
I love you my dear friend

Amoureusemuhizi · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Pt 2

As I made my way through the bustling streets of Korea, my heart raced with each step. Memories of the past month flooded my mind, reminding me of the mistakes I had made and the pain I had caused Hyeon. The weight of uncertainty hung heavy on my shoulders, but I couldn't bear the thought of losing Hyeon and the bond we shared.

Arriving at the Kim's family house, I hesitated for a moment before ringing the doorbell. My palms grew sweaty as I waited anxiously, unsure of how Hyeon would react. The door swung open, revealing Hyeon's mother, Mrs. Kim. Her warm smile instantly put me at ease, but I could sense the concern in her eyes.

"Chris!" she exclaimed as she opened the door, "how have you been my dear?" She asked kindly, gesturing for me to come inside. "When did you get here?." She asked closing the door, "I just landed today," i replied slightly smiling. "Let me guess, you're here for the little stubborn boy?" She as inferring to Hyeon, I smiled a nodded my head. "Agio, i cant believe you flew all the way here to just deal with his shenanigans," she stated, "what a good friend you are. His upstairs being a drama queen," "I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything!" She smiled and walked away. I looked around the big mansion and I guess I'll never get used to it. "Does this house get bigger by day." I mumbled as I made my way up the stairs.

Once I got to Hyeon's room I quickly took a deep breath before knocking. "You can do this Chris" i gently knocked on the door 2 times before he responded. "I'm not hungry mom!" He replied in a frustrated tone, "it's me." I told him. It stayed quite for a moment and suddenly the door flew open. Hyeon was standing there is some pair of shorts and a plane t-shirt. "Hi," i said nervously waving, his eyes suddenly started getting watery and boom he bursted out crying as he jumped into my arms. "I missed you much!" He balled out cry, "I'm really sorry Chris, i didn't mean to say all those stuff I said to you!" He cried out loud.

I held Hyeon tightly as he sobbed in my arms, I slowly walked in his room as his words echoing in my ears. I gently stroked his hair, trying to soothe him. "It's okay, Hyeon," I whispered softly. "I missed you too. And it's alright, I understand. We all say things we don't mean sometimes."

We stood there for a while, embracing each other, allowing him to release all his pent-up emotions. After a few minutes, his crying subsided, and he pulled away, sniffling and wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I'm really sorry, Chris," he managed to say between hiccups. "I was just so angry and frustrated. I didn't know what to do."

I sat down in the bed next to him and whipped his tears, "It was my fault, I should've tried to ruin your relationship. I'm sorry that I showed that video." "Don't apologize stupid, U-Jin was a jerk anyways I shouldn't have dated him. I regret not listening to you." He sniffled, "I'm really sorry Chris." "No need to apologize, I was never angry at you." I told him, "you sure?" He asked, "I'm sure, there's no way I could be angry at you." I assured him embracing him in a hug. "That's the past now."

Hyeon suddenly looked up at me and pulled away from the hug. He suddenly got up sat on my laps and wrapped his legs around my waist. "Do you like anyone?" He suddenly asked, "Why are you suddenly asking?" "Just answer the question!" "Okay, yes I do like someone" I replied. "Are they cuter then me?" He asked out of the blues, I smiled and nodded, "do you like them more then me?" He asked, "yes I do." I replied, "Are they a boy or a girl?" He asked, "boy" "Why are you asking all these questions?" I asked, "well I just want to know if you started dating anyone." He replied with his face down, "what, are you jealous they are going to steal me away from you?" I asked teasing, "of course not, we're just friends why would I be Jealous." He replied blushing so hard.

As Hyeon blushed, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of red, I couldn't help but find his innocence endearing. It was clear that his feelings for me ran deeper than he was willing to admit. I decided to play along with his teasing, gently running my fingers through his hair.

"You know, Hyeon, I have to admit that this person I like is pretty special," I said, trying to keep the teasing tone in my voice. "But no one could ever replace you. You're my best friend, and that means the world to me."

Hyeon looked up at me, his eyes wide with a mix of hope and uncertainty. "Really?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Really," I replied, my voice filled with sincerity. "There's no one else like you, Hyeon. You're the one who's always been there for me, who's made me laugh when I was down, and who's shown me what true friendship is all about."

A small smile formed on Hyeon's lips as he processed my words. Slowly, he untangled himself from my lap and stood up, facing me. His expression was a mix of vulnerability and determination.

"Do you only view me just as a friend?" He asked, I smirked as I got up in front of him and got closer to his face. "What, do you want to be more then friends?" I asked teasingly, "no silly, don't be stupid. There's no way way we could ever be more then friends!" He exclaimed backing away, his words cut in deep and I realized that they will never be a chance for us to be together. Hyeon only viewed me as a friend, I already knew that but why does it hurt to hear him say it.

As Hyeon's words echoed in my ears, a mixture of disappointment and pain washed over me. I had allowed myself to get carried away by the moment, hoping for something more between us. But now, reality crashed down, shattering my dreams.

I quickly composed myself, putting on a brave face to hide my true feelings. "You're right, Hyeon," I replied, trying to sound casual. "We're great friends, and that's what matters the most."

"Good so we're on the same page." He smiled as he walked back to the bed.

nodded, forcing a smile.

But inside, my heart ached. It hurt to hear Hyeon's words, even though deep down, I had known the truth all along. I had allowed myself to imagine a different outcome, to hope for a love that could never be. And now, I had to come to terms with the reality of our situation.

To be continued