
I only want a kiss

"I only want a kiss from you...as long as I got that everything would be okay...as long as you could give me that...everything would be fine. So give me a kiss...young man" "You want a kiss right?" "Huh" "Good luck on getting that then....Young lady" ✩ PROLOGUE ✩ The land has its inhabitants so does the water. And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs. But what happens when an inhabitant tries to fit in where it doesn't belongs? Rules would probably be broken and sacrifices would have to be made. She's a mermaid but she loves the humans Her home is the water but the land calls her She's a princess but living as an ordinary human is her lifelong dream.And each inhabitants is expected to adapt where it belongs Even if she did...would things end up well for her? Find out in the story KISS ME.

Phoenix_Spirit · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

"You are really a young man"

"OWW! HEY!!!" Jason pushed Peninah away from him angrily.

"What the fvck do you think you're doing?!!" He growl rubbing his nose which Peninah's head collided with.

"Are you crazy!!...I think my nose is broken...what kind of a woman is she?" He mumbles to himself. He got up massaging his nose. Peninah tries to get up also but she couldn't.

"What a psycho" He mutters leaving.

"Oh...he can't leave...we still have to kiss" Peninah thought trying to get up.

"Ouch!" She winced as her leg aches.

"I can't believe that woman...crazy" Jason said to himself leaving.

"Oh no...he can't leave...I'll be in trouble if I don't get him to kiss me" she continue trying to to stand up but she couldn't.

"Why did she suddenly attack me like that?" He looks back at her and saw her struggling to stand up.

"Did I push too hard?" He thought itching the back of his head.

"Why did she have to jumped on me suddenly like that too? I was too flustered so I did that...it her fault." He turns leaving.

"Ahh...this is really eating me up" He stomp his legs on the ground before going back to her.

Immediately he got to her Peninah grinned widely.

"He's back! He's here to kiss me" She said within smiling non stop.

"That smile really creep me up" Jason mutters before dropping to a squat in front of her.

"Miss...you see I'm sorry for pushing you earlier...I was too flustered and..." He paused rubbing the back of his neck.

"Forget it...by the way are you okay?" He asked while she only beamed.

"Are you feeling any pain? I think you sprained your leg...can you walk?" He asked but she won't say a thing.

"I mean...do you feel any pain?"

"P..." She mutters slowly while Jason nods urging her to continue.

"Pppp...ain?" She asked. For a while, Jason was mesmerized by her voice. she has a sweet voice.

"Uh...your legs"

"It....hurts" She said looking down at the legs pouting also. Jason couldn't help sneering.

"I figured out it would. You did sprained it"

"You...are a young man" She said and Jason found that kind of strange.

"Well...as you can see...apparently I am.."

"Young man...you....have to kiss me"


"Kiss me young man" She said making Jason stunned. Leaning closer she made to kiss him but he was fast to stand up.

"What are you doing right now?"

"Kissing you...since you won't do it"

"Hey! Is that why you jumped on me earlier?" He asked and she nodded.

"You see I have to kiss you..."


"Because you're the first human man I'd come across"

"You must be really crazy!"

"Crazy? What's that?"

"Wow I can't believe this! She's indeed crazy"

"Young man I just need a kiss from you...it's really important"

"I have met a lot of girls like you so I'm not surprised...I can't believe I met one here"

"What a shameless pervert...I get it that I'm handsome and all but...how could you just throw yourself at me easily...how brazen!"

"Young man what are you saying? I can't understand a thing"

"Sure you won't...excuse me but I'm not that kind of guy you're looking for...try your luck with someone else. You're too pretty for that seriously.." He started leaving.

"Oh! Young man wait! You can't leave...ohh!" She tries standing forcefully but ended up falling again.

"Ouch! It really hurts...this human legs are too weak...I don't like it" she pouted.

"Agh! That lady is really driving me crazy" Jason ruffles his hair frustratedly before going back to her.

"Young man! You're back!" Her face lit up.

"Don't get this twisted...I'm only here to take responsibility for what I did"

"Not to kiss me?"

"Will you stop talking about that? What a weird woman you are. Are you a pervert?"

"What's that? "


"What's a pervert?" She asked innocently while Jason scoffs.

"She's crazy" He said to himself before crouching.

"Hop on"


"I don't normally do this but...I'm a guy with principles...my conscience will probably eat half of my heart if I leave you alone...so hop on I'll take you to the hospital"

"What's hospital?" She asked while Jason sighs.

"Just hop on...you're impossible"

"what's he asking me to do?" She thoughtas she stared at his back.

"I'll give you a ride to the car first" He said when he notice she wouldn't budge.

"A ride? Ahh..is this like the seahorse? Is he a human horse?" She thought within.

"Why aren't you getting on?"

"Wait a minute" She said trying to stand up. Though it hurts she did and sat on his back.

"What are you doing?" Jason asked.

"Getting a ride from you...human horse" She grins.

"What the heck! Hey get off!" He shakes her away and she landed her butt on the ground.


"I asked you to hop on not sit on my back...am I some kind of a chair?" He asked annoyed while she pouted.

"Forget it if we continue this we'd probably spend the night here" He took her hand and put her on his back himself then stood up.

