

Disgraced in life and tossed unfortunately into death. Looked upon like a set value of data he looks back without blinking. He is bound to follow the set pattern with no hope of trying to fight for a life he wants. Hope is desired greedily by all, but in life it's those who don't expect it that receive the worlds blessing. Watch as a man inherits the throne of Oz a mysterious being who set aside a fortune for a hopeless being. Reborn, he fights wildly against every kind of beast as he tries to make sure he never looks on with regret. As blood taints his soul will the end be worth the method? He shall rise slowly upon this small and narrow rope towards the ends his belief will take him

1mmortal_Azure · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Meeting and death.

I kept walking endlessly through the various corridor's and hidden passages. I felt that I was getting closer yet the constant ticking of the reward I got from the last quest kept making me sweat and become agitated. I stopped killing low level mobs and only the stronger ones I met died under my sword. Even with my enhanced body and level I needed sleep after about a day and half after continuous fighting and walking. Yet I still kept moving forward. My eyes had become bloodshot yet it made my evil charm even more dashing almost causing a fear effect on some of the mobs. I extremely low levels of electricity to keep myself alert and thus I continued. What I didn't know was that some of my skills could increase with level with continuous use. In novels some had this feature others didn't and games were very blank in those kinds of things so I was happy. My lightning shot and area stun increased by a level due to my greater control of electric element. I also in my free time experimented with rolling tides as it seemed extremely useful. I sighed and said "I wish there was some music. This whole thing would be better with it. Especially my battles it would be awesome!"

[User this feature can be given for one skill point.]

I was suprised yet shook my head "Skill points are too useful I can't waste them. If it was stat points I would have some room to talk, but not skill points"

[Reconfiguring... User can exchange 1 stat point for Battle music, grind music.]

I smiled and said "Thank you! Please do so." Soon a additional panel appeared in my status.


All music user had heard in his life has been accumulated and a playlist has been made.

Automated or manual?

I said "Automated."

Epic Music plays.

I turned red as the song hit my head. Excitement flashed as I recollected where I heard this song. One of my favorite movies when the main character became a man from a child. As he stood up for what he believed in and everyone else joined him. He was a revolutionary fighting for good things when no one else would fight the bad and corrupt. I lamented "I used to want to be that guy. The good guy... the river who makes a difference who sperates from the sea, but in the end it never happened. I just got hit and I hit back. There were no badass plays in my life like him. I was just a kid playing around. Now that I think about it I hated how I played my life not the things I did, but the way I reacted and felt towards those things. This life I wont be a good guy either, but I will separate from the sea."

I began to run towards the throbbing sensation in my head. As I ran the wind that followed put out the torches making darkness paint the tunnel.

I walked slowly through the dark my sword was dragged on my shoulder and when I checked my stats again I saw two red eyes with two dazzling silver iris. Suddenly like an explosion of sensations I felt the throbbing in my head become as strong as possible.

I saw a group of 6. Three men. One was burly with thick silver and gold armor he had a buzz cut hairdo and a long sword and shield. Another man had a cyan hood on and a pair of circular glasses my held a book with a crystal on the cover with streams designs. The last guy had a figure like me and wore beautiful red armor that was by far the best quality I had ever seen he also held a long sword colored in the same red. The last guy had long beautiful golden hair that made his gentleman suave aura even more dashing. The other three were women or rather girls. One who was close to the long haired guy had bright red hair and a skimpy battle suit a mix of fashion and Defence. Another had long green pigtails red skin and some thin clothes and a dagger in hand. The final girl drew my attention the most. I smiled evilly as I saw her. The subtle connection between us was fate.

The group had noticed me as my monster core that I had been suppressing accidentally released all my aura and the long haired man said as he pointed towards me "Who are you?" He seemed a bit fearful. The rest of the group similarily looked in apprehension. The final girl who had long pink hair and a ghostly like aura said as he pulled her glasses up "That's... That's..." The girl in skimpy clothes shouted "Who!?" The girl with pink hair said "My summon..." Her voice was extremely unsure. The green pig tailed girl said annoyed "What!? Thats your summon? If you can summon something so strong what the fuck have we been doing this whole time?" The pink haired girl said "I dont know? I definitely can't summon a creature like that... It must have evolved somehow, but I've never seen a monster like that..." The long haired man said "It dosent matter as long as it's your summon. Command it. With it it'll be much easier to beat this dungeon." The pink haired girl nodded and tried something as she closed her eyes. I heard whispers in my head the whispers hurt like lashings. The whisper was "Obey your master! Kneel!" My intelligence was too high for her whispers to do anything other than be annoying but I listened as I had a battle plan.

