
I Login Alone

11-year-old Jung Si-woo always had to play alone during PE class. “I’m excluded from any ball games.” “Are you kidding me? Why are you the only exception?” “If I play with the rest, everyone will be excluded. Physically.” The strength that Jung Si-woo has is not from any hard training but just a power he was born with. When he turns 16 years old, the world faced a cataclysm, a huge castle appeared over the Earth out of nowhere. It began selecting special humans to grant them wings making them a Player and that soon changed the world. 10 years passed. Jung Si-woo with a supernatural strength has still not been able to forsake his dream to be a Player. While he was enjoying his jobless life, he saved a falling Player and unknowingly met the requirement to be a ‘Underground Player’. He became more special than anyone ever is! Now, Jung Si-woo brilliant dungeon strategy play begins.

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12 Chs

Chapter 2: Irrational Strength

"An Underground Player?"


Jung Si-woo's confused voice overlapped with that woman. They turned their heads and looked at each other, puzzled by what they just heard. It was normal that they could not see each other properly because of the darkness, but Jung Si-woo's eyesight should not be compared to a normal human, so he could roughly see her outline.

"What does it mean by reborn?"

"What is an Underground Player?"

A sight that would make them look very dumb if anyone else saw them. Fortunately, the two quickly figured out what was going on. Si-woo realized that just like him, the Player is also in a situation where she doesn't know anything.

"Now that we have settled down. Should we introduce ourselves first?"

"Yes, that would be great."

"Okay, then I'll start. My name is Jung Si-woo and I'm 26 years old…"

There really isn't much that Jung Si-woo could talk about. After graduating from college he's been enjoying his jobless life cycle until he saw a young woman falling down from the sky, jumped and caught her, but then ended up being buried inside an unknown cave. It's really that simple.

"There is no way you could be normal! It's already absurd for an ordinary human to leap and save a falling Player but surviving the crash with no injuries?! That's impossible even for a Player!"

Seeing the intense reaction of the woman in front of him, Jung Si-woo simply explains more.

"I am very strong."

"Is it possible to possess such superhuman strength even without being a Player?"

"I think it was because I was meant to be a Player."

"That can't be it."

The woman crushes Si-woo's fantasy with a kind explanation.

"Of course, there are people who have been Players since birth, but even such players are just ordinary humans who have wings and could fly through the sky until they enter the Sky Castle and become an official Player. Only after clearing the test dungeon and becoming a full-time Player and starting to control mana, will you be reborn with superhuman abilities."

Mana, that was a word I often saw in games and novels. However, I didn't know that it really exists in reality and that it was the basis of a Player's abilities.

"That's because it's confidential. Anyway, you… Jung Si-woo has no mana in your body yet. I have a special sensing ability, so I'm sure of it."

"Is it really that amazing I'm strong even without mana?"


The woman nods her head vigorously, glad that her words were able to get through to Jung Si-woo! He then replied to her.

"If something such as mana could exist in this world, then it shouldn't be such a surprise if there exists someone with supernatural strength even without mana."

"Uh yeah… you're right."

She is convinced! Of course, it's a very Player-like understanding!

"So… Jung Si-woo who is abnormally strong, but has no wing or any connection to the Sky Castle, saved me and in the process got stuck underground together with me yet somehow cleared the requirement to become an 'Underground Player'."

"Yes, that's it. What is an underground player… you don't know?"


She nodded intensely that it could be noticed even in the dark.

"But I know one thing for sure, this is a completely different world than the Sky Castle. But the voice we heard before was exactly the same as the announcement voice that comes out when you enter a dungeon in the Sky Castle."

"Yeah, it definitely said I've discovered an extra world, the 'Ant Cave'… and 'Underground Player'."

Jung Si-woo's heart pounded in excitement. He's not a Player in the Sky Castle, but right now he's in the middle of a mysterious situation. At least, it was obvious that he was in an environment where he could wield his innate strength to the fullest!

"Then this time I will introduce myself."

"Oh, yeah."

Jung Si-woo, who was eager to run and explore the dungeon, was stopped in his tracks when he realized that he didn't even know the woman's name. Fortunately, she doesn't have the ability to read people's minds and introduced herself with a slightly high-pitched voice.

