
I know how to fight, duh (Lookism, Viral hit, PTJ universe)

Those who don't know me, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Alex. Alex Jin. An American-Korean 18 year old boy. I don't have any particular hobbies, well there's one but it's not anything for you to concern yourself with. I am a student at Gyerong High and can safely say that I am shit at studies. As you can see, I am a completely average teenager. I am quite content with my life, except for the fact that I am quite annoyed nowadays because of these situations I find myself in because of being an honest and upright individual. "Oi, you have got some guts trying to ignore me." Baldy said while grabbing my collar and moving too close to me for comfort. Like seriously buddy, stay away. You stink of tobacco. "... sorry about that I guess. I got lost in my thoughts you see." I said in my usual dead pan voice as baldy's face started going red in anger. "You know, I really want to just beat the shit out of you like usual, but I will give you a chance... Now you fucking loser, if you want to have a normal life again then repeat after me... Say, 'Pakgo, I was wrong about you. I am sorry for saying such stupid things about your videos, they are actually very entertaining and fun to watch. You are a great human being Pakgo.' Don't forget to call me 'handsome' in the end too." The bastard actually had the gal to add the last part... Give me a break.

ManofcultureQ_Q · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Teaching Daniel How to Fight

Hello Dear Readers.

Author here.

Let me be completely honest with you guys. I don't know anything about martial arts, so writing a story which revolves around martial arts can surely get a bit difficult sometimes.

If any of you people know a way for me to create the fights in this story more interesting, then please share your ideas.

I hope you guys like this chapter. Please don't forget to leave a comment if you do, I will greatly appreciate it.



"Yup, it ended in a second alright." I said while dusting this bastard's blood from my fist.

"The fuck-?!"

"D-did Doo just went f-flying?!"

"A-Alex!" Daniel cried with a surprised expression on his face. Poor guy must have been scared. Sorry buddy, sorry for being late in taking action.

I have been an idiot. I have always carried out my pop's words. No matter what he said, I always took it for granted. But this... I don't think I can take it anymore.

Pakgo bullying me, treating me like a fucking loser. People staring at me with pitiful eyes, or snickering behind my back for being a coward who doesn't even fight back. This shitty situation I always find myself in...

It pisses me off.

Not anymore. Fuck this ideology. Fuck Pakgo. Fuck anyone who tries to mess with my peaceful life from now on!

If I can't hurt those who are weaker than me, then is there anyone who I can hurt in the first place?

When I am the strongest of them all?

Screw it! I am going to make some changes in your words dad. Instead of not hurting those who are weaker than me, I will be protecting those who are weaker than me.

That way I can kick ass without being labelled as the bad guy.

"Doo, wake up man! Hey fucker! Wake up!"

"H-hey, you think he will be alright?!"

Damn, I hope that hit didn't kill him.

"He is breathing! He is still alive!" Phew, Safe!

"A-Alex, that was-" Daniel said while inching closer to me while pulling up his pants. He was really scared before huh. If only he knew how to fight, he wouldn't find himself in a situation like this....

Tch. I know this is going to be a hassle, but fuck it.

"Daniel!" I said loudly making the little guy squeak in fear before he looked at me with wide eyes. I have his attention now, good.

What I am going to do now is probably going to change this kid's entire life. For better or for worse, I have no idea. Am I willing to take this responsibility? Am I even worthy to be taking such a responsibility?

What would Dad have done?

'Listen Alex, our family have a saying, "Do what you want." That's what my Grandpa taught me, and that's what I am teaching you. So remember this, if you ever find yourself in a pinch, then just do whatever you want. No matter what the others say.'

"Do what I want huh...." I muttered to myself before looking at Daniel with a stern expression on my face.

"Listen up Daniel. Don't blink. I am going to teach you how to fight."

"But you said-"

"Lesson number one on how to fight!" I cut Daniel off before ducking under a punch without even looking behind me, and followed it up by tripping the guy who threw that punch, making him kiss the ground in a very intimate manner.

"How to get hit-" I noticed a presence behind me, and before he could hit me, I looked towards Daniel to see if he was attentive. Upon finding him to be completely focused, I turned around and said

"Without getting hurt!" A fist came straight towards my face as the guy who threw the punch grinned cockily, thinking he at least did some damage. His grin was short lived however, as a stinging pain coerced through his fist making him wince visibly.

