

In the training area of the Night Raid hideout, a man stood alone, eyes closed, gripping his staff tightly. The wooden weapon, worn from countless hours of practice, felt familiar and comforting in his hands. He took a deep breath, centering himself before he began.

With a fluid motion, the man swung the staff through the air, and a rush of wind followed its path. It wasn't that he possessed the ability to manipulate the wind itself; rather, it was the sheer force behind his movements that seemed to conjure the gusts. As the staff sliced through the air, the invisible energy it displaced created a tangible presence, carrying a hint of power.

The man's training was a display of both strength and finesse. Each swing, spin, and strike showcased his raw power, but there was a grace to his movements as well. He moved with a controlled fluidity, his body twisting and turning with remarkable flexibility. As he unleashed a flurry of strikes, the wind responded in kind, intensifying the energy in the area.

His training wasn't just about honing his physical strength. It was about pushing the boundaries of his own limitations, exploring the depths of his flexibility. The man executed high kicks, low sweeps, and intricate acrobatic maneuvers, all while maintaining a firm grip on the staff. The wind seemed to echo his motions, amplifying the range of his movements and adding an almost ethereal quality to his training.

With an explosive leap, the man propelled himself into the air, his eyes snapping open to reveal a fiery determination. Every muscle in his body coiled with tension, ready to unleash its power. Harnessing the momentum from his powerful jump, he initiated a rapid vertical spin, his body transforming into a mesmerizing blur of motion. The sheer speed and precision of his rotations created a gust of wind that whipped around him.

As his descent commenced, he honed his focus, aligning his body flawlessly for the climax. With a resounding cry that pierced the air, he descended like a force of nature, his staff descending alongside him, primed to strike the ground below. The moment of impact reverberated through the surroundings, causing shockwaves to ripple outward in awe. It was as if nature itself recognized the raw strength and masterful skill displayed by this exceptional warrior.

"Damn it, Bulat!" Leone's exasperated shout echoed through the training area as she hurriedly shielded her bowl of noodles from the swirling dust that billowed up from the ground. Seated beside her, Sheele grappled with her book, desperately holding onto its pages as the force of Bulat's powerful strike threatened to turn them.

The two companions had chosen to observe Bulat's training session, hoping to enjoy their meal and immerse themselves in their respective activities. However, they soon found themselves caught in the whirlwind of Bulat's final strike to the ground.

Witnessing their predicament, Bulat sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and offered an apologetic smile. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't notice you there," he admitted, realizing the unintended consequences of his powerful strikes.

Observing his genuine remorse, Leone let out a resigned sigh and set her bowl of noodles aside, resigned to the fact that her food was now adorned with sprinkling of dust.

"Is it just me, or have I noticed a significant increase in the intensity of your training lately?", Leone inquired with genuine curiosity.

Bulat's gaze wandered momentarily to the sky, after a brief pause, he mustered a thoughtful expression and replied, "I just have a lot on my mind recently".

Upon hearing Bulat's response, Leone's brow furrowed instantly as she remembered the key events that transpired a few days prior.

As she returned to the base, having witnessed the execution of the Prime Minister, the profound depth of emotional turmoil experienced by each member upon hearing her relay the news was beyond measure.

Initially, there was a sense of relief that the Prime Minister had been killed, but there was also a sense of disbelief that it was the Child Emperor himself who had carried out the act. Even Najenda, the leader of the group, felt the need to seek solace in alcohol to fully process the information. However, before they could fully recover from the shock further details were released by the capital.

Two days after the execution of the Prime Minister and his allies, the officials of the Capital made another shocking announcement. It was disclosed that both General Hemi and General Nakaido had confessed to the Emperor that the revolutionary army had been attempting to recruit them. Taking into account the state of the Empire at that time they were invited, both generals had contemplated accepting the offer.

People speculated that both generals and their armies would face severe consequences and be made examples of, perhaps even executed. However, the Child Emperor's decision defied all logic. Instead of punishing them, he granted his full pardon to the two generals and their respective armies, as well as appointing them new tasks and responsibilities.

General Nakaido, renowned as one of the brightest military minds of his generation, was entrusted with the crucial mission of handling the remaining forces left behind by Honest and Saikyu. He was granted complete discretion to decide whether to eliminate these forces or reintegrate them into the Empire's fold.

Meanwhile, General Hemi received a prestigious new title as General Inspector, endowing him with the authority to investigate the entire military apparatus of the empire. This included the power to apprehend corrupt military officials and reopen investigations into cases where officers of the army were wrongly imprisoned during Honest's tenure as Prime Minister. If any officials were found to be falsely accused, General Hemi held the power and authority to release them immediately.

The news of the Emperor's pardon left both generals astounded. During a formal audience with the monarch, they once again swore their unwavering loyalty to the Child Emperor, with the Great General Budo and the Empire's minister bearing witness to the solemn oath.

"Are you contemplating leaving Night Raid?" Lubbock's voice suddenly pierced the air, making his presence known as he sat on a tree branch in the corner of the training ground. With swift agility, he leaped down to the ground and began walking toward the group.

Scratching the side of his head, "I mean, it's a valid question, especially now that the Prime Minister is dead", he continued, his gaze locked into Bulat.

Despite the Empire's analysis of Lubbock's identity as a potential ally of the revolutionary army, given his association with the bookstore where a spy was discovered, Lubbock remained unwavering in his loyalty to Night Raid even after the demise of Honest. Though uncertain about the path ahead, one thing was clear to him: as long as Najenda continued to lead Night Raid, he would never entertain the thought of leaving.

Bulat was another case altogether. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't completely dismiss Lubbock's statement. The idea of leaving Night Raid and taking matters into his own hands by approaching General Hemi had indeed crossed his mind. As a former high-ranking soldier of the Empire, Bulat had witnessed the corruption and manipulations orchestrated by Honest within the military. With Honest's demise, a flicker of hope ignited in his heart — perhaps the entire military complex of the Empire could be rectified from within. In Bulat's perspective, the Child Emperor was making all the right moves.

As Bulat and Lubbock locked eyes with each other, a tense silence enveloped the entire training ground. Leone felt a surge of annoyance towards Lubbock for provoking such a reaction. While she agreed with his sentiment, she believed that it wasn't wise to vocalize it so boldly. Given the recent events unfolding in the Empire, people were likely grappling with their own uncertainties and contemplating the appropriate course of action.

Breaking the silence, Mine and Akame entered the training ground in unison. Mine's voice carried a resolute tone as she exclaimed, "What are you talking about? No one is leaving Night Raid! We are all allies in this fight! The Prime Minister was just one of our targets. The Empire remains entrenched in corruption and injustice. We cannot allow this to divide us."

Akame's gaze hardened as she joined the conversation. "Our battle is far from over," she stated resolutely. Her thoughts fixated on a particular general whom she believed deserved a fate similar to the previous Prime Minister.

As the group members gradually assembled in the training ground, Najenda remained hidden in a nearby building, observing and listening to the conversation.

"Looks like I need to visit the headquarters soon", Najenda stated while smoking her cigarette.

She had heard the brief discussion among the group, and now she too fell into contemplative silence. She began to wonder if what they were doing was right. Every single revolutionary member knows that the root cause of the Empire's problem was Honest and now that he's dead many would wonder if it is still worth it to continue the war against the Empire. Especially now that the Child Emperor was taking an active hand in helping the Empire flourish.

"I wonder how's the headquarters going to handle this?"Najenda asked herself. For once, she became uncertain of the future that lay before them.

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