
Mia's Session.

"Three weeks ago, the owner of James Industries was arrested for attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon. Sam James was arrested after fleeing the scene. The victim is Doctor Mia James, she was admitted to hospital with a knife wound and is currently still recovering. The court date will be released in the next week and we will continue to report on this story when we have more information."

"Mia, you don't have to watch this." Aiden slipped the remote from her hands and turned off the TV, Mia slumped back in the chair coming to the realization that this was being publicized.

"Are they filming the case?" she asked sheepishly, the last thing she needed was paparazzi knocking on their door, she was under enough stress over her diagnosis.

"Listen I have the best lawyers in Hangzhou, you will win against him I promise you and he's going to rot in jail for what he did to you." Aiden sat beside her and pulled her head against his chest for comfort, Mia had been glued to his since her discharge following her paranoia.

"Good. Thank god they didn't mention you; it'll affect your work." Aiden sighed and lifted her chin; her eye was still swollen and the cut on her lip looked sore.

"Stop worrying about me, I'm going to protect you no matter what okay?" Mia smiled and snuggled against him; his scent made her feel secure along with his heavy heartbeat.

"Are you ready to go to your appointment?" Mia felt a sharp pain in her chest, she never wanted this. It was different for her being in the patient chair in her profession but according to her referral, her psychiatrist was an old friend from University.

"Not really but are you sure you don't mind sitting in with me?" Aiden smiled adoringly at her.

"I'll do anything to get you better. I'll be right beside you so don't worry." Mia nodded and got up to get her shoes on. The car journey there was the most nerve-racking thing she'd ever experienced. Mia had already decided she would lie for majority of her questions so she could get discharged and return to work. She just wanted life to return to normal.

"Mia…we're here." Mia took a deep breath and looked up at the clinic ahead of her. Due to confidentiality she was not allowed to be admitted to her own clinic so had to settle for the second most popular clinic in Hangzhou. It was called Recovery road. Mia cringed at the name, it looked dull and boring. Aiden could see the dread on her face so took her hand supporting and walked up with her. At the front desk Mia struggled to find her voice.

"I-I have an appointment with Doctor Arata Hidou at 11." The receptionist forced her smile and gave her the appointment card, Mia felt eyes watching her as she sat in the waiting room. Aiden could feel her pulse pounding in her wrist and glanced at her. Mia looked flushed, he cheeks were bright red.

"Mia, it's going to be okay." Mia nodded dismissively staring at the floor, in her mind she was terrified. If she was officially diagnosed by this doctor, she wouldn't be able to work until her therapy sessions were up which was uncertain.

"Mia James?" A familiar voice called out that she recognized immediately, Arata always got good grades but in university they were considered rivals, Mia hoped that the past was irrelevant. Aiden pulled her up out of her daze and followed the voice to the consultation room.

"Hi there, my name is Doctor Arata Hidou, I'll be your clinician for today." Mia watched his face light up as they met eyes, it was clear he recognized her. Then he shook Aiden's hand and slowed down as he recognized who he was. Aiden smiled comfortingly.

"Pleasure to meet you." Mia shook his hand strongly, she needed to maintain her sanity for 45 minutes, this was going to kill her.

"Okay, take a seat and I'll quickly register your vitals and blood pressure." Mia nodded and walked over to the table, she propped herself up as he raked around in the draws. Aiden sat down at the couch and kept a close eye on her as she clamped her hands together nervously.

"Okay, I'll put this on your finger. The blood pressure machine may tighten slightly but it's normal." Mia nodded, for some reason her voice wouldn't come out at all. She felt the machine contract her arm until her blood was pulsating vibrantly under her skin. Mia watched his brows furrow, something was off.

"Um… your blood pressure is quite high and so is your heartrate. Are you anxious by any chance?" Mia subconsciously bawled her fists; her body couldn't lie, and she felt defeated.

"Not at all, I'm still recovering from my injuries that may be the cause." Arata smiled and wrote down her stats. Aiden also had a worried expression on his face. High blood pressure signified high levels of stress.

"You've agreed for you partner to sit in for our session correct?" Mia sat down next to Aiden, he held her hands and truth be told they were soaking with sweat, and her arm was shaking.

"That's correct." Aiden looked at her concerned, but she wasn't making eye contact with anyone.

