This story is set in Harry & Draco’s 4th year. The TriWizard Tornument happens but voldermort was killed in 3rd year so he will not be showing up throughout this series
The day started out as a normal day like any other for they young Harry Potter. Well, as normal as any day in a magical wizarding school would be.
Harry and his two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley we're walking to class together in their group as usual. Harry was on the end, Hermione in the middle and Ron on the opposite end.
Harry was talking to his friends but he was so induced and interested in the conversation that he didn't realise the fact that he was going to walk smack bang into someone until...
Harry bumped right into someone's chest and fell back onto the floor, his already broken glasses flying of his face and cracking a little from the impact.
As soon as Harry regained his composter he blinked a few times and realised his glasses were missing.
It then took him a few more seconds to realise that he had bumped into someone a few moments before and he started talking really fast and nervously as his hands moved all around him searching for his glasses.
"Oh my! I am terribly sorry!" He says fast and nervously as he continues to search for them.
As for the boy who Harry has bumped into, he knelt down to pick up Harry's glasses and he leaned towards Harry placing them firmly back onto Harry's face.
"Thank yo-" Harry went to say before his eyes looked up and he could see who it was who he had bumped into and who had helped him he blushed furiously since he was so close to his face.
"C-Cedric." Harry said nervously as Cedric stood up straight and chuckled as Harry nervously let out out. "Oh Merlin. I'm so so sorry."
He couldn't believe what he'd done. He'd bumped into Cedric Diggory. The 6th year sweet heart and heartthrob. And one of the guys Harry had a huge, huge, huge crush on.
Yes, I said one of them. Harry also has a mega crush on someone else, but right now that didn't matter since he was face to face with Cedric.
Cedric looked at him and spoke up. "It's quite alright Harry. No need to apologise. Accidents happen."
Harry had developed his huge crush on Cedric during his Quidditch match last year.
What Harry has no idea about though, was that Cedric had liked Harry since that match as well.
"Here. I'll help you up." Cedric said as he held his hand out for Harry to get up easier.
Harry took a deep breath as he composed himself. He told himself in his mind that he didn't need to get worked up about this, Cedric was just being helpful, he doesn't intentionally want to grab your hand.
Harry then reached over a bright blush spread across his cheeks as he grabbed Cedric's hand and huge electric wave shot through both Harry and Cedric's bodies.
None the less Harry tried to ignore to and stood up. "T-Thank you." Harry said accidentally stuttered our and cursed himself under his breath for stuttering."
The two boys were still holding hands even though Harry has stood up now.
Cedric seemed to noticed and let go of his hand rubbing his neck nervously. "Don't mention it." Cedric said with a shrug and a faint blush.
Harry then quickly walked over to his friends since he was too nervous to be there any longer.
As Harry left Cedric just watched him a faint smirk hovering across his lips. The others butt bounced slightly as he quickly went over to his friends and Cedric couldn't help but stare before snapping out of it after a while and hurrying away.
"Are you alright Harry?" Hermione asked before seeing the crack in Harry's glasses and she sighs. "You need to stop breaking the glasses." She said with a soft giggle as he she got out her wand and pointed it to Harry's glasses. "Oculus Repairo." He says as Harry's glasses fix.
She then puts her wand away as she begins talking again. "Me and Ronald planned to walk over and help you out but it looked like Cedric had the whole situation under control so we decided to just wait here till you retuned." She said smiling softly as the group began walking once again.
"I'm perfectly fine Mione, and thanks for fixing my glasses again. I really need to learn that spell for myself." He says with a soft chuckle before he looks at the clock on the wall.
"Oh shoot. We better get going to class before Snape takes away a hundred something points from Gryffindor." Harry says which causes both Ron and Hermione to chuckle.
The group of friends then started walking a little faster towards the potions classroom but Harry once again made the mistake of getting too engrossed in their conversation and walked smack bang into someone, this time though, luckily his glasses stayed firmly on his face.
As he looked up he had seen who he had bumped into this time.
Draco Malfoy. And Harry has a bad feeling that Draco was going to be pissed now.
Draco looked at Harry and glared at him. "What the actual Merlin Potter. What where the hell are you going?!" He says startled and slightly angered.
Harry didn't exactly pay attention to what Draco was saying though. He was too busy looking at Draco, which, by the way, happened to Harry's other crush.
Harry has no idea why he liked Draco. He knew he was a little git and an annoying swine but he was just so hot.
Draco was Harry's four year crush, and once again Harry has no idea that Draco had had a huge crush on Harry since around the same time as well.
When Harry was given the choice to be in Gryffindor or Slytherin the only reason he'd chosen Gryffindor was because he couldn't keep his cool around Draco and didn't think he'd be able to control himself if he shared a dormitory and a common room with him.
Harry was blushing a dusty pink ad he quickly stood up and moved away. "S-Sorry Malfoy." Harry said as he ended up stuttering once again.
Draco looked at Harry and raised an eyebrow from Harry's stuttering. He decided not to start a fight. "Mmhm. Just don't let it happen again Potter." Draco said rolling his eyes playfully and entering the potions classroom with his two best friends Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini.
Harry quickly got back over to Hermione and Ron.
Ron has his arms crossed but was chuckling. "Bloody hell mate." He said through laughs. "What the hell is up with you and bumping into people today?"
Harry smiles and rolled his eyes as he chuckles himself. "I have no idea Ron. No idea at all."
The three friends then walked into the potions classroom chuckling at what Harry has gotten himself into today.