
A clash of light and darkness

Planet Auria,

Deep within a dark cave far away from the land of men is where our story springs from.

Inside this dark and quiet cave was a dimly lit throne room with a huge throne at the middle. Apart from that, the only other things that could be found in this room were the pile of corpses and skeletons that seemed to belong to dead soldiers. These were sprawled across the room from one part to the other.

These piles of bones and rotten flesh were so much that one couldn't afford to walk across the room without stepping on them. The stench they gave off was simply unbearable.

The only source of light shining in this semi dark room, seemed to belong to a being who was sitting on the throne. The light appeared to be coming from it's left eye which had a sort of green magical circle embedded within it.

This being seemed human enough with a tanned complexion and his hair styled into dreadlocks. He was putting on a sleeveless white robe that stopped above his ankles.

He had his right leg rested on the right arm rest of the throne while he used the left to support his left hand placed under his jaw. He was relaxing lazily and comfortably on the throne.


The being had a bored expression on his face. He was about to let out another bored sigh but was interrupted when a man suddenly appeared out of thin air before him.

This man had stitches all over his body as though it had been sewn together. He had large bat like wings behind him and was putting on battle armor.

He prostrated with a knee to the ground as soon as he appeared.

" What is it, Zelophad?", the being on the throne asked with a deep and cackling voice.

" Master ", the one addressed as Zelophad replied , "they are almost here ".

Immediately he heard this, the being's once bored face lit up with anxious excitement.

" Are the others prepared?", He asked.

" Yes, master ", Zelophad replied with a nod.

" How many delegations were sent this time?".

" Two, master", Zelophad replied, " and it appears that amongst one of the delegations is that Hero we have heard so much about".

The being smirked.

" At last , a worthy opponent ", he muttered underneath his breath, " we'll welcome them with open arms ", he smiled to Zelophad.


The delegation at the mouth of the cave was a small army of at least thirty men. They were all clad in crimson armour from head to toe. Two men who appeared to be the heads of the delegation stood at the front. One was holding a big sheet of paper that seemed to be a map.

" This must be where the traps are located", the other man without the map stated. He had a large moustache above his lips.

" It appears so, commander ", the other man replied.

The commander turned to address the others.

" We've evaluated the map of the dungeon already", he started ," And I must say , it is not going to be an easy task ", he sighed and then continued, " many of us may lose our lives here as this dungeon isn't like any one you've encountered before. But be brave and let us unite together and rid this world of this abomination and I swear upon my words that you will be duely rewarded ".

At this, the crowd let out a loud cry and rushed into the cave.

But that was their first mistake : Charging in blindly , thinking they knew everything before hand.

As soon as they stepped in, they were greeted with the gory sight of a large dragon munching on a dead corpse.

" Eiiiiii... It's the death dragon jormungrld ",one of them stuttered, shaking in fear.

" But.....b..but... the death dragon is supposed to appear at the second stage of the dungeon ", said the commander, who was already gripped in fear.

The monster who had been interrupted from it's meal by the soldiers, raised it's head and eyed the intruders.

It let out a loud roar followed by an arrogant flapping of wings that so shook the foundations of the cave that the large boulders attached to the walls and the top dropped to the ground, killing some of the men and blocking the entrance of the cave so that there was not a single room for escape.


In another part of the dungeon, the dark lord sat comfortably on his throne observing through a large crystal ball , the happenings at the entrance.

Behind his throne stood two persons , one at the left and the other at the right. The being at the left was a tall seductive woman with hair as dark as coal. On both sides of her head were two large horns that resembled those of a ram. She was putting on a dress that hugged her body and revealed her cleavages and a few parts of her bare skin. Lastly she had a sword strapped to her waist. The look on her face was an expressionless one.

On the other hand, the man who retained his position at the right was Zelophad.

" They were definitely not expecting jormungrld at the beginning of their perils ", Zelophad observed the helpless situation of the first delegation.

The dark lord nodded his head in agreement.

" If they didn't expect the first peril , then they would never expect the next one " , the woman said , her voice was rather timid compared to her body.

" Hil ", the dark lord muttered under his breath. The green circle in his eye vanished and was replaced by a black and white coloured circle with a different symbol within it.


The second delegation had stopped at the mouth of a closed cave in astonishment and bother written all over their faces.

Although this one was also filled with men putting on crimson red armour, there were a few exceptions.

At the front line, the hero also known as the Chaos Saviour, stood gallantly with his sword outstretched. He was a tall man with broad shoulders and lean build. His long blonde hair matched his perfectly mismatched eyes. The right one crimson red while the left was a deep sea blue in color. He was putting on a blue and silver armour that covered his entire body.

" They must be trapped in there ", the man who seemed to be the leader of this delegation said, " what do we do to get in now? We cannot use manual labour to get these rocks out of the way because by the time we are done, all the men in there might already be dead...so what do we do, Sir Hero?", He seemed to be in a panic.

The Hero didn't reply him immediately, instead, he stared intently at the mouth of the cave for a while before finally saying:

" Leia, support me with your magic ".

The girl who he had addressed as Leia was a small lady with the face of a child who had the traditional nun outfit on. She was holding a long magical staff which she lifted high at the Hero's request.

" Yes , Sir Hero", she shouted, "' light of the world "'.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared at the top of the staff. She immediately directed it towards the hero who caught it with the sword in his hand.

He shot the beam towards the cave.

Booooooommmmmmm. A loud explosion followed as soon as the beam hit the rocks, shattering everything in it's path.
