
I Saw, I Learned, I Conquered

This story is only fictional. If there are similarities in the names of characters, places of events, or stories, it is a mere coincidence and there is no intentional element. Or maybe, there is. (ノ゚0゚)ノ~ ___________________ There was a boy, his name was Johan. He once had a terrific innate talent. His eyesight far exceeds human vision in general. Not only did he have extraordinary eyesight, but his excellent memory and reflexes also made him hailed as a genius. Bored that there was no rival at school, Johan started playing fps games, which was his forte due to his eyesight and reflexes. After graduating, his life began to change after learning that his eyesight had started to deteriorate. He tried to check with an ophthalmologist, but unexpectedly, the doctor said that his eyes could not be guaranteed to be healed even though using surgical methods. He started to lose confidence. And from then on, a series of misfortunes began to be encountered one after another. Accused of robbing by his uncle, went to jail for a month, then his parents divorced. He went to China with his mother to start a new life. And one day, he began to know the existence of supernatural and superpowers. How will Johan deal with those who have those powers when he is just an ordinary young man? Will Johan try to heal his eyes with the help of supernatural powers?

UltimateSenpai · สมัยใหม่
17 Chs

4. A Space Ability Is Dangerous If Not Used At The Right Time Or Right Place.


"A curse?"

"But, I saw no problem in his body."

"Yeah, maybe it's just a low-level curse. If it's not, he should have died a long time ago."

The person who told them the curse was a middle-aged man senior, his name was Wu Tian. He was wearing a modern set of clothes and his presence seemed to have blended with the modern world. If no cultivators recognize him or sense his strength, they would probably think he was just an ordinary uncle.

Others have known of his strength. Even though he wasn't a specialist with curses, he was very knowledgeable in that field.

"Just as I expected." Deadly Note blurted.

"What did you expect, fellow Daoist?"

"Did you know something, senior?"

The others asked, except Wu Tian and Great Master Profound Nirvana who seemed to understand something. Wu Tian only glanced at Deadly Note for a while, then said.

"You seem to be aware of his condition."

"Yeah, somehow. I've been watching him all day since he entered the competition. However, I wasn't sure at that time." Deadly Note nodded.

'Besides, I felt something strange about that kid when I saw his video. Moreover, after investigating his profile, I realized that something was amiss. Especially when his vision suddenly got a problem. That's why I came here to watch him with my own eyes.' He said inwardly. Then turned his head and asked a middle-aged man beside him. "Can I ask something, senior Tian?"

"I know what you want to ask. That little fellow, not only is he afflicted with a curse beyond his power, it's even a mid-grade curse that even I have no way to lift that curse."

Deadly Note and the others frowned. Even a low-tier cultivator couldn't withstand a mid-grade curse, let alone if it was mortal.

This time, a cyan-haired beauty who wore a black dress asked.

"If he's afflicted by a mid-level curse, why does he seem fine?"

The others also wondered. Johan isn't a cultivator. It's weird if he's still alive till now.

Wu Tian replied with a sigh.

"Because this type of curse is to change someone's fate. First, its strength lies in corroding one's luck. Once one's luck reaches below the limit, it will try to "accidentally" kill with a power beyond what the person affected by the curse can handle. It was a curse that people often used to kill without leaving evidence. I knew that it was a curse thanks to the knowledge from my master since I was inexperienced at that time."

Everyone felt an air of melancholy surrounding Wu Tian as if he had a bad experience with that type of curse. So everyone didn't ask why Wu Tian knew about that curse.

However, Lu Feng started to speak.

"You seem to understand that curse pretty well, senior."

Everyone looked at him with piercing glares which made Lu Feng shudder.

Wu Tian replied in a low voice.

"Well, that curse killed my junior long ago."

Lu Feng stiffened and could only apologize.

"My bad. I didn't mean to make you remember that, senior."

"No worries. Let bygones be bygones."

Fortunately, Wu Tian decided to let go, so everyone sighed in relief.

A cyan-haired beauty pointed at Johan below and asked again.

"Senior Wu Tian, you said if his luck falls below the limit, he will die, right? Does that mean he was just afflicted by a curse not long ago?"

At this time, Deadly Note spoke.

"I don't think so. I found out something abnormal happened to him more than a year ago. It was precisely when his sight suddenly deteriorated without reason and couldn't see anything clearly within 10cm of his eyes. It was posted on his site. After that, he went to jail for a month. However, I don't know why, after he got out of jail and his family had broken up afterward, his bad luck stopped."

Wu Tian held his chin while looking in Johan's direction.

"Hmmm, I don't know if sixth-rank cultivators can feel it. But, I felt a faint qi inside him. And it's not ordinary qi either. Most likely, that qi is suppressing the curse that should have killed him a long time ago."

Wu Tian was a seventh-rank cultivator, a Domain Lord. Everyone around him except for Great Master Profound Nirvana was cultivators below Wu Tian's rank.

Even with Wu Tian's rank barely able to sense it, it was not surprising that the other cultivators were unable to sense that qi.

Southern Vermillion exclaimed.

"Isn't he just an ordinary mortal? How could he have a qi to suppress that curse?"

