It was another 10 minutes until I pulled into the school. Lyra waved bye to her friends and ran over to the car.

"You really are impressive. You managed to stretch a barely 15-minute drive into almost 23 minutes. Want to tell me what took those extra 10 minutes? And also tell me why you smell like you've spent the day working out without showering afterward?" she pinched her nose and helped her breath in an exaggerated manner. rolled down her window and stuck her head out like a dog.

"Well I was staring at myself in the mirror for a while. My reflection was quite distracting. Then I forgot my shoes and keys so I had to go back inside. I don't smell."

I pulled up my shirt and gave myself a sniff…. I definitely smelled.

"Ok yes I do stink, but that is because I was digging in the backyard."

"Why were you digging? Did you decide to become a dog now? That must be why you were so distracted by your appearance."

"Really? You don't find anything about my appearance differently? Like at all?"

Lyra made a big show of holding her breath again , pulled her head back in the car , looked at me, and then stuck her head back out. "It looks like the new skincare system I bought you has worked, and you are wearing a shirt that is actually your size, but no, you look the same."

"What? NO! This is the same shirt, I didn't get a new one. And that new skincare system - HOLY CRAP!"

I slammed on the breaks and came to a full stop. Thankfully, there was no traffic since we were on a side street, so I didn't have to worry about that. "WHAT THE FUCK JOEY! We are in the middle of the damn road!" I pulled off to the side and got out of the car.

"You are driving, get out." I opened her door, and watched her get out of the car. If looks could kill I would definitely be long dead. "I will explain when we get home, just be quiet until then please."

"Fine, but if I don't like your explanation I will cut off your head, trash your computer and never drive you anywhere again."

"Fine, now shut up please."

This definitely isn't the smartest thing I've done in my life and it may be among the dumbest but what just popped up before me is enough for my brain to short circuit.

Name: Joey Elost

Age: 17

Hope Skills:

1 - Item Maxing (P)

2 - Endless Storage (A)

3 - Create Item (A)

4 - Create Knowledge (A)

"Lyra, no jokes or sarcasm please. I am going to do something and I need you to not swerve or freak out no matter what you see. This is gonna be some freaky shit."

"I don't have a clue what goes on in your head but I don't care what you do so long as it doesn't involve me and you keep it in your pants. Go crazy you weirdo."

"Alright then. Create item: Health potion"


"Ahh I see."

Lyra sneaked a glance at me and said "you sound absolutely insane right now, you know that right?"

"Believe me, you wouldn't believe the day I've had. Create Knowledge: Intro to Alchemy."

My hands glowed and a scroll appeared in my hands with a rope around it.

Lisa didn't stop the car like I did but her eyes went wide. "You didn't just get that out of nowhere, right? You had planned to prank me, right?"

"Like I said, you would not believe the day I've had. That breaking glass sound, the one that they spoke about on the radio because everyone heard it. That was due to my actions. I'll talk more about this at home but I want to see how this works."

I unfurled the scroll and saw that it was written in super tiny print and was over twice the length of normal letter paper.

"Create Item: Speed Reading Skill Scroll." I had played enough computer games to understand how skill scrolls worked. They weren't something that existed in reality but it was a way to instantly learn a skill at the cost of the destruction of the scroll.

A second scroll appeared in front of me. This one wasn't sealed like the alchemy knowledge scroll and was only loosely rolled up. I unraveled it and tore it in half and saw it disappear just as it appeared; with a glow.

The glow moved towards me and was absorbed by me and then when I looked at my status panel it had changed.

Name: Joey Elost

Age: 17

Hope Skills:

1 - Item Maxing (P)

2 - Endless Storage (A)

3 - Create Item (A)

4 - Create Knowledge (A)

Other skills:

- Speed Reading (P)

"Holy shit it works! I have one more to try. Create Item: Self System Access Skill Scroll."


"Hmm so I guess that isn't the skill name. Create Item: System Access Skill Scroll."

A small glow appeared and when it faded another scroll appeared in my lap. "It fucking works!! HAHAHAHA." I was laughing like a madman for a minute until my sister's glare shut me up.

I picked up the scroll I just created and tested out the other one of my skills. "Store Item." The object disappeared without a trace and a second window popped up below Endless Storage.

