
I got reincarnated as a mage

A young girl died and was reincarnated in a world filled with monsters and must now level up her skills to survive, with the help of her friends they push onward.

The_Ghostwriter_17 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

The spirit Bond

<p>Before I explain why I'm running from a pack of wild sky sharks let me tell you all how I got into this situation.<br/><br/>My name is Gaby Amina and I'm 21 years old, it's safe to say I'm your average female otaku. Or I was before I died in a car accident. <br/><br/>Yeah I know it's off to a bad start but trust me it gets better. My life was filled with constant trips to and from work with a hint of daily anime and manga periods. The highlight of my life was that out of all my 21 years of living I never once got a boyfriend (SIGH). The important thing is that after I died my New life began. I woke up on what seemed to be a flat surface on the top of a Mountain with weird drawings on the floor. I ignored the drawings and went to look at the scenery of the surrounding area, what I saw had me in awe. It was like everything out of a fantasy anime, I guess being an otaku paid off because the average person would think they are going crazy. There were fish flying in the sky without wings as if there was a sea within the clouds, as I gazed into the clouds the drawings beneath me had started to glow. At this point it's pretty safe to say I'm scared out of my own skin, after a blinding flash of light a small cat like figure appeared with the stripes of a Tiger and a unique grey colour. We both stared at each other for a while before the cat started cleaning itself, I was very curious about this mysterious cat and it's rapid appearance but talking to it would just be down right insane. As I stepped closer to pet it I heard a voice ask " So human you have defeated the Mountain Dungeoun of the cat spirit Vada, I shall grant you any one wish." I was nervous at first but it seemed like the cat was the one that spoke, I didn't know what exactly to wish for seeing as I was in a different world so out of the back of my mind I said " I wish to form a contract with you cat or I guess Vada is your name." <br/><br/>The atmosphere went quiet as we once again stared at each other, " you want whattttttttttttt " Vada said in a very shocked voice. " I'm surprised human, i thought you would wish for riches or an abundance of fame like the humans before you, very well I shall grant your wish, may i ask your name human?" <br/>" It's Gaby " I replied nervously.<br/>" Very well Gaby I the cat spirit Vada hereby enter a contract with you." <br/> A bright light enveloped Vada and she then grew to the size of what seemed to be the average Tiger. " Before we descend master it seems we are going to be chased " she said while looking to the sky. As I turned around I saw a horde of sky sharks charging towards us and I did what anyone in this situation would, if you must know I ran.</p>