Just little drabbles of what a person who suddenly gets omnipotent powers might do in his world and a fictional world. Might become a proper story, who knows?
So to make it short, I was a Cancer patient. On the last strand of my rope. It's funny how I just knew that death was coming for me. I just somehow knew I would not see the sun next morning.
I was half welcoming and not welcoming it. For starters, due to this effed up disease, I never had much of a life these last few years. I couldn't go to school, I received less attention than I already got from my parents who lavished it upon my sister's.
Life just become so uneventful as people eventually forgot me. My friends and family stopped visiting, and it was just me left alone in a hospital bed with tasteless dinners, breathing masks and my phone for entertainment.
Once upon a time, it was a dream life for me to be able to not study at all and just lie down in a warm bed doing nothing but reading fanfictions, watching YouTube and Twitch streams. One streamer in particular I enjoyed, whom I dubbed tictac head, streamed every night at nine in the evening when everyone was away and noone there to disturb me.
It was fun at first. But eventually, as headaches became more frequent due to extended periods of laying on a pillow and my back became stiff, I realised that there was a lot I had missed out on in life. It was just wasted away, on this bed waiting for death. As I became thinner and weaker, all I could contemplate what I would do if I had the power to change my life. The power to mold my own destiny, to manipulate reality, to do anything I wanted really. I believe that would be recognised as omnipotence.
Yes, I desired the greatest of the three O's. And I desired being free of moral chains. Come on, morality just makes things boring sometimes. Nothing stopping me from being nice once in a while but living by standards derived from the comfortability and benefit of others...just didn't appeal to me sometimes. I understood the benefits surely, but it was too restrictive in my opinion.
Soon I found myself thinking of nothing but that very notion, of being free and doing whatever I wanted, it being initiated by my simple will. The power of a God.
And as my eyelids slowly weakened, and dropped slowly, my consciousness feeling as if it was leaking out the back of my head, and the last breath of mine feeling hot as steam as blood stopped flowing through me, my heart stopping, I vaguely heard a very faint voice in my head say,
"So be it..."
Waking up again as a soul in the same room a few feet away from my limp corpse was freaky. But I was only calmed down by the sudden bit of knowledge inserted in my brain...did I still have a brain?...the knowledge that my most recent wish had just been made true on a whim by the highest existence.
I am not ashamed to admit that I freaked out like a little girl at this turn of events, even squealed a little. But with my newfound power, I forced myself back into focus again and began to inspect myself and my new powers.
They worked exactly as I had wanted them to. On a simple whim, a lightsaber materialised in front of me. Just out of nothing. Call me a nerd, but I'm the omnipotent one here so to hell with you. I didn't take into account though that I had no body to hold it with and so it fell right through my palm.
I then decided to take a proper look at myself to see how I looked. No one could see me obviously but I was stark naked. Surprising myself with just how quickly I became casual with my powers, I stopped time entirely. I then willed a new body for me to inhabit. Everything that my old body was not. Tall, black hair, green eyes, godly features, nicest slim muscular physique you could get. I didn't believe in the rubbish that dudes fantasize about these days. Huge, bulging muscles just put me off. Slim yet refined was my style.
Simply willi
I then cast upon myself something I called Absolute Unknowable. I did not become invisible, just that people simply wouldn't notice me and no camera would ever pick me up. I then took a glance back at my corpse, giving it a once over. Yeah...I don't regret a thing.
A swing of my arm was all it took, and cauterized detached head rolled over in the dusty floor.
Life is sooooo awesome when you're omnipotent. Like literally, there was NOTHING I couldn't do! I could eat whatever, make whatever, do whatever and all it took was an intentional whim.
I really enjoyed everything I did, both good and especially the bad. If God really did give me this incredible power, then he probably didn't bother about me anymore. I wonder if that's a concerning thing?
I'll give you an example.
I banged out COD mobile all my life. But the thing that really pissed me off was Spawn camping and hacking. Everytime one of those asses got caught in my game, I reached out through the network and located them in their precise locations.
The I would telekinetically grasp their skulls, and send brain matter spraying all over their walls and the faces of their relatives. Or I'd make a meteor smash down on their street. Or, if I managed to headshot them in game, in real life a bullet the size of a dinner plate went through their ugly mugs. Am I petty? I blame the king of pettiness, my man Dio. You become a fan of his, you develop all kinds of attitudes.
Am I weird for going back to my old high school again? Come on, I missed my friends. Even if I was never the same person again, they were still the same people to me.
I definitely enjoyed all the attention I was getting from the opposite sex lately. I mean, green eyes just seem to be something of a craze around here. A dude had them, he got'em.
Acing every subject, being the best at every sport, being the hottest guy in town, pissing off all the guys, swatting all the Thots. Yeah, I'm pretty sure every guy wanted to be me right now.
I claim to no godhood, but I am an alpha. Through and through. Undefeated. Unrestrained.
I always wanted to be a gamer you know. A streamer to be exact. And so that's what I did.
I bent reality to make me the owner of this really expensive and luxurious apartment in a Los Angeles skyscraper.
I then wished up some really expensive gaming equipment and tech as well as the best wifi connection in the globe.
I could have simply made myself a pro gamer, but the problem was I already had. I was quite good if I say so myself. Especially gun games.
I gained thousands of followers in just a few months.
Being an internet sensation...is really quite exhausting. Always having to uphold an image, always having to tend to fans. I mean with my omnipotence I could have done my own stuff while doing everything else at the same time. But I was too tired to even do that.
So I decided to open up a tech business.
And created the first safe, fully immersive VRMMORPGs. Knocked the wind out of Elon Musk's sail I did. Even actually created the Yggdrasil game from Overlord with a sub company. Got the go-ahead from Maruyama I think his name was. The first player to log in was called Momonga.
Most definitely was not me.
And with it came all kinds of controversies. Fanatic ethical groups talking about how messing up the human minds and neural connection was blasphemous against God's creation.
Like if you don't want it, then don't get it. Simple as!
And if you're afraid that government's are going to try and mind control you through the chips, I've got pressurized lava vents secured under each of their houses, set with magical circles that go off if even one of them tampers with the programming. I'm doing y'all a favour here.
Not to mention all the other big tech companies trying to buy out shares, or bribe me, or trying to buy my whole company, or sending me hoes to try and seduce me, or spies to infiltrate my company and steal secrets.
A particularly painful bioweapon that made the blood fizz like baking-soda in vinegar did the trick for them. And guess what, the Chinese got blamed again. Honestly, the world just can't let go of grudges can they? Although...I'm not really one to talk.
Built a tech empire, married a normal girl, had a son, left it to him and feigned old age. Then 'passed' away and forever stamped my name in history as the founder of the greatest tech company to ever exist. A ruthless competitor, an unbeatable genius, the most famous human to ever live.
I lived out every fantasy I could ever have in my own world. And it passed in the blink of an eye for me.
I stood over my company's tower, reverted to my younger self and breathed a big gulp of the fresh air created by geo machines. Yes. It was a good life.
Now to bash a new life in a fictional world. I closed my eyes and willed it into being. My surroundings shifted and when I opened my eyes again, I was in the most BS and inconsistent world to exist in fiction.
Can't wait to plant my fist into a Kryptonian's face.