
I Fell Into A Third-Rate Smut Novel As A Trashy Gangster

It wasn't really a popular smut series, just one of the dregs left alone to rot for ages in the far reaches of the internet. A wish-fulfillment story where the protagonist gets NTR'd into oblivion in the beginning, before awakening his dormant werewolf bloodline in sheer rage and utterly demolishing all antagonists, while collecting beauties at every step of the way – A typical smutty revenge story. But instead of the usual magical fantasy, this story's premise was based on sci-fi – taking place in an alternate version of Earth where aliens were real, urban legends like werewolves weren't mere figments of imagination, and the government was hiding a f*cking EXTRATERRESTRIAL STARSHIP inside an underground lab in Area-69...!! "...F*ck." ...All I did was send a small donation to this unpopular novel's Author, saying that he shouldn't give up writing. And after falling asleep in my room last night, I strangely found myself transmigrated inside the novel world! Well, good news was – the main character was a gigachad who could operate the hidden Starship thanks to his awakened werewolf bloodline, and fight back when the enemies of the Starship's creators invaded Earth and started raining down plasma beams from space! ...And the bad news – the man I possessed was a third-rate gangster who was supposed to cuck the main character, indirectly assisting in his bloodline awakening. "....f*ck my life..." Now, if I don't cuck him, humanity in this world would go extinct from an overwhelming alien invasion. And if I DO cuck him, I would die to the enraged MC's rampage! "...Ah, sh*t. If I'm going to die anyway, let me have some fun in my remaining few days. Hmm, but I should book a flight to Africa first..." *Ta-ting!* [Bloodline awakening condition has been unlocked!] "...Huh? Now what the hell is this?" ----------------------- WARNING: This novel will have occasional corn (not the vegetable-kind), so if you haven't yet delved into the defiled swamp of degeneracy (meaning if you're not an adult), I recommend that you stay away from this novel. ----------------------- Join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EAx7ta5rpp

Degenerate_Stephen · สมัยใหม่
55 Chs

A Villain's Love [1]

Damien could still vividly remember the day he first came across Sierra...

Back then, he was still a newcomer in the city of Grenton, struggling day and night to keep up with the busy schedule of all the dangerous work strapped onto his back by the higher-ups.

It was nearing evening time on a quiet Saturday of Summer. The sun was already on its way to meet the horizon in the distance, making it quite difficult to see far ahead in that lighting condition. 

Damien was wearing an inconspicuous hood over his head, keeping both of his hands inside his pockets as he silently walked by the roadside, trying his best not to attract any unwanted attention.

He was on a routine mission to collect all the drug money for that week from a bunch of dealers in the nearby blocks, when he unfortunately ran into a troublesome situation. 

A bunch of drug addicts were harassing two girls on the street he was walking on.

At first, he obviously had no intention to intervene in this troublesome matter. After all, drug addicts could be extremely unpredictable creatures, and messing with them without some proper reassurance was usually ill-advised for criminals like him. 

There was no telling what kind of mess you could get yourself into, and there would be no way for you to seek police support either. 

Both ways, it was a matter that had nothing to do with him, and he intended to keep it that way during his work hours. 

As he was approaching the scene from a distance, he saw one of the girls loudly threatening those addicts, repeatedly saying that she was going to call the police if they didn't back off. 

The other girl who was with her desperately clutched onto her back as she trembled in fear, looking like she was going to break out in tears at any moment.

He remembered letting out a derisive 'tsk', seeing how they planned to intimidate those addicts, before unhesitantly changing his walking direction to avoid running into them.

...Unfortunately, his luck that day seemed pretty bad, because the loudmouthed girl swiftly spotted him in the distance and immediately called out for help – bringing him to the attention of the hyper-sensitive addicts.

Thankfully, the mess was quickly resolved after he reluctantly removed his hood and intimidated them with the name of the local dealer they used to buy drugs from, easily scaring them off without resorting to any showy acts of violence. 

...He was also quite lucky that the addicts weren't of the fearless idiot type.

Only he knew just how irritated he was afterward, patiently having to listen to the loudmouthed girl as she profusely thanked him over and over for saving them. Her eyes had that same starry look he was so familiar with after seeing his attractive appearance, causing him to mentally scoff at the girl.

But no matter how irritated he was, Damien simply concealed all his malice with a sweet, disarming smile on his face, subtly flirting and getting closer to the annoyingly talkative girl without raising her guard at all.