"The fuck?! Why does my hand hurt! Fuck!"

"H-how did you-?"

"And that's how you get hit," I ducked under a punch as this guy started throwing punches randomly with his uninjured hand.

"-Without getting hurt!" I tucked my chin in, and whacked this guy's fist with my forehead. The result? Well his cry of agony says enough I guess.

"H-how, how did you do that!?" Daniel asked me with a surprised look on his face.

I motioned for him to come closer and pointed towards the guy who I tripped earlier, and just as he stood up, I started speaking again.

"Now look closely,

Lesson no.1 on How to fight.

How to get hit without getting hurt.

First step, check for your opponent's dominant hand." I said before noticing the guy standing on his feet and looking at me with a furious expression on his face. Well, it's understandable how I just knocked out one of his friend and left the other one bawling his eyes out in pain.

"H-how do I check that right now?!" Daniel shrieked after seeing the delinquent standing up and giving us a death glare. Stop shrieking at everything damnit.

"Well, that's for you to find out. Do you remember the hand he usually holds his cigeratte with?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. Upon seeing Daniel's eyes lit up, I understood he got the answer which made me smile.

Well, here goes nothing.

"I guess you have the answer, go and fight him on my behalf then." I said before pushing Daniel towards his first opponent after coming under my wing. This action earned me a terrified scream from my coworker as he started sweating bullets.

"F-fight him?! But he will hit me!!"

"Then get hit without getting hurt."


"Daniel, do you want to change or not?" I asked Daniel with a serious expression on my face.

That's right, the thing that made me respect this coworker of mine, was not that he helped me out once, rather it was his efforts of trying to change himself.

I can see it in his eyes. His burning desire to better himself as a human being. I don't know what he went through, but anyone who puts in efforts to change into a better version of themselves gets full marks in my 'awesome people' book.

This is the moment where Daniel has to decide if he really wants to change himself, or if he just wants to stay the same.

If he decides to fight right now, then I will be there for him whenever he needs me. I will help him turn into a better person. But if he refuses right now, then I will just beat these bastards up and save Daniel, but never in my life will I ever teach Daniel anything.

I noticed Daniel hesitating for a few moments, before he got a determined expression on his face and without saying anything to me, he turned around to face his opponent. He put up a stance, similar to the one I took earlier, and was visibly shaking in fear but didn't try to run away.

Good, good! That's it Daniel! That's what I want to see!

Daniel Park, I am going to turn you into the best version of yourself. You have my word for it!

"Good choice. Now, do what I tell you to. Do you know which hand is his dominant hand?"

"Y-yes, it's his right hand!" Daniel shouted and gulped as his opponent started coming near him.

"Now, unless your opponent is a professional fighter, they will most likely swing at you with their dominant hand. Which in this buffoon's case, is his right hand. So, tell me Daniel. For this trick to work, you need to force him to use his right hand, then what should you do?" I asked with a confident smile on my face. Teaching is fun!

"I-I should-!"

"What? Are you trying to pick a fight with me piggy, move, or I will kill you!" Daniel's opponent said while looking at him with a menacing glare on his face. He sure looks pissed, jeez.

"Eek!" My brave little coworker responded to his opponent's threat with the only response he could muster at that moment, a terrified shriek.

"Focus Daniel. I would have actually told you to make your opponent lose his cool at first, but seeing your opponent's state, he already lost his cool. Now, you just need to keep a calm head and listen to me." My words actually had an affect and Daniel was able to not look as terrified as before. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.

"Now, you know his dominant hand, as well as the fact that you need to force him to use his right hand. Then what you need to do is simple enough." I paused for a dramatic effect before continuing

"Face your opponent... And stand to his left." Just as these words left my mouth, I noticed Daniel already did what I just said. Was it a coincidence that he stood to his opponent's left side without me pointing it out? I have no idea.

"Hey you fuckers, are you seriously doing this when I am trying to fight you? You take me for a pushover?" Daniel's opponent was really on edge now. He is so gonna explode.

"N-no, but compared to your friends, I guess you can say you are a pushover." Wait wait wait! Daniel just taunted this guy? The hell? He is learning too fast and I am proud of him!

"...You. Fucking. Pig." Daniel's opponent said before dashing towards him with a raised fist. Oh shit I forgot to teach him the other steps-

Before I could move into intercept, I saw something which made my jaw drop.

