
Worlds Collide.

With the appearance of an Overlord, an undead skeleton creature who is devoid of skin and flesh. He wore an elaborate, jet-black academic gown adorned with golden and violet edges.

When he has no clothes on, his whole body alone is purely made up of just his bones. He also has dark red orbs floating under his ribs that emanates a feeling of dread.

Furthermore, he has a type of tiny dark red glow radiating from inside his empty eye sockets.

He sat on a thrown with a floating golden staff next to him with snake heads which held different colored orbs in their mouths. Down the stairs that lead up to the thrown were multiple people. Some wore maid clothing where while others seem more...outstanding?

'W-What the hell is happening?! Why am I still logged in?! I've waited and waited and yet, I'm still logged in?! Just what the hell is happening..?' The skeleton was indeed a monster, but had been human.

The Skelton was just his game avatar but for some reason, he was trapped in it and couldn't exit the game. 'C-Calm down man... There probably a logical explanation for this. Yes, there must be..' The scene then changes to Lars who was floating in the sky and looking down.

'Percular structure. It looks like something that humans would build..' If he was a human from earth, he'd know that the buildings would look like something out of Greece. 'I sense multiple beings with magic power that surpasses my own, so I must be careful..'

He teleported, disappearing and concealing his magic at the same time. In another part of the world, a man with a smartphone had just awoke from under a tree. 'So this is the new world..?' He put his hand over his forehead to block the suns heat.

Inside a town of walls, a child and girl were returning wood to their house. "Eren. Be careful." She said as he almost tripped on a rock. "Mikasa! I'm fine, okay?!" He said in an annoyed voice while seeing his blond haired friend. "Okay.." She quietly said while putting her head down.

A blue slime was walking through a deep and dark cave. It had a conscious it seems as it would talk to itself.

4 people were inside a thrown room. One had a sheild, one had a spear, one had a bow and the last had a sword.

A little boy was in a forest. He was taming slimes while having a genuine smile on his face.

A cautious person was with a golden blond hair woman while defeating monsters. While one talked bad about the other, the other in mention was doing everything in her power to not cry

A baby was being saved by an old man from a bear attack. The setting was deep in a forest and a broken down carrage with red stains on it was present.

There were quite a few more people doing things like awakening or already being awakened. From the clouds, an invisible dust that no one could see was being spread around the entire globe. This was Mana and now, everyone had the ability to utilize it.

Ichibe, who was out of breath, had happened to feel a change in his body, forcing him into his subconscious. "Huh? Haru, why did you bring me here? Is it because of what we just felt..?" Haru wore a black cape and nothing more.

"Yes. Its like..." Appearing back the in the room, Haru opened a window and a wave of magical energy hit her. "I-it's 'Mana', I think! I can feel the magic in the air now! T-Try using a power that involves the use of it! Hurry!" She wanted to seize this moment to learn if what she thought was true.

"A-Ah, okay! Uhm.." He put his hand out and decided to use, [Energy Projection] What showed in his hand was a blue ball of magic. "A-Amazing.." They said together while looking at it. 'An actual ball of magic..' Mana was magic that floated throughout the air.

By using it, you could amplify your spells, make your body stronger and much more. 'Mana is invisible energy that when gathered like this can form blue energy. I don't think you can actually see it like I can though..' He was able to get this information by using forbidden knowledge.

'Guess I needed Mana to unlock a portion of the book..' He had a huge book in his head filled with all sorts of things. Like a sage or something that answered almost all his questions.

"Haru, what's going on with the world. Its like...other worlds are being pulled into ours. It's strange..." Haru sat on the bed while shrugging. "I think...you just described what's happening. It makes sense to be fair.."

"It does, huh? I just wonder why here though.." Across the world, people were beginning their adventure. Only some however noticed the change. The change being them going to another world.

'Guess things..are getting quite interesting..'


(An: And so, the plot thickens. Took like 15 chapters, but yeah. It thickens. It thickens real good..)