I kneeled. The man in armor smiled and went forward he had a arrogant expression on his face. I heard the boy in a cyan cloak say as he shook his head "That idiot. He always likes to abuse stronger people." The red haired girl laughed "It dosent matter thats her summon what can he do?" The green haired girl said "I hope he doesn't do too much he's humanoid and handsome..." The red haired girl said with a disgusted face "Fucking sick bitch! If it wasn't for Vance see what I would do to you!" The long haired boy I guessed was Vance was looking at the pink haired girl who had scrunched up brows he asked "What's wrong?" She said without moving her eyes away "Something seems wrong with my summon..."

As soon as the burly man came in front of me. He pulled my head up with his hand. He was about to slap me, but I flashed him a smile and raised my brows. The burly man must have felt intense danger, but it was too late.

The pink haired girl widened her eyes as she saw me split the burly man open. From shock to horror. I slowly stood up and licked the blood on me. I did this to create fear the greatest debuff. Yet the blood tasted extremely delicious like Brandy. It was disillusioning of my past experiences.

I slowly began to walk and to increase the fear I emitted I released the most distinct parts of my monster aura as much as I could then I began to hum slightly a very creepy song from my world. My red eyes followed them creepily.

A few feet away from the receding group I said in my deep yet quiet and charming voice to the pink haired girl "Found you. Hehe." My soft voice was like cold chains on their mental states. Their eyes dilated.

[User has created a fear effect. Due to users smart actions passive skill Fear monger.]

The red haired girl exclaimed "Lila control your fucking summon!"

The pink haired girl who was Lila said "I can't! I don't know whats going on!"

I said as I clicked my heels on the brick ground "Lila? Nice name. I'll remember you."

In my elation I had rushed in and realized my mistake. I quickly used appraisal.

Name: Vance

Race: Human (lvl 2)

Class:Swordsman(subclass-Speed demon.) layer 1.

Spirit contact: Despair spirit (lvl 3)

Hp: 25/25

Mp: 10/20

Str: 18

Def: 40

Int: 10

Agi: 60

Name: Eli

Race: Human (lvl 1)

Class: Mage (subclass- Ice) layer 1.

Spirit contact: Ice spirit (lvl 2)

Hp: 12/12

Mp: 30/30

Str: 9

Def: 10

Int: 10

Agi: 10

Name: Lila.

Race: Rabbit Demon elf (lvl 2)

Class: Mage(Sub-class- Undead summoner) layer 1.

Hp: 17/17

Mp: 30/30

Str: 17

Def: 10

Int: 16

Agi: 40

Name: Sara.

Race: Succubus - demon (lvl 1)

Class: Assassin(subclass- Thief.) layer 1.

Hp: 14/14

Mp: 20/20

Str: 4

Def: 4

Int: 3

Agi: 40

Name: Ali.

Race: Red dragon (Human disguise.) lvl 3

Class: Fighter(subclass- Brawler.) layer 1.

Hp: 50/50

Mp: 60/60

Str: 50

Def: 50

Int: 50

Agi: 50

I opened my eyes wide and my jaw fell. 'I could understand the others! The demons a bit weird but ok, but a fucking dragon! Okay... okay calm down. Now man what kind of bullshit is this? Its at level 3 and has more stats than me at level 6 what kind of unfair shit is this?'

[User although dragons are one of the top monster races. Your race is most probably the strongest at your current Evolutionary tier. Other races have a limit yet you dont with everything is mine.]

I nodded even though I felt it was a bit too unfair to monster kind I held it in. 'System what are sprit contracts?'

[Humans and elves and the such since they do not posses Evolutions of monsters nor the innate physical and magical capabilities they form bonds with spirits to increase their battle strength.]

I got ready to fight. First of all I needed to kill my summoner then the dragon the rest will be easy.

I cast area stun and then used earth bullet and shot myself at Lila. I tried to slice down, but suddenly a hot sensation gripped my heart. I immediately moved away using my sword as a pivot. 'That fucking dragon!'

I saw the dragon look at me with a playful and arrogant look she said "I felt you were stronger is that all?"

