
My head hurts

ahhh, why does my head hurt so much, that god damn car wasn't it just about to hit me, waitttt a minute why am I in a room with a bunch kids? At the same time a bunch of memory's started to flash through mind screamed out cause it was too god damn painful at the same time some of the kid got up one said in a low voice a " are you crazy shut up" but I wasn't paying too much attention to whoever that was, I was in too much pain to give a fuck about which bastard said that but I still tried to suppress my voice at night I don't want to get whupped by my mom, oh wait I don't have one anymore .

even though it was painful I gritted my teeth ass i remember what my mom said " girls don't like winy guy "[ you now am still kinda mad why do they like bad guys like I'm a good guy like me I am desperate like fuck I give you what you need any way back to me being in pain sigh] it lasted for 2 minute, that was painful he said to himself ,after the pain was gone he started to get excited 'fuck yes' I just got freaking transferred . as I look through my memories I realized that my life is not that bad I'm an orphan my name wang lie and I am 10 and I got an awaken ceremony tomorrow god dammit who write the scrips

sorry had to cut this short because of technical problems

nicalust27creators' thoughts