"I'm part of the Korean Player guild, Soaring Tempest, and a level 219 healer. I'm called Soo Ah-rin."

She's unexpectedly a big shot!

"I challenged the 32nd stage dungeon with the members of my guild, but I suffered a fatal blow from the dungeon boss and lost almost all of my magic power and fell from the Sky Castle. At that moment, I was ready to die, but you saved me."

Now, they are stuck together underground.

"Of course, it's not like I could return to be a Player just because you saved me from the fall. I'm probably… considered as officially dead."

It was a devastating words of a person he just saved from dying, but at that moment, Si-woo remembered the words she muttered earlier.

"Before, you mentioned something about rebirth, right?"

"Yes. I'm in the state where I lost most of my power before the crash. However, Mr. Si-woo met a special requirement while saving me, you get the chance to be reborn as a 'underground Player', and I think I got the chance to be reborn as a 'Supporter'."

A Supporter instead of a Player, she probably didn't feel so good about it. If the Player is a leading character, then won't that mean a Supporter is only the supporting character?!

"I thought I was going to die, but to be given a chance to live again like this… I'm so happy."

But Soo Ah-rin replied with a very bright voice. Jung Si-woo nodded with a grim face.

"If you are satisfied, I am glad too."

"Thank you."

In the dark, Soo Ah-rin bows her head.

"Jung Si-woo, you're my lifesaver. I'll repay this debt throughout my whole life."

"No, you don't have to go that far"

Jung Si-woo is more grateful to Soo Ah-rin because he now has the opportunity to become a Player. However, Soo Ah-rin laughed at his humble words.

"If you clear this dungeon and are successfully reborn as a low-tier Player, I will be your Supporter."

"I will."

I'm confident that I could. I'm actually pretty impressed, this whole scenario just fits perfectly.

"Are you confident in me, Miss Soo Ah-rin?"

"Of course. And you can just comfortably call me Ah-rin. I'm 22 years old this year."

Even though she was eliminated right before she could succeed in the 32nd dungeon and fell out of the Sky Castle, watching everything she built her whole life crumble in front of her, she has such a positive attitude. He nodded at the young girl in admiration.

"Okay, Ah-rin. Now that it has become like this, please take care of me."


"By the way…"

It was nice to be able to brightly exchange greetings with each other like this, but when he thinks about how they have to explore this dungeon together. Jung Si-woo became curious about something.

"I heard that dungeons are a very dangerous place, but even though we are just conversing like this, no monsters are attacking us."

"Yes. Originally the first room in the dungeon is called a waiting room, so monsters do not appear. This is so you can understand the characteristics of the dungeon or check supplies. Of course, not all dungeons are like this and in this extra world, the laws of dungeons may be different, so you shouldn't rely on my words too much…"

"No, I think you're right at least in this dungeon."

Jung Si-woo shook his head lightly.

"There are 5 monsters hiding near the entrance, waiting for us. But the fact that they're not coming here must mean there's a certain rule that prohibits them from doing so."


Soo Ah-rin replied, not believing what she had just heard.

"The entrance there? You're saying that you can see monsters hiding 10 meters away from you in this complete darkness?"

"Isn't that normal?"

Soo Ah-rin wanted to yell at him, that it is only possible if you're a Player with a thief skill, but she endures it, realizing that she has been surprised about everything this man does.

That man is someone who's able to easily save a Player falling from the Sky Castle. Even a top Player like her would have to admit that his potential cannot be judged prematurely.

Soo Ah-rin decided that if she wants to support him properly, she needs to adjust to him quickly and lead him to a direction in which he could develop further.

"…No, good job. I was just surprised you're already able to adapt to the dungeon."

"Ha, I thought I did something strange again. So, what should I do now? I want to just rush in, but I shouldn't, right?"

Jung Si-woo, who still doesn't know the standard of dungeons and players, was just a beginner full of excitement about becoming a Player.

He's very excited and he knew it, so he deliberately put a hold on himself. That is a very positive attitude, Soo Ah-rin thoughts. However.