I smiled and said "I was just testing the field. How did you break out of Area stun that fast?*

She said as she showed a tattoo "Negates Electric attacks weaker than the one who gave me this."

I sighed and said "You should have just let me kill them. As a fellow monster I would have considered letting you go."

The rest of the group who had now gotten free of area stun were shocked. I smiled like a child. 'It worked. Regardless of what you do humans and demons look at monsters differently. Become splintered and let your father kill you.'

Ali said while grinding her teeth "We'll talk about it later!"

The group nodded yet there was visible changes in the foundation of theirs.

[Quest upgraded.

Quests: Free yourself: You are currently the summoned creature of a mage. Kill the mage and her party and acquire your freedom.

Rewards- 15 stat points, 4 skill points, Title: Misfit, Fire affinity, red dragon king blood extracted from red dragon, spirit cores, Ice affinity, summon skill, steal skill, silent (passive skill).

Penalty: Sentencing to Oblivion such is the fate of the summoned.

Side Quest: The puppeteer: Break the group from the inside out. Make them turn on each other or sacrifice each other for their own good.

Reward- Left Eye of Lies , Ring of treasure.

Side Quest: The lies: Unravel the red dragons presence in this group.

Reward: Right eye of truth, Infinite Top quality pet food(Very nutritious.)]

'I expected the change in the first quest, but these side missions... I like the rewards I guess, but what the fuck is with the pet food?'

I put away any unnecessary thoughts and began to examine all sorts of odd knowledge I had in my head about dragons in fantasy Novels and movies.

First although Dragons were considered monsters races likes humans, elves and the such all consider dragons allies. This is mostly due to their wisdom, but there are few dragons in the worlds I have read about because Dragons like all monsters to other races are materials. Dragons have either maintained a fury or an misguided affection for humans and the such. There are also dragons who are the children of the other races and this type of dragons are typically used by people due to their power. There are dragons who teach other races. Although Im not sure of this worlds exact treatment of dragons most of the general stuff should fit.

I said playfully "Dragon are you with these humans, elves, and demons for revenge for your kin? Do they wear your brothers and sisters as their armor? Do they use your ancestors bones as weapons? Is that why you are here? Or... perhaps is it love? Do you accept these scavengers for love? Do you share your knowledge so that they will love you? Are you the child of a dragon and human? Is that why you intermingle? What is it that makes the so called powerful and proud dragons demonstrate themselves as these lower beings?"

Ali's nose flared in agitation she shouted "Enough lets work together to kill him!"

Eli shouted "No! Why are you here!? You shitty monster how dare you! Tell us why you entered our lives?!"

Vance shouted "Eli shut up!"

Eli looked at Vance and said in a self depreciating way "What your highness am I not allowed to show my disgust and hate in your almighty presence? Dragons killed my family! They talk good and get peace treaties, but in the end they are monsters! Its your family that allows these sick breeds!"

Ali looked disgustingly at Eli and said "Regardlessly separated we can't beat this thing!"

I hadn't expected this turn out, but I couldn't say I was suprised. Dragons when young would probably go and kill indiscriminately to assert their dominance, even among monsters they are war like. Although Dragons are said to be knowledge seekers they are also pretentious and seek to show their power. 'This is good, but it isnt enough. Think dragons! Dragons what are their reasons for entering society? Dragon Royals do it to get experience... No! That doesn't seem like it furthermore shes just an ordinary Red dragon appraisal should give me further information on their race. Love? No can't be she doesn't show any signals of being attracted. Even in battle she should keep an unconscious note on their love. Royalty? If she has the baby of that guy Vance since he's a prince or something the relationship between the other races and dragons can be arranged under the table. Possibly. Fuck man! System use 5 points of intelligence." With a buzz I felt more analytical, yet I was in agitation. 'System?! How can I possibly guess the reason she's infiltrating the other races. Theres so many possibilities and it might not be the most likely one!'

[System believes in user!]

'Ugh... I love you, but I hate you system!'

Left with no choice as to what to do I kept observing not only the dragon, but those around her. The Succubus seemed uncaring of the situation and looked at me with sharp eyes looking to see my every action I could feel small sensations happening as I gazed upon her red skin and her perky curves. I guessed that she was trying to use charm on me, but because of my level or intelligence its not working. Lila was concerned with the situation and trying to keep it steady, probably her fear of me is driving her actions. That guy Vance seems sketchy when I made everyone know she was a dragon he seemed to not be shocked. Eli seems to not only be breaking down because of the fact that dragons killed his family there seems to be an anger a melancholy. 'Was he in love with her?'

