
I got reincarnated as a main protagonist in a mob protagonist novel

Everyone wants to be a main character,right? suddenly becoming famous and getting any girl you like. beating up bad guys and saving heroines. ...but I'm not even a bit happy,even though I got transmigrated as a main character of an action and romance novel....but it's a mob protagonist novel where the main character gets reincarnated as "Alex Turner" a mob character but with his knowledge of future he becomes invincible. meanwhile the actual protagonist "james usher" who is a justice maniac becomes the main villain and soon gets defeated by Alex. the girls of his harem also leaves him. and now I'm in a body of that very person...but I'm not gonna be a moron . I will survive!!!

blue_perry125 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

waking nightmare

I was looking at the mirror and inside that mirror was not me but a silver haired guy with golden eyes and a handsome face.

"alright ....calm down... calm down....breath twice.... eyes close and..... OPEN!!!"


after all the breathing excercises,the face in the mirror didn't change and I came to one conclusion.

"..... I got transmigrated as...this jackass."

yes, a jackass....even with that handsome face, what's the use, if you're just gonna end up dead.the person in front of me is the protagonist or should I say supposed protagonist of my favourite novel " I got reincarnated as a nobody but I'll become a hero!!"

novel story is simple,a guy dies,gets reincarnated as nobody named " Alex Turner" but with his knowledge of this world,he does all the things that the supposed hero should do and not just that but the heroines that were part of this jackass's harem starts taking interest in Alex.

"*sigh* guess I'm going to live as James from now on."

James Usher,he was the original protagonist of the novel that the protagonist gets reincarnated in.he had terrible personality and was a man child, someone who gets angry when things don't go his way. Makes me wonder which idiot thought "yes this is the main protagonist material!!"in the original novel.


'someone's knocking on the door'

"Hey!!! are you still sleeping!!! it's already 9 am!! wake up sleepyhead!!!"

'Oh I know who this is'


suddenly the door bursts open,and a person enters the room.it's a girl with silky brunette hair and blue eyes with white skin,a cute face and a body that could be compared to that of a fashion model.

"oh... you already woke up ... that's rare."

This brunette haired girl's name is Nora,Nora grace.one of the heroines and my or should I say, this guy's childhood friend.

" Hello,earth to james,why are staring at air like that???come on !!you gotta get ready!!! today's our entrance ceremony at 'Crimson Grail Academy'!!!"

'Crimson Grail Academy ' it's one of the best Academy that is famous worldwide for training future heroes.Only those with a great potential can enroll here.

' alex should also be there.'

I took a deep sigh and responded to Nora.

"Alright I'm getting ready,just give a second will ya."

'so the story finally begins'

* * * * *

(3rd person pov)

In the huge hall that can fit more than thousands of people, someone is giving a speech on the stage.

"I know what it feels like .... whatever all of you are feeling ...ANGER...HATE ... SORROW!!!"

Everyone starts shouting.

"calm down my friends,calm down.....now can anyone tell me who our enemy is?"

someone from the audience shouted


Everyone starts shouting again.

"that's right.....but we will not let them do whatever they want anymore!!! WE WILL ATTACK THOSE HEROES SO HARD!!!! THEY WILL NEVER RECOVER FROM IT!!!"

Everyone starts cheering.

'heh, now those heroes will know with whom they messed with.'

"now friends!!! follow me because it's time for us to break the backbone of the hero society.they will never expect the surprise that's coming for them!!!"

everyone cheers louder

among the audience,only one person was silently looking at this Charade and after taking a big sigh, he mumbles.

"seriously,this idiot....just what kind of stupidity did he planned this time."

soon after finishing his speech,the man walks out of stage.

* * * * *

'all right let's try again'

"system open"


'nothing happened'

'how could this be,does this mean I don't have a system?'

shaking my head I thought to myself

'no there must be something, I couldn't be someone who can't see his stats.In the original novel James had a system that helped him ranking up.'

'Alright let's try something different.'



".....uh properties?"


'alright I don't have a system,no ranks and the only thing I have is my knowledge of this world and future. how could this be??? does that mean I have to survive this world on my own??'

right now we're in the high-tech train going to 'Crimson high'.

"you've been staring at air a lot and mumbling gibberish....is everything okay?"

Nora asks me with deep compassionate voice .

'she's worried about me,guess she's true to her character.even in james' last moments she cried for her evil childhood friend.'

"everything's fine, I'm just nervous.... going to such an amazing place. "

then I gave her a reassuring smile.

"and with my childhood friend.it just feels great that I'm wondering if it's a dream."

"ah ... I.. I see.."

suddenly Nora looks to the other side.

'is she.... blushing? Guess she really liked james in the beginning.'

finally We reached our station.

"alright we're already a little late,so let's move fast,shall we?"

Nora makes a pout.

"and whose fault do you is that?"

'man.... she's cute.'

"alright alright,I'm sorry haha ,now let's move."

after a 5 min walk we reached the school.

"wow!!!! this place is amazing!! don't you think so?"

'Nora is getting too excited,like a child that saw an amusement park for the first time.'

"well I'm wondering how amazing the dorms would look like."

'since it's a big academy,students from different parts of World also come here.this school offers dorms for students like every other big shot schools.'

Suddenly sirens started and a mechanical voice came


I sighed and thought.

'I knew it,talk about a dangerous start.'

* * * * *

[character analysis]

(Nora Grace)

childhood friends with james usher.

She had a crush on james since childhood but James never reciprocated that love and hung out with other heroines that he fancy.

Soon she met Alex Turner who saved her from villains during one of the missions and she started to Harbour

feelings for alex instead.

She lost both her parents when she was six and since then , she's been living with her dad's sister Michelle grace.


strength: d+

speed: c-

charm: a

intelligence: b-

stamina: c-

luck: c+

mana: b

rank: c