'So her name is Milia, huh? Well, her looks aren't half-bad...'

Even by his standards, the loudmouthed girl was quite the beauty herself, dressed in fashionable, form-fitting clothes that put a lot of emphasis on her toned, hourglass figure. 

...And just like her attire suggested, she was a courageous, bold, and quite straightforward girl, matching up pretty nicely with the type of girls Damien usually dumped his frustrations on.

Seeing her overwhelming enthusiasm as she chatted with him, Damien idly decided to play around with this girl later when he had some free time. 

He needed to extract some kind of compensation from her for wasting his time like this, after all.

The other girl who was with her remained silent throughout the entire exchange, leaving a rather plain impression on Damien at that time. Combined with her timid and fearful attitude earlier and the plain and baggy clothes she was dressed in, he almost found this girl just as interesting as a piece of rock lying on the roadside.

...Unworthy of his faintest attention. 

That unassuming, plain, and boring girl was Sierra Alden, when she was still in her high school years. 

Damien had the opportunity of meeting these two girls quite a few times after that, gradually becoming familiar with them little by little. None of them knew exactly what line of business he worked in, only knowing enough to keep them wondering.

Not too long after, just like he intended, the girl named Milia helplessly fell victim to his charmful tactics that had slowly been perfected over time.

Even after almost two years passing by, not much had changed for the girl he had disregarded on that day.

It was only his view of her that had changed. And quite drastically at that.

As for how the same boring girl he once thought was unworthy of his attention, turned into the only colorful, radiant sun in Damien's gloomy black-and-white world.... 

That was a story for another time.



It seemed like an eternity had gone by as Damien recalled his old memories, his lips locked in a fervent kiss with the girl he had once thought to be too plain and boring to spare a second look.


Now when he felt her arms wrapped around his neck trying to pull him closer on her own accord, he understood how blind his past self was, feeling the unfamiliar warmness in his heart swell even more, filling him with an untold level of contentment he had never experienced before in life.

Sierra too, was no longer hesitating, wholeheartedly embracing him in both body and mind. 

Even Damien himself was left a little surprised by how fast this change happened. He had certainly expected it to happen sooner or later, but the utter swiftness of it still exceeded his expectations.

'What just happened...?'

Despite his rock-hard member impatiently twitching inside her flooding cave asking for a release, his mind was burning with curiosity. 

He certainly did have quite a bloated sense of self-confidence in thoroughly conquering her, thanks to his plentiful experiences with women, but he knew that even his charisma couldn't magically make someone like him.

Damien hesitated a little, before ruefully pulling back his lips from the alluring cherry-red lips of the girl he was tightly holding in his arms, leaving the girl desperately gasping for air.

Licking his lips, he then looked down at the flushed, gasping figure of Sierra with a mischievous grin on his face.

"...Hehe. What happened, sweetheart? Already fell in love with me...?"

"Haa...Haa... Oh, just...haa...s-shut up. W-Who in their right mind would...haa...f-fall in love with you—?"

Shivering a little from the intense aftershocks of her consecutive orgasms, Sierra barely managed to utter a response amidst her heavy panting, when Damien deliberately gave a violent thrust inside her.


Sierra was caught off guard, immediately clenching her teeth as she bucked against his body, a loud yelp leaving her mouth. 

"Ohh, I didn't quite catch that. Can you say that once more...?"

Looking up, she saw the mischievously smiling eyes of Damien staring back at her, urging her to say it once more.

Sierra flushed even more, directing a resentful gaze at the man who was threatening to drown her in pleasure if she didn't comply as she almost screamed at him in frustration.

"...W-What is it? Y-You already got what you wanted! W-What more do you want from me?!"

Hearing her words, Damien's mischievous grin slowly died down. 

His expression was more serious than she had ever seen him with, as he brought his lips closer to her ear, his heated breath sending waves of goosebumps through her skin.

"What more do I want, huh? It's quite simple, actually..."

Sierra shivered once again. But this time, it wasn't because of the jolts of pleasure flooding her mind. 

"...I want your everything, Sierra Alden."

Rather, it was because there was a tinge of madness imbued in his deep, lustful voice that thoroughly convinced her. That this man was insane, and if she didn't truthfully answer him, she was definitely going to suffer at his hands, in one way or another.

...And unfortunately, she knew exactly what kind of suffering awaited her if she continued to drag out her answer any longer. 

She was experiencing it right at this moment, after all.