Name: Joey Elost

Age: 17

Hope Skills:

1 - Item Maxing (P)

2 - Endless Storage (A)

Store Item, View Inventory, Search Inventory, Extract Item.

3 - Create Item (A)

4 - Create Knowledge (A)

"View Inventory" A small box appeared, there was only one item stored so it made sense. The box showed a scroll and the text below said what the item was, the biggest shock was the effect of Item Maxing. In my Inventory it showed that I now had 99 of the exact same scroll.

"Extract Item, one scroll." I specified that I only wanted one just in case it accidentally pulled all 99 out at once. The scroll landed back on my lap, I opened the inventory once again and it was now at 99 scrolls again.

"Holy crap this is insanely broken! It's like the code is glitched!"

As I was screaming how overpowered this skill made me, my sister had just finished pulling the car into the driveway. With the car now in park she turned to me with a serious expression. "Explain. Now."

"Before I do that, Rip this scroll and say system." I passed her the scroll that I pulled from the inventory and she took it.

"If you weren't literally pulling things in and out of nothing I would call you crazy. Here goes nothing."

Lyra ripped the scroll in half and then the light appeared and was absorbed by her. She said system and gasped at what she saw. "Is this what you saw when you stopped the car?"

"Yours will be different than mine but yes that pop up window is what I saw. Come to the backyard with me."

I got out of the car and went through the house to the backyard and my sister followed after me slowly. She was still enraptured by her system.

At the back door I pointed to my small crater that I had dug up. "This is what I spent the day doing, and that's probably why I smell. Come with me."

"Holy shit no wonder you stank, how long did it take you to do this?" The pit was about 3 meters wide in a rough circle shape and was close to 5 feet deep.

"I left in the first period and only finished a little bit before you called. This box is what I found, only it was over 5 times bigger in the ground, it shrank after I pulled it up."

Lyra crouched down to check out the box and gasped when she saw the interior. "If this is real do you have any idea how much it costs? We could be rich if this is solid gold."

I laughed at her comments. "I just got a magical system that can make basically anything, I am not concerned about money at all."

"I guess that makes sense. So what about that shattering sound, and what happened to your hand."

"Ah yes that, I had to cut my hand in order to break some kind of seal on the box. It wouldn't move at first, then when I pulled on it with my bleeding hand it moved and then that sound happened."

"That's wild, what about this box was so special I wonder."

"The box probably isn't that important, the item inside of it was probably what whoever buried this was trying to protect. It was a small vial that I drank, it changed my body and created this system I think."

Lyra looked up from the box and turned to me. "What do you mean? So you drank a strange liquid you found in a gold box after digging all day. Are you crazy? What if it did something bad to you?"

I pulled off my shirt. "This is what it did to me, I got surprise muscles and a badass system. I'm like halfway to a god at this point, there isn't much I can't do right now."

"Oh great, just what I need, my loner brother has now developed a god complex."

"No god complex here, I know I'm still human. I can just make any object I have the knowledge of, create any knowledge to learn, store anything I want. Also anything I store I get 99 of, so not a god but not super far away from that."

"Holy crap! Your system gave you all that!? Mine just shows me what my strength, dexterity, stamina, constitution, intelligence and wisdom stats are. All of them are 1"

"Wait, you get stats with your system?! I just have a skills list with the four I got from the potion and one from the scroll I learned."

"I ignored this due to how crazy everything else was but how is your hand?"

I pulled the bandage off to show her the wound but stopped. "It healed… How weird."

She walked over beside me to see for herself. There was no cut on my hand but the bandage had dried blood on it so it was obviously cut earlier. "Wow, I guess godly powers are on their way. Remember what Spiderman says, with great power comes great responsibility. So you better get ready to start saving the world."

"Ugh I hope I don't have to, but it really does seem like I am going to be some kind of main character now doesn't it."

"Sure does, now you should make me a few things. But first, catch."

She threw the golden box at me. "Store this for now, you don't need to leave around magical treasures for anyone to take."

"Good point. Anyways I am going to shower and then hop on WAW with the guys. Make a list of the scrolls you want me to make, I'm not making anything beauty related or crazy overpowered at this point so don't go too crazy."

"Alright, don't forget to fill in your hole before mom and dad come back from their trip."

Don't worry I won't, Store Item." the chest vanished into thin air.

"Wow, that is definitely going to take some getting used to." Lyra walked to the house and I followed her in.

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