"No, it's okay now. This is a dungeon that tests a Player's abilities. I used to go through this kind of dungeon in Sky Castle before I became a Player."

There was a rule in the Sky Castle's dungeon that monsters can't kill a Player candidate during the test dungeon, but she did not tell him that because it wasn't clear whether the same rules apply here in the Ant Cave. Instead, she only tells him the most reliable information. It wasn't difficult since she used to manage her team members while being a healer.

"If it's a monster that you can notice even from a distance, then it must mean it's a monster that Si-woo-ssi can handle. However, monsters are very heterogeneous creatures, and even if you are confident in your abilities, you need to be careful because you might get hurt."

"They certainly looked a little dirty."

But, it cannot be avoided. Jung Si-woo ripped the bottom of his shirt and wrapped it around his left fist. Soo Ah-rin thought that he looked a little cool.

"As I have said, I have lost almost all of my abilities and levels as a healer, so I can only do one or two low-level healings. We can't measure the length of the test dungeon so you should avoid injuries as much as possible."

"Try not to get hurt, preserve your strength, and defeat all of the monsters. It's that easy?"

"Yes, I will let you know the rest once we clear the test dungeon."

"Okay. I finally get to use my full… strength!"

As he was talking, Jung Si-woo destroyed the ground under his feet and started his pursuit after the monsters! His movement was so fast that she could hardly think of it as the body of a person who was not even given a level yet.

Soo Ah-rin was flustered and followed him, but losing all her levels, her speed has slowed down and in just a few seconds, Jung Si-woo has already reached the second room in the dungeon. The place where the five monsters were hiding.


[Human… you look tasty!]

Monsters who thought they hadn't been noticed, ambushed and attacked him all at once! Rather than catching up with Jung Si-woo, Soo Ah-rin's eyes were wide open after she identified the monsters. An exclamation burst out of her mouth.

"Wait… Jung Si-woo, wait! Something is strange, they're werewolves… Why are there level 50 werewolves here in the test dungeon?! Stop right there, Jung Si-woo!"

"Sorry, I can't stop now!"

Contrary to Soo Ah-rin's worries that he might freeze over once he sees the monsters, Jung Si-woo immediately identified the location of the monsters and leaped from the ground with his right feet and held out his arms to punch the monsters in front of him.


Seeing one of the 'werewolves' reach out and attack him, Soo Ah-rin closed her eyes and bit her lips tightly afraid to see the sight that would unfold…


The werewolf's head burst, and it died immediately without a chance to struggle.


Soo Ah-rin's eyes are wide open in astonishment at the sight she's watching, as it's a slightly different scene than she had imagined. However, Jung Si-woo slaughtered the remaining four werewolves without any hesitation.



"So annoying!"


After killing the annoying werewolf in front of him with a solid kick, he turned and grabbed the neck of the closest werewolf to him, destroying its head with just a blow. However, seeing him exposed for a moment while attacking another werewolf, one of them rushed at him swinging its claws roughly to kill him, but Jung Si-woo punched deep, digging the inside of its stomach and hit a werewolf with his shoulder crushing its heart, slaughtering them.

All of his movements flew continuously, but it wasn't a graceful and sophisticated movement, instead, he's forcing them back with his enormous strength, strangely, there are no gaps in his movement. She wonders if this is what it's like for a beast who's born with a predator instinct.

[Ke.. Keeughh…]

The last one left realized that Jung Si-woo was an opponent he could never win against, and stepped back, but Jung Si-woo smirked slightly and punched him without mercy. His head exploded, and like the first werewolf, it died instantly.

"Huh, I would rather give a confession than not revealing this and get away with it."

Thus, the five werewolves were slaughtered in an instant. Jung Si-woo stood in place and enjoyed his first victory, but he suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Soo Ah-rin.

"So, why did you tell me to stop before?"


She barely caught up with Jung Si-woo, and her face looks like a fund manager who confirmed that the stock hit the upper limit the day after it was sold. But before he asked if she was okay, she shook her head weakly.

"N-No. So, it's really only monsters you can deal with that appear…"

Her theory was correct. The test dungeon only generates monsters that the Player candidate could face!

…However, the level of monsters that could be countered by Jung Si-woo is way too high.