Not only him, but even the others were also dumbfounded. Moreover, even if Johan was not mortal, with just a little amount of qi, he wouldn't be able to suppress that curse.

At that very moment, Great Master Profound Nirvana who knew something was about to explain it to them. However, everyone suddenly heard Deadly Note was spoken with a hint of annoyance.

"Waduheck, who is still using communication jade? Even though this is the era of smartphones, there are still those who use the old school method."

Deadly Note grumbled. He felt it was too expensive to use a spirit stone just to communicate when there is already internet data that could be used.

When he checked his communication jade, he smiled bitterly and said, "It's little fellow Qitian Dasheng."

"Oh, that kid who has a rare affinity for space and time? Did he want to come here?" Wu Tian was the first to respond. He still remembered the kid who awakened his space and time talent in front of him. Not only was his talent extremely rare, but his cultivation speed was terrifying as well.

Then Lu Feng asked.

"Was he stuck in his cultivation and unable to break through?" He still remembered that Deadly Note was also stuck in the fifth rank, Golden Core. At that time, someone suggested that he should come to earth to seek inspiration in order to deepen his cultivation technique so that he could break through. And sure enough, it didn't take long for him to be able to break through to the sixth rank, Nascent Soul. There's a lot of creativity that humans have made, so it's easier for him to get inspiration.

"Eh, Dasheng bro wanna come here from Jianghu world?" A beautiful fairy who wore a white dress exclaimed. She immediately took out a mirror and make-up to look more attractive. Her name is Liu Mei.

And from what she said, it was clear that the cultivation world and the earth were in different realms.

Shortly after Deadly Note refilled the energy on the communication jade using a spirit stone. Then, a projector was displayed, showing a short black-haired handsome young man. If beauty causes the downfall of the nation, then Qitian Dasheng's handsomeness causes turmoil. At that moment, Deadly Note said.

"What's up, little fellow? Do you need my help or something?"

Qitian Dasheng looked back, then his eyes lit. He could see an unusual building behind Deadly Note, so he asked.

"Senior, you're on Earth, right? Can you please send me your coordinates?"

"Oh, so you wanted to come here? Why? Spiritual qi was denser over there. Furthermore, I heard there is a mystic realm recently opened."

Qitian Dasheng scratched his head in embarrassment. Then, he told Deadly Note that he had explored the mystic realm. However, he was out of luck as there were only inheritances for cultivators who had fire affinity. 

"Hahaha, I didn't think your luck wasn't that good. Very well, I'll give you the coordinates."

After that, Deadly Note told Qitian Dasheng his coordinates. Knowing Qitian Dasheng's character, he guessed that Qitian Dasheng would come immediately. So he gave his current position as coordinates.

Deadly Note glanced at the other, he saw Liu Mei wanted to ask something but he immediately spoke.

"Back to the topic. Since that kid named Yue Han is afflicted by a deadly curse, do we need to save him? Senior, you said he has a special qi? Does that mean he is fit to be a cultivator?"

Deadly Note said while turning his head to Wu Tian. Truthfully, he turned to him so that Wu Tian could give him advice.

"Truth to be told, I didn't mean to ignore that poor youngster. But, it's up to fate whether he could be a cultivator or not."

"What do you mean, senior?"

Wu Tian took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. He walked to the edge of the roof of the building while watching Johan from a distance. He put both his hands on his back, then said.

"His curse, it's like throwing a gas cylinder into a fire that never goes out."

"It will burst?"

"Exactly. His qi might have suppressed the curse. However, the curse is also accumulating. Furthermore, that qi is too faint, not even a sixth-rank cultivator can detect it. So, it's not surprising if he can die at any moment when his qi can't suppress it anymore." 

As Wu Tian just finished his speech, Lu Feng, who had been looking at Johan from earlier, yelled.

"Crap, he is going to die for real."

Everyone turned around. They could see that there was a high-speed truck that seemed to have failed brakes and was speeding towards Johan who was walking without paying attention to his surroundings.

Deadly Note immediately asked Wu Tian.

"Do we need to save him?"

Wu Tian shook his head.

"This is his fate. Even though he has that unusual qi, he still has no clue about us, cultivators. If he doesn't know, it's better if he never finds out. Unless something unintentional changes his current fate, I won't help him."

When the truck was in front of Johan's eyes, suddenly a space crack appeared. Someone came out of a space crack. But when his gaze turned forward, he was greeted by the speedy truck that was already in front of his eyes.  

"The hell!" He cried out. That guy who suddenly appeared was none other than Qitian Dasheng.

Out of reflex, he immediately used his innate ability. A space warp appeared and covered his front in a cube form. He still didn't realize there was Johan behind him and that cube also covered Johan.

The space warp sucked that truck. The truck disappeared for a moment, then reappeared, heading in a different direction than before until it hit a tree on the other side of the road.

While inside the cube, Qitian Dasheng couldn't be seen from outside, so he looked at his surroundings for a moment. He jumped in fear when he realized someone was behind him.

"Crap, I've been seen. Even though those seniors already remind me."

After that, he disappeared. Leaving dumbfounded Johan.