


Only a day before the shoot for GM's commercial, Ame is ready to sign the contract accompanied by Haru.

"Why don't you get an assistant?" Haru suggested.

"I am in the middle of looking for one." Ame explained.

"Shouldn't your agency be the one handling those matters?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"Well I haven't signed with the agency I contacted yet. We have a meeting today actually."

"Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked.

"It's okay. You're probably busy anyway.

"Not really. Plus I want to take you to the company after."

Forgot to mention...

Sasaki Haru, male, 26 years old, CEO of Tech.Co. The hottest software app nationwide. Their company has been going on for almost a decade and its profits are at their peak when Haru took over due to his creative and innovative plans and projects upheld. He has been in charge of the company for almost 2 years now.

He was talking about that company...

Back to the story...

"Oh, well okay then."

Haru drove to the agency's building. The director greeted them at the entrance and as they made their way to the director's office, everyone was hyped up in the office and chattered.

"Hey, isn't that Ame? The one who retreated from the fashion industry? She's coming back?"

"Who's the guy with her? He seems familiar."

"Looks like a typical rich heir to me."

"You think they're in a relationship?"

"Gossip alert!"

Their chatter made Ame uncomfortable. Noticing her expression, Haru placed an arm around her by the waist. "Ms. Akiyama, pardon me for asking, but is this a workplace or a farmer's market? I really think you need to do a lot of employee replacements after this." He said as he glanced around the office.

Everyone fell silent and hid behind their own cubicles. Seeing his piercing eyes and cold expression towards them, they couldn't do anything but keep silent and go on with their work.

Ame couldn't help but smile as she put an arm around his waist as they continued on to the director's office.


Ame and Rika chatted away as Haru was focused in reading the contract on his hands. Word per word, he scanned for faults.

"Don't worry Mr. Sasaki, there's nothing wrong with the contract. We aren't that kind of agency. And even if we were planning something, we wouldn't dare!" Rika said jokingly as she giggled. As did Ame.

"So you're saying you did plan something?" Haru said, unfazed.

"I--No, what I mean is..."

"Stop it Haru! Are you trying to give them a reason to treat me badly?" Ame said with an awkward laugh as he held his hand.

"Oh, they wouldn't dare!" Haru said followed by Rika's infinite nods and an awkward smile. Ame sighed and laughed at the same time.


"We're here." Haru said as he drove the car to the underground parking lot. He got out and opened the door for Ame. Haru took out a card from his pocket, swiped it on a sensor in the elevator, and they entered the elevator straight to the top floor of the eight-story building.

"Whenever you come here, take this elevator. It's a private elevator only we have access to." He said as he handed her the card he used.

She kept the card and held his hand.

In the CEO's office...

She watched as Haru as he worked. He was so focused on his work. 'He's charming, even when he's working' She didn't notice she has already been staring.

"Enjoying the view?" Haru smirked, not taking his eyes of the documents he's been reading through.

"Ahh, err..." She couldn't say anything. She immediately stood up, flustered, and stiffly walked away. Haru watched as she walked away and laughed to himself. 'How cute'

She walked to a shelf filled with binders. She took one and read through it. It turns out, all of those were projects that the company have worked on. Softwares like messaging applications, simulation and RPG games and so many more, that were created by he company. She was amazed, there were so many! And these were only created when Haru started taking over.

'Wow, they've done so much in such a short period of time.' She thought as she took another binder labeled as "RPG games".

"Hey! I remember playing this game! I played it with..." She stopped, and reminisced of that time. "Yuan..." She spaced out for while before she shook her head.

Haru heard her, but pretended like he didn't. He then stood up from his seat, walked up to her, hugged her with one arm from behind and took the binder from her hand with the other. He placed it back the shelf and led her to a shelf full of plaques in his office.

"What's this?" She asked. He pushed the shelf and it revolved between the walls. A secret room!

"Whoa!" She gasped as she entered, he followed and closed the shelf behind them. The room was half the size of his office, still huge though. Inside was a huge flat screen tv, a computer, and every gaming equipment you could ever think of. Virtual reality helmets, high quality headphones, all versions of xboxes, new and old, nintendos, wiis, playstations. Ame was astounded. Haru plugged in the playstation next to the tv and grabbed the controls. He sat down on the carpet and patted beside him. "Come on, let's play." He said as he handed the controller.

She smiled and took she controller from him, sat down beside him and they played together for a while. 'He must've heard' She thought as she laughed to herself.

"Why do you have all these gaming equipments lying around? All in a secret room in your office. Isn't this supposed to be a workplace?" She asked, still focused in playing the game.

"What do you think? We are a software company after all, and part of it is developing games. How do you propose, should we test out the games before we release them?" He answered.

"Oh yeah..." She realized the answer was quite obvious. Asking the question was pointless.

"I'm glad you're, even a little bit interested in what I do." He said, making her feel a little better about asking.

"You died!"

"Again?" She complained.

"You are terrible at video games."

"Oh, sorry to dissapoint, master of video games!"

"I kinda like that name. You can refer to me as master of video games from now on"

"No way!"


Pawther3creators' thoughts