"Okay, that's no problem. As you know anything discussed in here stays in this room so don't be worried about confidentiality breach, I understand your situation is very delicate and the wounds are still raw but I'm here to help you Mia." Mia noticed he was good with his words but tried her best not to laugh. Is this what she sounded like when treating people.

"We're going to start with the beginning of the incident could you tell me about that?" Mia snapped out of her daze and opened her mouth to talk but her mouth was dry and sore, why couldn't she speak.

"I-I received a text from Sam telling me he was at my clinic and in my mother's room." Aiden could feel the struggle in her words, reliving this must be horrible for her.

"I immediately contacted Aiden to let him know I needed his help. After that I jumped into my car and sped to the clinic." Arata listened intently noticing Mia couldn't make eye contact which was a sign of insecurity.

"I see, it must have been distressing to receive that. Did you enter the clinic on your own?" Mia nodded, she didn't even think about waiting for Aiden, she wanted to get to her mother as quickly as possible.

"I did. My staff were no longer in the building, so I was alone." Aiden was also listening very closely; he hadn't heard in detail about the incident either. Arata nodded for her to continue.

"I didn't think about anything else but my mother, so I went to her room immediately." Mia stopped dead and looked at the floor, suddenly images of the blood-stained room came flooding back. Aiden felt her hand squeeze him tight.

"What did you see once you entered her room Mia?" Mia felt her skin shiver until it was covered in Goosebumps.

"Her room was covered in blood and…Sam was standing in the corner to distract my attention." Mia tried to fight back her migraine that came out of nowhere. Aiden tried to picture the scene as she spoke.

"What happened next?", Arata.

"Before I knew what was happening two men rushed behind me and pinned my arms and legs to the floor. They were strong and heavy, and I was completely immobilized." Mia threaded her fingers together defensively remembering the weight from their heavy bodies. Aiden closed his eyes trying not to let his imagination run wild. The thought of anyone even touching her made his want to kill someone.

"Okay, being reprimanded by two strangers is a very traumatic sensation. There's the factor of being unknown and then the sensation of being pinned down. I think that was most likely the beginning of the traumatic event." Mia glared at him in confusion, it didn't take him to say that for her to know. Mia found it condescending he would assume when the trauma occurred.

"While I was trapped beneath them, Sam reached behind the door and dragged my mother's body out so I could see it." Aiden felt his heart drop, he couldn't imagine the pain she experienced when witnessing that, he knew Mia better than anyone. If anyone was hurt due to her own personal issues, it would destroy her with guilt.

"What did you think at that moment?", Arata. Mia choked back her tears and pressed her hands against her head, a sudden migraine was killing her as her mind walked her through the trauma. Aiden stroked his thumb over her hand seeing she was struggling to let the words out.

"I-I thought she was dead…she wasn't moving, and her face was so pale I thought she was already gone by the time he caught me." Arata nodded and began writing down notes. Mia knew he was going to push her.

"I want you to tell me what went through your mind at that moment." Mia sighed frustratingly, she didn't want to remember her thoughts, it was too painful.

"I felt like I'd let her down, we had been through so much together and she was finally getting better. I'd never felt sickness that severe in my life…truthfully…I wanted him to kill me because I couldn't deal with the fact, I had contributed to my mother's death." Mia finally couldn't stop the tears from falling and she shied her face away shameful to let anyone see her weakness.

"Hey, it's okay. I got you." Aiden couldn't stand by anymore, so he wrapped his arms around her and cradle her body feeling it shudder in shock. Arata finally looked sympathetic and put his notepad down trying not to be too insensitive.

"Sorry just give me a second." Mia took a deep breath; it didn't occur to her how much she had been avoiding remembering that night.

"Um, thankfully as I was ready to give up, she called out to me telling me it was going to be okay. Then the relief I felt was unimaginable, seeing her eyes open looking at me with such remorse it made my heart ache." Mia smiled finally being honest with herself, although it was painful remembering the relief in her heart when her mothers sweet voice called out to her made everything feel okay again.

"After I was sure she was still alive Sam snapped his fingers and his two accomplices began beating me until I couldn't breath anymore. They broke my ribs, fractured my collar bone, he was trying to weaken me so I couldn't fight back. I think all of that animosity from my countless rejection really got to his head, so it was a way of punishing me but…that wasn't enough for him." Mia bowed her head; the next part was the most painful for her.