"This is how you do it" He said and she made a wonderment expression.

"Ahh...so this is called hop on? It's a good thing...I love it" She giggled while Jason shakes his head.

"She's strange I swear" He started leaving while Peninah wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hey you're choking me"

"Am I?"

"We'd probably both die before we get to the hospital" He said

"No that can't happen" She took her arms off instantly almost making her fall.

"Hey! Are you crazy? How can you just let go like that?!"

"You said we'd die if I don't"

"That was just a...hey I didn't actually meant that I was just saying!"

"Don't be angry young man...if you are I won't be able to get my kiss"

"Wow...I'm really going crazy right now...why on earth did I meet a weirdo late at night" He said to himself taking her to the car.

Getting to the car, he placed her on the seat gently then close the door.

"What's this? Am I being locked up again?" She thought looking around the car. Jason got in also and look at her.

"Aren't you gonna put on your seatbelt?" He asked.

"Seat...belt?" She asked back. Jason sighs.

"What am I expecting?" He shakes his head before leaning closer to her. She gulps down nothing pouting her lips with her eyes closed.

"Perve" Jason mutters fastening her seatbelt.

Peninah opens her eyes when the kiss won't come.

Jason fasten his seatbelt also and start the engine. Immediately he did that Peninah leaped her legs up to the seat hugging her knees to herself.

"Ouchhhh!!!" She yelped as her let legs hurt. Jason look at her and shakes his head for the umpteen time.

"What a drama queen" He mumbles then drove off.

"AHHHHH!!!" Came a shout from peninah as he hit the road.


Peninah kept staring at the doctor with glasses as he wraps bandage on her sprained leg.

"You...really have a knack at frustrating people...how could you shout so much like that? People might think I'm kidnapping you! I can't believe you really" Jason scolded her but she kept staring at the doctor who is starting to feel uncomfortable with her stares now.

"Are you even listening to me right now?" Jason quizzed.

Peninah brought her face closer to the doctor looking at the glasses in wonder.

"Look at her look at her...she's really shameless isn't she?" Jason said to himself.

Peninah touch the glasses while the doctor look at her.

"Um...do you like it?" He asked.

"Is it a good thing?" She asked back.

"Un...of course it is..."

"Give it to me" She demands while Jason quickly hold her back.

"IH doctor don't mind her...she's just kidding around" Jason release a fake laugh while the doctor laugh back.

"She should be fine after some days...just make sure to be careful while moving around" The doctor said.

"Miss...you're good to go" The doctor smiles at her.

"Give me that" She demanded back. Jason face palmed.


Peninah keeps grinning as she looks at the glasses in her hand.

"This is so fascinating"

"I can't believe you seriously"

"Young man...that old young man is really nice"

"Old young man? Wait...the doctor?"

"Is that his name? Doctor?"

"You're really impossible" He points at her.

"That doctor is nice but you're more nice young man...you treated my wounded leg...and I got this because of you" She showed him the glasses.

"You're really a good human young man" She said smiling sincerely while Jason just stared at her.

His phone suddenly rang making him snapped out of it.

"Oh...what's that sound?" Peninah asked looking at you.

"I think it's coming from you young man?" She said and Jason snickers. He brought out his phone and looks at the caller ID. It's Margaret.

"What's that? Why is it making a sound? It's fascinating" Peninah tries touching it but he shifted it away keeping it back in his pocket. The ringing stopped after a while.

"Where do you live? I'll drop you off"

"In the sea...but I ain't going there anymore"


"Uh...ahh nobody must know of this...I'm only telling you young man"

"Are you sure you're okay? Maybe I should have asked the doctor to check your brain also"

"What's a brain?"

"You...do you have amnesia or what?...you don't really have a house?"

"House?" She asked back.

"Family...what about your family?"

"I don't have a family" She replied sadly.


"I'm alone...no one is on my side" She said again. Jason cleared his throat.

"Anyone that you know...I can drop you at their house. Maybe friends or relative"

"I don't know anybody...ah wait! I do know someone"


"You!" She link hands with him.


"You're the only one I know..."

"We only met an hour ago"

"You're the first human I met today so take me with you...young man"

"You're really desperate aren't you?" He yanked her hand away.

"Young man...take me with you...take me with you I wanna go with you" She started whining.

"Stop!" He sighs.

"It's already late...alright I'll let you crash at my place tonight...but tomorrow you must leave" He said and she grinned.

"You're really kind young man"

"Well...I do admit...I'm this kind of person you know...I do charity a lot...not that I'm boasting but I help people a lot...I'm really nice"

"I believe you young man"

"But why do you keep calling me young man?"

"Because you're a young man" she answered simply.

"Tch..." He pocketed his hands.

"But when would we kiss young man? " she asked linking hands again.

"Get away from me"

"Uh? Uh? When?"


"Wowww.....you live in this giant cave young man" She wowed looking around.

"What's she saying?" He went towards the fridge.

"Ahhh...so this is how human realm looks like...amazing" She clasped her hands together.

"You...are really living tomorrow. Try to remember anyone you may know so I can at least take you to him or her"

"I told you you're the only one I know...why won't you believe me" she replied while Jason scoffs.