1 My childhood

My childhood was never rainbows and candies. I wish it was but it was not. Life was hard and living was even harder. When I watch movies I get really jealous of the kids in the movie. Their lives are so perfect while mine is like junk.

growing up i didn't have a mother with me so you can say i have been grown since i've been a kid. I was born on Tuesday night on may 28 of 2002 in my homeland Haiti in the hospital of saint nikolas, yay i'm a gemini.

let's get to the good part ok, after i was born when i turned one my mother moved to the U.S nice right i wish it was it's not wanna know why because when everyone had a mom i don't so i hated it bad. Another reason was I did not have someone to keep me safe when it rained. Yes I'm scared of thunder and got a problem with it.

When my mother left she left me with my grandma who adores me. I also adore her. life was good at that time i was a kid who everyone adores well how could they not iwas a really cute kid i'm not bragging. when i turn five life started to get hard why you ask lets see my father took me away from grandma at first it was not hard he help me with school i always was first in my class everything was perfect then he started to have less time .

Then he moved me to stepmother's house. Yes I'm kinda a Cinderella except I didn't have any evil stepsisters. I just got the evil stepmom bravo to me right. at first i was happy i could finally have a mother i thought but it was not like that. she could not have kids well karma was my bestie you did not know right, yeah me and her are close we've known each other for a while .

now let's get back to the story as i was saying i thought i would finally have a mother figure nah but instead i got an evil woman yes i said and my dad probably will read this so dad sorry. Now where was i oh yes evil woman when my dad was around i was treated like a princess by her but my dad was not around i was the maid like woman i'm only six are you okay. Now I see why she did not have any kids. ok why does this sound like an evil stepmom african movie OMG now i'm scared.

some of you guys might ask how did your father find out , it goes like this one day she told me to go fetch water so she can cook. By the way guys she lived in a mountain god it was always hard to fetch water. like i was saying while on my way i fell down and broke my and then she lied to my dad and said it happened while i was playing with the kids. I was not having it with her that dad and told my dad ketly say if I did not bring water I would not heat today now guess what my dad did.....
