
I Have Three Mates

Lillian thought asking others for anything will burden them and others also left her out but her only wish is to be loved. What happens when she get three times the love she wished for will it be everything she asked for,will she finnally have a place to belong.

Sia_lin75 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs



          After finishing our breakfast his dad said they have something they want to talk about and so we all settled in the living room."Hello Dear i am Evangeline.killian and jullian's grandmother and that his Peter their grandfather" their grandmother said as they hugged me and  smiled at me."Hello grandma and grandpa"I smiled at them as they smiled at me with affection.

       "Let's take a seat " their grandmother said as his father passed an old book to their grandpa.

      "As we know that killian and jullian both have same mate and is a human from another world.This incident has happened before and the human who arrived in a same way and her mate ended up dying because they didn't realise their dangerous situation later this book was written by the humans mate father who was the Alpha of the black shadow pack which is now the biggest werewolves pack".Grandpa said as he stared at the three of us i was scared hearing what happened to them and felt killian and jullian hug me from both sides making me relax a little.

      "But what resulted killing them"Killian asked."The place the human arrived was near the black shadow pack so the beta of the pack was the one who found her and brought her to the pack when the alpha son who was Eighteen found that human was his mate.They made her stay with them and his son was also happy but after two months they were suddenly attacked by a group of people called ARKINS they were a mix of tiger and wolf they first killed a few people in their pack and it started to increase more and the Alpha's son and his mate was captured.

             After they were captured the attack also stopped but after two months they found their son who was barely alive and it was written that his son said Arkins those people can find humans when they arrives to this world and they killed his human mate in front of his eyes for the Blue Stone within her body which will be formed in a human's body when they arrive in this world it gives them Power, Youth, and their blood can make them create creature that can defeat Vampire, Tiger shifters, werewolves within few moments as Arkins were always hiding they greeded for power" His grandfather explained.

                  Feeling a chill, i felt Jullian and Killian hug me tight as the stood near me slowly rubbing my back trying to make me relax."We will not allow anything to happen to you"Killian said as he kissed my back."We will always be with you don't worry Lil"Jullian said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead for few seconds and turned to his grandfather.

             "Is there any way that we can prevent this from happening Grandpa"Jullian asked desperately."There is one, Her mates must change her if she become one of us the power she gets from us will make the blue stone give her the power it has.which will make the power disappear within her body itself into a shield that protects her also after that she will no longer be able to go to her world".His father said making my eyes open wide.

           If i become one of them there will be no way that i can go to my world but even if i go there I don't have a place that i belong and only loneliness will be there for me but what if i can't become one of them.i become shaking with anxious of the chances i can't possibly be with them."Please don't cry Lillian we will overcome this don't worry  please" Said the twins as they held on tightly as if i was going to disappear.I can also feel themselves becoming a little afraid of me disappearing and I hugged them back tightly and released.

                         "Don't be afraid they attack only after two months. The changing process takes three weeks and you will feel gain power with three days also we can ask help from your sister's mate for the extra protection.but now we can't change you as the twins just turned Eighteen their wolves are still developing they can turn you after a week when they get their wolf back with their full power".His Grandfather said as he smiled at me."Take care of her boys" his father patted their back and patted my head smiling and was soon hugged by his mother who smiled at me and told us to take some rest.