
I, Naruto's Uncle, Am Really Invincible

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/naruto-uncle-i-am-really-invincible.html Naruto Uncle, I Am Really Invincible This is a translation of Chinese Novel. ********** Synopsis: Venturing into the Naruto World, Kazuhiko found himself positioned as Naruto's future uncle, the cousin of Kushina, and the emerging head of the Uzumaki Clan, which teetered on the brink of annihilation. Kazuhiko had initially anticipated leading a life of leisure as a wealthy second-generation individual. Yet, fate had different plans. The Land of Whirlpools stood on the precipice of devastation. Providentially, just as this crisis emerged, an activation signal resonated within him - the initiation of a unique system that promised rewards through daily logins. He signed in as a member of the Uzumaki Clan, reaping the reward of the [Admiral Kizaru Template], a boon to his powers. Logging into the clandestine chamber within the Uzumaki family estate, he gained the [Death God Zaraki Kenpachi Template]. Further sign-ins on Naruto Rock granted him the coveted [Sage Body]. And within the Valley of the End, yet another sign-in bestowed upon him the [Rinnegan], an ability of profound significance. Years flowed by, and Uzumaki Kazuhiko proudly stood atop the pyramid of the ninja world. With his ascendancy, the Uzumaki lineage claimed the mantle of the foremost family in the realm of shinobi. ********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it.

Nobody2NoBody · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
290 Chs

Chapter 215 : Goodbye, Konoha!!

Kazuhiko stood tall at the gates of Konoha, his clan members gathered behind him.

On either side of the gate stood Konoha's guards, clad in standard ninja attire, their gazes fixed upon Kazuhiko and his entourage with a mix of curiosity and complexity.

Whispers had already reached their ears, informing them of the severed alliance between the Land of the Whirlpool and Konoha.

In that moment, they couldn't help but recall the aid the Land of the Whirlpool had once provided to Konoha.

Yet, intertwined with this remembrance was a profound sense of shame, as if Konoha had been publicly humiliated by the Land of the Whirlpool's decision to sever ties.

The embarrassment still burned bright on their faces.

Unperturbed, Kazuhiko paid no mind to the Konoha guards' conflicted expressions.

Instead, he lifted his gaze to the emblem of Konoha.

Even from a distance, his eyes, sharp as they were, could discern the details.

Upon the Hokage Rock, three imposing visages were carved, seemingly observing the young man from afar.

Kazuhiko's gaze shifted briefly towards the Senju compound, then to the corner of the Tsunade estate.

Naturally, he found nothing amiss.

Scanning the surroundings, he noted only the presence of his red-haired Uzumaki kin by the gates of Konoha.

No one had come to see them off.

The Uchiha clan had purposely avoided this gathering, preferring to maintain a low profile and distance themselves from the Uzumaki family to avoid any suspicion from Konoha.

As for the Senju clan, under strict orders, they refrained from approaching the Uzumaki, aware that tensions within Konoha were at a boiling point, liable to erupt at any moment.

And Tsunade's absence was explained by her fear of being unable to contain her emotions...

Let's rewind time by half an hour.

After receiving the gift from Tsunade, Kazuhiko felt content.

He understood the significance of the crystal necklace to Tsunade, recognizing its value even more deeply.

In that moment, his heart swelled with emotion, sensing the profound love emanating from the woman before him.

He held Tsunade close, yearning to lose himself in her embrace.

The impulse to tear down all barriers with Tsunade surged within him.

But he restrained himself, knowing the timing was not right, neither for himself nor for Tsunade.

After a moment of silence, he retrieved a small blue vial from his pocket and presented it to Tsunade—a gift he had prepared for her.

Under Tsunade's quizzical gaze, Kazuhiko uncorked the vial and produced the miraculous beans.

"This is a treasure I acquired; its name is Senzu Beans. You can survive for ten days without food by consuming just one bean. Even in severe injury, timely consumption can aid in recovery."

"Yes, indeed. During critical moments, when one's Chakra is about to deplete, consuming a tablet instantly replenishes energy!"

Kazuhiko prepared ten Senzu Beans in a small bottle, each emitting a radiant golden glow.

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's explanation, Tsunade's eyes widened in astonishment as she examined the beans resembling broad beans.

As a seasoned medical professional, she understood the immense value of these Senzu Beans. Their significance was undeniable and irreplaceable.

More than mere lifesavers during emergencies, they were weapons capable of turning the tide of battle instantaneously.

Initially hesitant to accept such a precious gift, Tsunade felt Kazuhiko should safeguard it, knowing well the perilous situations he often faced.

However, Kazuhiko insisted that he had more, prompting Tsunade to reluctantly accept the gift.

Carefully stowing away the beans, she reassured him, "Do not worry, Kazuhiko. I will keep this a secret! Even if I use these Senzu Beans, I will not disclose it to anyone!"

Kazuhiko smiled upon hearing her words, acknowledging Tsunade's astuteness. She understood the significance of these beans.

In essence, they could single-handedly alter the course of a battle. Their revelation could subject Konoha to immense pressure, let alone a smaller nation like the Land of Whirlpools.

Thus, without explicit instructions from Kazuhiko, Tsunade pledged to use them sparingly, if at all, and to minimize any suspicion if the need arose.

"Do not fret. Use them when you are in danger. Do not hesitate. Your safety is paramount!"

With their farewells exchanged, Kazuhiko bid Tsunade goodbye, despite her reluctance. Time flowed onward, indifferent to their emotions.

As Kazuhiko stepped out of the courtyard, Tsunade's voice trailed after him, filled with tears.

"Do not look back. I will not see you off either. I must look terrible when I cry. I do not want you to witness my distress. If I were to see you off, I would only cry harder..."

"So, Kazuhiko-kun, farewell! I await the day you propose to me!"

Kazuhiko didn't look back upon hearing those words; instead, he nodded solemnly. "Yes! Wait for me to marry you!"

With determination, Kazuhiko strode out of the courtyard, never once glancing back. He feared that if he did, he would find it too difficult to leave...

In that moment, he finally grasped the essence of the old saying, "Heroes are saddened by beauty." It was indeed a struggle...

As he journeyed through time, Kazuhiko cast a final glance at his clansmen and at Konoha, reflecting deeply within himself.

"Farewell, Konoha!"

"Farewell, Tsunade!"

With a wave of his hand, Kazuhiko signaled to his companions.

"Let's go!"

No one lingered any longer; everyone followed their patriarch, departing Konoha with purposeful strides.

Their silhouettes grew smaller and smaller, gradually fading into the horizon until they vanished from sight...

Though no farewells were spoken to Kazuhiko and his party, countless eyes within Konoha remained fixed upon them, watching their departure silently.


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