
Chapter 45


Kasumigaoka's Residence.

6:03 AM

Name: Kise Shun

Age: 16 (a year younger than me)

Height: 189 or 190?? (Why so tall? Even I only only 169 cm, Just how do they get tall that much?)

Personality: Possessive guy!(KYAH!!) He is arrogant but he knows how to put his arrogance at.

Hobbies: sleeping in my thighs, training something (he didn't specially told me, he just told me that he is training something)

Likes: Me->Utaha Kasumigaoka, My thighs, Chocolates.

Dislikes: Roller coasters. *picture of pitiful Shun in the roller coaster.

Why he is the best husband material?: A very good chef, a loving boyfriend(From my experience :>>) has a strong muscles, has a very strong stamina (You know for various stuffs), Has a the perfect definition of man's body. Has a big dick.

Dick: EX(....long)|Length

EX (big not little. very)|Width

EX (It was very intoxicating!!)|Smell


*insert a stolen picture of Shun naked with his dick on full glory.



Kasumi Utako *heart *heart *heart

"Hihihihihi" A young woman who was looking at her the paper that she had written with proud smile plastered on her face. She was Utaha, the girlfriend of Shun.

"How much do I get if I sell this?" Utaha said as her face was forming an evilly seductive smile.

"Oh right! I'm going to have a date with Shun again"

Both Utaha and Shun both agreed to have another date today, Shun was the one proposed to have a date which Utaha excitedly agreed on.

"Hmm, which battle armor will I wear to have him stunned and drool for me tonight?" Utaha said as she look at her bed with full of sexy different lingeries that her mother has given to her.

Her mother has given her some of her lingeries that was too little for her. She passed her lingeries inheritance to Utaha who was the her daughter and her sole successor.

This past few days after their date Utaha's mom taught her basic, intermediate, Advance skills of how to be the perfect house wife.

Currently Utaha was at the peak of Basic skill and was near breakthrough to the intermediate with just a few little training. (Tf?)

"Hehehe, I don't know how long are you gonna make me wait but... If you don't! I'll be the one who will take the first move!" Utaha said firmly. She have been patient this few days and didn't persistently ask Shun to do it with her.

Utaha began planning and taking preparations for the date and tonight. who knows something might happened.

While Utaha was taking preparations, Currently Shun was on the sofa snoring and sleeping.

After a few minutes he finally woken up.

"Ugh?!!" He clutched his head because of the hangover that he feel.

He then relieved his hangover by pressing somewhere in his head.

"Oi! Wake up!"

"Tch, this bastard" Shun said with Annoyance as he shake Ryõta who was also sleeping but on the floor.

In their surrounding was full food leftovers and beers that they drank, the reason because Ryõta was disappointed in his self that he lost on his game.

Shun joined him yesterday night. He didn't do much only to hear his brother ranting about the why he should have win against them and wanted to beat them up.

They dranked many kinds of beers, wine and more, that was inside in Shun's Gob. Inside of Gate of Babylon is everything you want "Everything" includes not only weapons and Noble phantasm but also tools, books, food, vehicles, buildings, medicines … Gate of Babylon contains the conceptual origin of everything Humankind has and will ever build.

A/N: to op....

Anyways... He look on clock that was in the wall. He notice that it was still early. He decided to sleep first since the date is still too long before the exact time for the date, he was still tired because of what happened.

Or the date will be a disaster because of his tiredness. He doesn't want that.

He lie on his bed from his bedroom. After lying down his closed eyes opened and he said "FCK! I can't sleep!"

He tried a few times sleeping again but he can't do it. He decided to kill some time training his newly acquired martial art that he got from the system.

The problem of this martial art that it needed one's body to be strong to handle a single technique of it.

Without proper training or copying it will give the body a greater stressed than the one who trained in art.

He trained for a few hours before stopping. He sat on the ground with his sweat on his body dripping down. His muscles on his body may look too little for a body builder but if one observe closely or an expert they will see that it was pack full of strength.

"Now that you think about! How was my novel?"

He have been hearing peoples at his school talking about the new novel, he still don't know if it was his novel or not.

He then grabbed his phone in his side and look for his novel.

"Oh a message from Sonoka"

Sonoka: Hey!!! You're novel is getting popular! Its almost 300 thousand sales:>>

Sonoka: We need more exciting novel ideas!

Sonoka: Also we got a new owner of the company! But he/she is an irresponsible owner. He/She still hasnt visited his/her company! Not even once.

The sale was already very high! Considering that the he is a new Author and its only been a week. He thought that it will immediately became popular worldwide but he wasn't disappointed Either way.

Shun's eyes twitch as he read those message of Sonoka.

"I think its time to visit my company, I almost forgot about that!" Shun said. Sebas already bought the company and gave him the papers the proof that he is the new owner of the company.

"Mhm.... right! I want to buy an Anime Studio and a Manga publishing company!" His first plan after coming to this world was to dominate Japan by using the great novels and animes in his past life.