"My mother tried pleading with him to stop but he was having fun, he was smiling majority of the time. I didn't want to show I was weak so I antagonized him, I told him hitting me wouldn't make me fall in love with him. After he told me I should grasp my situation more, he pulled a knife from his pocket and cut the buttons from my shirt." Aiden felt his teeth grit imagining his hands on her, it was almost too much to bear.

"I managed to break free from him after resisting but when I backed away Sam rushed up towards me and before I knew it…he'd stabbed me in my abdomen." Mia felt her injury throb recalling the incident so much, so she felt it pulsating throughout her whole body.

"Did you feel any pain at the time?" Arata was trying to determine whether the trauma had come from physical sensations or mental turmoil which were both probable.

"Not at the time, I was in shock so I couldn't feel anything but at that moment I was sure he was going to kill me. I could tell that wasn't his attention, because his accomplices were disturbed, he'd done such a thing." Mia remembered the horror on their faces, they were more surprised than her. The blood, the feeling on tissue on her fingers, the smell of iron ruminating around them.

"But that didn't deter him either, he still had the intention of assaulting me, so he pinned me down yet again. I fought them with everything I had, eventually I managed to break free yet again after I kicked him in his groin. I shot up and grabbed my mother before running out of the room…" Mia felt her tears well up again remembering Aiden's face when he found her bloody and dying out on the street. Aiden couldn't believe this had happened to her; it was killing him he didn't get to her in time. The air was thick and heavy, Mia felt like a rock was vibrating I her chest and her lungs wouldn't open adequately.

"Mia, your breathing slightly too fast. Just take a few breaths for me." Aiden felt helpless watching her gulp oxygen, her chest looking like it was about to burst. Mia could also feel herself start to sweat, she knew exactly what was happening and tried to calm herself, but the emotions were far too extreme to control independently. Before Mia knew she was wheezing and gripping Aiden's hand so strongly his bones started to crack.

"Hey Mia, look at me. Okay, breath with me. Your safe, I'm here no-one is going to hurt you." Mia leaned forwards trying to open her lungs, Aiden's voice was muffled yet understandable. Mia quivered as she slowly began to breathe normally.

"Mia, I think we're going to stop for today—"

"No! I'm not leaving here until I tell you whatever you need to know to discharge me. I'm still in shock I do not have PTSD!" Aiden's eyes widened as she shouted at Arata with all her might. Suddenly it dawned on him Mia's purpose for coming there was to get discharged so she could return to work. However, her body language and panic attack signified multiple signs of PTSD. Arata looked down and sighed.

"Mia, I understand this is difficult for you. We are in the same position and you are a brilliant doctor. But…you cannot help someone with mental health issues while having a condition yourself. It's like the blind leading the blind." Mia slumped back into her chair and stared at her hands in her lap.

"No, you don't understand, I worked my way up from nothing to work in my dream position. Your telling me that one night has ripped that away from me? I refuse to accept that; I can treat myself I don't need your diagnosis or your help. Relaying a very shocking event and showing signs of distress is always a possibility. That does not mean I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Aiden could see her fighting with everything she had, he knew how important Mia's work was to her. He'd seen her working first hand, saving lives, opening futures and supporting people through recovery. Giving that up would kill her.

"I received the referral from the Hangzhou General, they said you were unresponsive for three days and lashed out at anyone besides Aiden who tried to touch you. You were paranoid Mia.", Arata.

"Of course, I was paranoid, I'd just been beaten and stabbed. I almost f*cking died, I was in survival mode this was before Sam had been arrested. I am telling you after some rest I will be perfectly fine I know how to deal with my symptoms. It's mild paranoia and lingering effects of shock, I have support at home and a court date upcoming for Sam's prosecution. I'll have the clarity I need then I can move on with my life. Thank-you for your time but we're done." Mia stood up pulling Aiden up with her and stormed out of the clinic. Aiden was still in awe at her speech, even Arata looked shell-shocked.

"Mia you can't just run out of the clinic!" Aiden pulled her back; Mia spun around and gave him a hurtful glare.

"Look I'm not sitting there letting my ex-colleague diagnose with an illness I don't have. This is not denial or me worming my way out of it, this is my life Aiden. If I get sectioned my career is over, I can't take that. You weren't there while I barely kept my head above water to get my degree." Aiden nodded; it was true he wasn't there, but it didn't stop him from worrying about her. Mia had changed since that night; she was dangerously hyper-vigilant and paranoid. Anyone other than him was treated as an enemy.