Vance seems like the most appropriate connection to jot down. 'First something's been bugging me. Those two guards were this dudes backup yet they were super weak. Like shit weak. He said this was a dungeon like I guessed so theres only one possibility I could think off. Sacrificial wards to take the bosses aggro. Is the dragon in his service? I mean of course this guy could defend himself, but against a boss with this party excluding the dragon nah. If he didn't know she was a dragon he should have brought some real guards yet he didn't. He knew she was a dragon, yet theres no affection towards each other so its not that she loves him. Resources? Maybe, but dragon habitats are naturally more perverse in resources and stuff. Unlikely. Hm those garbs? Appraisal.'

Brawler dress.


Material's:Red dragon fetus core, Red dragon scales, elf cores, demon horns.

Description:A dress made by the remains to the dead.

Blood diamond armor.

Owner: Vance.

Material's: Crystalized energy containing negativity.

Description:A armor made from the condensation of depravity, hate, broken love, betryal and other horrid emotions.

'Could it be?'

I shouted "You demon Succubus! Tell me how long have you known these two?"

Sara looked confused and replied "A month or so."

I shifted my gaze to Eli he didn't want to talk, but said "Same."

I wasn't sure. I mean although it was smart I guess it seemed like too much of a waste of time. Still I had nothing else.

I said as I pointed at Ali and Vance "You two you work together. You either work together to kill the dragons own kind or you play with a group like this. You make them fall in love with one of you and then kill them, betray them... You get the materials you get the negative emotions needed to make your armor. That's why you have a Despair spirit. You make people suffer from killing unborn children, to your own kind, to your allies and the ones who love you. Am I right?"

Vance and Ali looked shocked for a moment and then came back to normal. Vance said "We need to kill this monster. Regardless of what Ali is this things 10x worse!"

I looked blankly at Vance and said "It's true?"


[Side quest: The lies: Mission completed. Reward will be saved for free time.]

I said in awe "Man I was reaching. I thought you had come for resources and stuff guess I was right."

I looked at Eli and said "Did you think that you were in love? Did you think you would have some friends? They want your rage, your heartbreak, your despair. If it wasn't for you being human you'd be on that dress of hers."

I looked at Sara and said "You are a Succubus you live off having control, but what happens when that constant shifts. When you think you had been using others they had truly been using you what is it? Depravity, self doubt, insanity."

I pointed at Ali and Vance and said "They who use your trust, who look at you as just resources. They who wear your brothers and sisters as clothes! Those who kill children just like how those you loved had been killed unjustly will you let them breathe? Will you lose control and be tossed into chaos or will you stand firm as they attack you from the shadows! Let them know the consequences!"

[User has unlocked title "Voice of the people."]

Eli who had been on the verge of shattering from these new revelations stood up. His eyes were colored in a chilly frost as he said "My family and countless others have died to people like you. Even if I'm weak I won't just sit idly by anymore. Frué come out and fuse with me! Blizzard!" Eli summoned his spirit a large ice creature with a face that looked like a jack o lantern. He then opened his book and pulled out a long white came and cast a spell.

Sara was also contemplating what she should do and although she seemed a bit uncomfortable she didn't do anything.

I sighed 'Demons will be demons. I hated the prejudice they got, but guess it was somewhat fair.'

[Side quest: The puppeteer: Mission completed. Rewards available when free.]

I rushed towards Lila as she was my main priority. She saw me coming and fear covered her. She waved her hand and the ring on her finger buzzed and Skelton soldiers and generals came out. I jumped up and used their heads to move forward I pressed hard each time destroying their skulls. I held my sword high and sliced down. Lila summoned a thick bone cage that tried to stop my sword, yet with my stength it shattered easily. Lila was split open.

I didn't stop there I raced towards Sara. She cast fireballs at me. I shot earth bullets which easily cancelled her fireballs and pushed her back. As I got closer something came out of the ground and was about to pierce me. Parry! It was her tail and the parry pushed me off the ground slightly. I was distracted and lost track of her. Suddenly a sharp dagger came at my neck. Fear stuck me, but I couldn't do anything she had wrapped onto me and I was in midair. She slashed yet only a light cut was there. I smiled and shouted in elation "Earth armor!"

