
Welcome to America: Chapter 13

I take a deep breath. Knowing That I have to move fast and get out of Florida as soon a possible. So that I know that no one in England knows where I am. I get off the boat and start walking. I start walking and it not far where I'm at the beach and there are many people walking around. I go to someone and ask.

Me: Excuse me but do you know where I can find a pawn shop.

Stranger: Just down the street then make a left there should be one there.

Me: Thank you.

I start heading that way before I walk in I put my hood up and Make sure that I not visible to the cameras. I have to be careful here. I walk up to the counter.

Me: Hi I was wonder if I could sell some Jewelry that my mother left me.

Employee: Sure dear let me take a look and see if it worth anything.

I hand over two diamond branches and One diamond reckless. That should get me good starting money with outlook suspicious.

Employee: Wow, These are really nice are you sure you want to sell them they are real and in good condition.

Me: Yes, I kind of need the money right now in sort of a pickle.

I give him a soft chuckle. I want to scream at him to hurry the fuck up I really need to get fuck out of this state. He walks to the back and rings it up.

Employee: I can give you 7 grand for all three pieces if you would like cash or a check?

Me: That would be found and Could I get cash.

Employee: Sure thing dear.

He went into the back and got me my cash I said thank you and left now to the bus stations I go.


After a long walk to the bus station, I grab a map of America. Where to where to. Their central hub is in Dallas Texas so there is where I'll buy a ticket and get off at one of the stops before so they can't track where I go. I plan to get off in Liosanna to find my grandmother. Hopefully, she is still there.

I walk up to the ticket booth.

Where to miss?

One ticket to Dallas Texas, please.

Sure thing nice accent you got there where you from.

Oh um, a little bit of everywhere I guess.

Okay, the bus leaves in 10 mins so here you go.

Thank you.

Shit, how can I be so stupid I problem stick out like a sore thump with my accent I just going to have to fake an American one.


I got one the bus that took me all the way to new Orleans The last know place my grandmother has been. Now how the hell am I going to find her? All I have is her name and that is it. She is a witch so let see if one of the witch shop owners knows where to find her.

I start walking down the main street There are massive crowds and a lot of tourists. Well, I guess I can't complain about tourists when I'm one myself. I walk into a store called voodoo. Original I guess. There are herbs and bottles all over the store I walk up to the counter and ring the bell. Someone walkabout from behind me and scars the living daylight out of me.

I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to frighten you is there anything that I can help you with.

Um. I actually don't know. I new in town and I was wonder if you new any by the name of Eitheal Bennet.

What do you want with Eitheal.

I just need to talk to her about some personal matters.

She looks me up and down and thinks long and hard on if she going to tell me or not. It's not like I don't know she knows. If she didn't she would have told me already.

Eitheal on the store a few blocks away from its called Broomstick.

Thank you

Be careful my dear she doesn't like strangers.

I nod my head and I start walking to where the store broomstick is located. What store owner doesn't like strangers its bad for business.

Walking in the store my nerve is through the roof. I going to meet the grandmother that I never knew I had a few days ago. Deep breath I tell myself.


An old woman comes from the back. I try and see if I can see and resemblance from my mother but I didn't find any. The only confirmation that I need where the word that she said.

Eitheal: Mira

Me: I'm guessing you are Eitheal Bennet

Eitheal: That I am but you're not Mira so tell me girl why are you the spitting image of her with different eyes.

Me: I...I

Eitheal: Out with it child

Me: I'm Mackenzi Knight. I'm Mira and James's child.

Eitheal: Your alive I thought that you all died 16 years ago. Tell me is my child still alive.

A tear fell from my eyes. How do I tell someone I just met that the child is dead.

Me: She........ She died four days ago. I couldn't save her. He killed her right in front of me and I couldn't save her.

I broke down. Right in front of her, I didn't know what was happening until it I was wrapped into a warm hug.

Eitheal: Come child let me put on some tea.

I followed her into the back to have a cup of tea with her.