"I'm sorry, I know this is hard for you. What about visiting your mother? You still haven't seen her apartment." Mia face seemed to light up slightly, Aiden had saved her yet again by helping her mother move into her new apartment. Jane was taking this experience completely differently; she had a positive outlook as a survivor not a victim. Mia tried to follow in her footsteps but struggled to grasp the mentality.

"Yeah, I'd like that. I want to check on her anyway." Aiden also brightened up seeing the satisfactory sile on her face. They both got into Aiden's car and began driving towards central Hangzhou, Aiden had paid for a luxury apartment for her mother. It's what she deserved after living in a mental clinic for six years. Mia was excited to see her mother new home, finally she had been discharged. After a quiet drive Aiden pulled into the private parking lot and pointed up at the top floor. It was covered in plated glass and was open to the sky, it was stunning. Mia gave him a thankful nod; he'd really outdone himself.

"This is like her dream home; she always wanted a place to admire the sky." Aiden chuckled remembering Jane's face when she saw the sky light, she was so overjoyed a tear trickled down her cheek.

"It gets better let's go up." Mia took his hand and walked up to the elevator, everything seemed so clean and prepped like a hotel. As the doors opened the white corridors and apartment doors shone brightly.

"Hopefully she's home, I bet she'd want to enjoy her freedom right about now." Aiden said hopefully. Mia knew her mother would be home this time; it was dinner time after all. Aiden walked up the end door and knocked lightly. Mia waited with her eyes closed praying he would answer, even her voice alone was enough.

"Who is it?" her sweet voice was like music to Mia's ears.

"It's me and Aiden mom." She said cheerfully, immediately the door swung open and her arms wrapped around them both. Mia tried not to cry feeling her mother breath a sigh of relief.

"Looks like my son in law is smiling today." She said playfully, Mia was still frozen surrounded with so much happiness she felt like collapsing. Son in law, a sentence she never expected to escape her mouth.

"We're not married just yet Mrs James." Aiden chuckled back also buzzing with happiness hearing his new title. Mia took of her shoes and stepped into paradise. Jane was showing her each room, but Mia couldn't hear a word completely wrapped in the atmosphere around her. Aiden hugged her from behind throwing her off balance, Mia gripped his arms tightly keeping her steady.

"Do you like it?" Mia nodded enthusiastically, she loved it. Nothing suited her mother better. Aiden guided her through to her favourite room.

"Wow mom it's all of your paintings it's beautiful." Jane stood proudly in the centre looking at the art around her.

"Aiden picked a place with an open office to inspire me. Aiden you've been my life saver I really appreciate everything you've done for me. My daughter wouldn't be standing here if It wasn't for you." Jane bowed respectfully. Aiden walked over and lifted her head his cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

"It's the least I can do." Jane smiled then glanced over at Mia, she seemed happy nut Jane knew her daughter and the underlying despair was painted all over her face.

"Mia sweetheart, how did your appointment go?" Mia startled and then looked away in guilt, she was going to get scolded for sure. Mia sighed and sat down at the window seat.

"I walked out…" she said quietly. Jane had to take a double take, wondering if she heard that right. Aiden sat down not far letting them talk face to face.

"You walked out? Wy would you do that Mia, they're trying to help you." Mia rolled her eyes and looked out of the window searching for calm.

"Mom, I know mental illnesses like the back of my hand. I refuse to let an inexperienced professional diagnose me with an illness I don't have. I fought hard for my career and I'm going to continue working at the clinic. I'll return to work after the trial, end of discussion." Jane looked at her wearily, she seemed very different after her ordeal. Usually, Mia was very calmly spoken but today she was blunt. Nothing could get through to her, she knew what she wanted.

"Mia I'm not asking you to quit your job I know how much you love working in that clinic and you have helped so many people including me. I would not be here without you sweetheart but maybe it's time you finally do something for yourself. You might not see it, but I do, your hurting and your afraid. We want to help you.", Jane.

"This isn't an intervention; how do I look like I'm hurting. I'm fine just because I'm not laughing and talking does not mean I'm not okay. I-I'm stressed okay, I have to stand trial in one of the biggest cases in Hangzhou and I'm afraid. Not of losing my job but losing who I am because of him. I always thought hate was an emotion I would never feel but…after what he did to me, I hate him so much it hurts mom. I'm tired of playing victim and I want revenge."