Daniel tucked his chin in, and whacked his opponent's fist with his forehead. He did it on his first try, It was.... A perfect copy of what I did earlier.

Did he just.... copy my move?


I didn't know there were more people with this talent other than my dad and me.

I didn't notice it at the time, but after seeing Daniel perform such a feat, I had a shit eating grin on my face.

"Ahhh! You fucking pig! My hand! Fuck!" Daniel's opponent cursed while clutching his hand in visible pain. Daniel also seem to be rubbing his forehead with slight pain, but it's nothing he can't handle.

Before Daniel can celebrate the fact that he succeeded in doing this trick, his opponent started waving his fist that wasn't injured around like an idiot. Daniel ducked the first blow as he started losing his confidence before my voice reached his ears

"Don't panic Daniel! You are doing good! Just try to hit his fist with your forehead! Keep on moving and don't stop!"

In this situation, I didn't take one thing into account.

Daniel is too slow, so his opponent's fist should easily hit him. Well, they should have hit him but... Daniel Park is... How should I put this... He is a genius at this.

Despite being slower than his opponent, he sees all those punches coming at him. It's as if those punches come in slow motion for him. To him, those punches are slow, but his slow body doesn't respond to his wishes which makes it impossible for him to dodge those punches properly.

But this time, he is not trying to dodge, rather, he is trying to hit his opponent's fist with his forehead.

He is slow, so by the time he moves his head, it's too late for him to hit his opponent's fist with his forehead. We can only blame his poor physique for this. But that's what makes it interesting, as his opponent is an amateur just like him, so he doesn't know how to hit him properly.

He is trying to hit Daniel, and Daniel is trying to hit him in return. But because of Daniel having a slow body and his opponent having no proper training, they both end up missing each other.

Which makes it look as if Daniel is weaving.

"Heh, he sure looks like he is having fun." I said as I noticed a small smile on Daniel's face while trying to hit his opponent's fist.

Today was a fun experience, time to put an end to this.

"You. Fucking. Pig. Just. Get knocked out ALREADY-" Before Daniel's opponent can get anymore angry, I stepped between them and punched this guy hard enough to knock him out.


"You did great Daniel. I honestly didn't think much of you, but now, I can safely say that you have huge potential." I said with a bright smile on my face.

After hearing me praising him, my coworker blushed in embarassment but looked happy nonetheless. Hell, this is the first time he stood up for himself after all.

"Let's go back to the store, it's getting late. I think I should go home now, I want to spend some time gaming." I said while walking towards the store with a smile on my face.

Today was fun!

"Uhm, Alex?" Daniel called me out in a nervous voice, prompting me to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What is it? Do you want to thank me? If that's the case then don't sweat it."

"N-no that's not it. I-I mean I am thankful but-! I wanted to ask if, that's how you actually fight? The moves you told me, what kind of martial art was it?"

Oh, he is taking an interest in this isn't he?

What martial art was it huh... I don't think you need to think too much into it yet buddy. Welp, I guess I can just tell him what martial arts I use instead.

"Well, you don't have to think too much into it. Just focus on doing what I am teaching you, and it will be fine. About your question if that's how I actually fight? Then my answer would be no, not at all."

"Wait-, No? You don't use those methods when you fight?.... Then, what kind of martial art do YOU use?"

"Hm? Well, I am a practitioner of Renewal Taekwondo." I answered with a shrug of my shoulders. No harm in telling my student about this now is there?

"Taekwondo? B-but you didn't use any kicks...."

"Oh trust me buddy. If I used my kick on them, they would be dead." I answered with a light laugh.

Use my kicks on weaklings like them? No way. I know for a fact they would die.

"D-dead?!" Daniel looked at me with a pale expression on his face when he heard me. His frightened expression made me laugh again.

Seriously, letting loose like this sure helps to improve your mood.

Now, my dear Pakgo, I hope you give me a beautiful reason to use my kick on you tomorrow.

Because quite frankly, I don't care if you die.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. Don't worry guys, MC will teach Daniel some Yu Hobin's moves, but he won't be teaching Daniel Renewal Taekwondo. Being Daniel's teacher was a must step for my mc to be a part of Lookism, so this student teacher thingy was a must.

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