I controlled Lighting strike to come off my back. Manipulating these attacks to do different things like small powered shocks in my body and earth bullet to fill up a whole took more Mana and were harder to do, but not impossible. She felt the full power of my lightning strike and fell. She somehow survived if barely. I struck my sword in her chest and she was dead.

I looked over at Eli he was surprisingly pushing those two back. I ran crushing the ground as I exerted my strength. I passed Eli and spun to gain momentum and cut at Ali. She was already working around Blizzard and I came up behind her she wasn't prepared. A long and deep cut was made on her back where there wasn't any armor. Vance sent a ghostly looking cackling skull at me I receded, but managed to cut of Ali's arm. Explosion! The skull broke open like a grenade.

Vance looked at Ali's deplorable state and said "Transform. You can't control your fire in human form."

Ali was biting her lip due to the pain and said to me "You fucker! I'll kill you and wear you as my coat!"

Suddenly a fire storm consumed her and a long and big red arm appeared out. A dragon head with many long spikes at the pack like a burnt forest. The dragon was only a few inches smaller than the corridor. Suddenly a large stream of fire came out of the dragons mouth trying to drown me and Eli. I could survive, but it would hurt like fuck. I tried to make a earth wall with earth bullet, but it was even harder than manipulating electric element. Eli came in front of me suddenly. He impaled himself with the staff and shouted "Ice world! Devour that which denies me!"

The fire trying to consume us stopped and the dragon was covered in ice. Eli was visibly aging. Mind you Eli was young 14 maybe yet he suddenly had wrinkles and grey hair.

Eli lost balance I caught him his weak and light body seemed to want to slip past my hands yet I gripped tightly.

Eli looked at me and smiled and said in a old and raspy voice "Thanks for letting me be a human in my last moments. For letting me clear the slate and make amends."

I stayed silently as he continued.

Eli looked up at the torches still sending its orange tints to color the world and said "Do you think there's a next life? I was always at that question yet no answer presented itself to me."

I chuckled "Yeah there is. You'll be in a room with structure unimaginable so perfect and intricate you would feel drawn to it out of Primordial curiosity. There will be a perfect looking person who you can't see the face of. It will tell you a story so similar yet so distant. You will see how much brightness you brought and how much darkness. Then that's up to you."

Eli looked at me and took a deep breath and said "Is that so... Haha. I look forward to it. What's your name?"


"Nice name. Im..."

"I know."

"Is that so... Well goodbye Adrian."

"Goodbye Eli."

His life faded. I had decided to humor him in his last moments why? I dont know... I just felt it would be nice to have that done to me.

Out of the bits and pieces of Ice a sound of rumbling emerged a weak looking Red dragon. Shivering and frightened. Placing Eli slowly on the ground I stood up and sprinted towards Ali.

"Stop please! I'll give you anything you want!" Ali said as she saw me coming.

She tried to move back, but she couldn't pull herself completely out of the ice with her weak body.


Ali's great dragon head fell.

I just remembered Vance. Suddenly a sword pierced me. I turned my head and saw Vance smiling.

I used Skelton dance and managed to kick him off landing a heavy blow on his stomach.

He didn't stop though he sped at me and tried to stab me again. Parry! I managed to parry him and then returned a strike.

He parried and moved back. He looked at me and laughed "Heaviness style?"

I didn't respond yet got in sword stance. Vance didn't care about swordsman ship and sent another ghostly skull. I sent a Lightning strike. An explosion shook the ground. I sent another and another lightning strike. A few struck Vance, but his armor was too strong. Vance summoned his spirit. A figure wearing a black hood holding an executioner blade. The figure melded into Vance's armor making it shine like the beautiful diamond it was. He slammed his sword on the ground and waves of impure and volatile energy erupted. I dodged them easily yet Vance had been luring me and tried to strike me. I used Max Invulnerability. Cling his sword was deflected as was the evil energy that surrounded it. I took this opportunity to try my new skill Rolling tides. Along with sword styles I used Rolling tides. Clang! My sword hit his yet I didn't stop I twisted my body and went for another strike from above. Clang! He blocked it again. I repeated again and again. Each time the force multiplied. I did it again and this time his sword broke as did mine. It was amazing my sword could do that much. I grabbed Vance's head and used Lightning strike again and again and again until his brain turned to mush.

