

In the beginning, wear humans and there wear demons and there wear the shifters each wear merciless to each other and in the end, the demons died off and the shifters disappeared all the while the humans flourished and overpopulated and the shifters stayed by the sidelines until the humans messed up and started finding and killing our kind and wean we tried making a stand we wear wiped out as fast as we got together. it wasn't a war it was a Massacre.

it was a mistake meeting up like this we wear like fish in a barrel and dropping just as fast but we didn't just stand there we fought until it was just me standing in a room of dead bodies's the humans wear dead and the shifters dead all that was left was me and I could tell my body was at its end knowing I was about to die I couldn't help but smile because I finally achieved my heart goal and that was that if I was in a situation where my choice depends on the survival of the human race I will always choose the one wear the human race dies and that was never going to change but little did they know I was the one to start the war and with that I accepted death with open arms.