[Main mission: Free yourself: Mission completed. Rewards added. Host is recommended to rest immediately although the attack you received before was light the negative energies contained in his strike and sword are trying to destroy your organs.]

I agreed, but used devour and Everything is mine on everyone including Eli.

I got under a few broken boulders and slept.

I woke up feeling amazing.

I opened my status.

Name: Adrian Thomas

Titles: Oz(Locked), Voice of the people, Misfit.

Class: Swordsman(Sub-class Overlord) 1st layer.

Race: Fiend of nowhere lvl 11

Status: Alive.

HP: 112/112

Mp: 122/122: Affinity: Earth, Electric, fire, Ice.



Int:109+5 from devour(Refers to how fast User can understand and use information. Important in spell casting.)


Items:Egg of loyal friend, 5x mid level stength potions, 19x low level magic potions, 5 low level stamina potions, food, water, steel gold armor(damaged), Red dragon king blood(consumable), Ice spirit core, despair spirit core, Ring of treasures, pet foodx ???, Left eye of lies(Implant?), Right eye of truth(Implant?)

Skills-•Everything belongs to me (lvl 3)

•Skelton dance (lvl 5)

•Parry (lvl 4)

•[Passive] Appraisal

•[Passive] Devour

•[Passive] Earth armor

•Camouflage (lvl 6)

•Earth bullet (lvl 4)

•Lightning strike (lvl 3)

•Area stun (lvl 6)

•Weapon mastery (Lvl 3)

•Max Invulnerability (lvl 1)

•Fire fist (Lvl 1)

•Rolling tides (lvl 1)

•Steal (lvl 1)

•[Passive] silent

•[Passive] fear monger

•Summon lvl 1

Skill points: 9

Stat points: 20

I felt my head going full explosion. "What the fuck is this?! Im op AF! Fiend of nothingness you are supreme. I bow before your supreme."

There was a lot to check so I started from the top. My titles.

Title:voice of the people

Description: Every revolution needs a spark, a push. You are the voice that forces that revolution even when corruption runs rampant and fear is worn on every persons chest.

Feature: Your words are 40% more likely to be agreed with and followed.

You are able to enlighten the people.

You are able to break through lies that have been cemented in people's lives.

You are loved by everything 70% more.

2% chance those who listen to your words are completely loyal to you.

You have a responsibility to those who follow your words.

More to be unlocked...

Title: Misfit

Description: The rules are for fools.

Features: Skills that influence your mind are ineffective.

Items and forces that restrict you such as soul contracts are ineffective.

Formations, runes and most debuffs are reduced in effect by 50%.

You are 10% more likely to attract attention both good and bad.

More to be unlocked...

They both have their uses. Voice of the people means In deals or exchanges I'll have more opportunities and forming relationships with allies. Misfit is really good, but that last one... its fine its pretty good anyway. I wonder what that title Oz is though well whatever.

'System what is the dragon blood for.'

[User the Red dragon king blood is used for many purposes. One is to purify your race to enhance your Evolution. Two to strengthen your body, soul etc. Third to gain the inheritance of the Red dragon king (Note to do this User must be a dragon or the Red dragon king an immortal being must be killed.) There are many other uses, but those are the ones used primarily.]

'The Red dragon king is an immortal?'


'Is that a big deal?."

[For your current level yes. In reality no.]


Next I looked at the eyes with the extra detail implant.

Left eye of Lies.(Unbreakable)

The left eye of a primordial being who manipulated the rules to his advantage. Attached to your soul.

Functions: Massive increase to Intelligence.

You can change your appearance to perfection, invisibility.

You can shift the environment to suit you and you can take away the advantages of your enemies making them yours.[Requires alot of intelligence.]

More to be unlocked.

Right eye of Truth.(Unbreakable.)

The Right eye of a Primordial being who Unraveled the mysteries of origin and end. Attached to your soul.

Functions: Massive increase to Intelligence.

You are able to see through lies and find threads connecting to the truth.

Any technique can be mastered instantly and you are more suitable to enhance techniques.

More to be unlocked.

My mouth agape I said almost instantly "Implant!"

[Commencing Implantation of the eyes. Host will face endless torture for 1 day or 10000 years asleep. Please don't break down.]

"Wait what?!"