
I become the badass villain

In a world marked by betrayal and abandonment, our protagonist has learned to thrive in the shadows. The pages of books offer a respite from the monotonous existence that surrounds him, filling his life with vibrant hues and moments of escape. But fate has a different plan in store for him... After meeting an untimely demise on the battlefield, the protagonist is granted a second chance at life, reincarnated as the young master of the prestigious Ye family. However, there's a twist that sets him apart from the typical hero—instead of embracing the role of the virtuous savior, he is cast as a villain... As he steps into this new life, the protagonist finds solace within the walls of his newfound haven. His family becomes a source of strength and warmth, But rather than basking in the tranquility, he is prepared to unleash his inner fire to protect what he holds dear... Unfazed by the adversities that await, the protagonist becomes an indifferent force, unyielding and unaffected by the attempts to undermine him. He revels in his own uniqueness, his savage wit and unapologetic demeanor setting him apart from his peers. With a carefree and rebellious spirit, he navigates the challenges that come his way, proving that the rules of the game can be bent to his advantage.... In this gripping tale of resilience and defiance, the protagonist's indifference becomes his greatest weapon. While others may strive for heroism and redemption, he finds power in his nonchalance, his ability to turn the tides in his favor through cunning and wit. As he traverses a world teetering on the edge of darkness, his presence leaves a lasting impression on those who dare to challenge him... Prepare to be enthralled as our unconventional protagonist carves his own path, reshaping the notion of what it means to be a hero or a villain. With each step, he defies expectations, leaving a trail of chaos and intrigue in his wake. Brace yourself for a story that blurs the lines between good and evil, where indifference becomes a force to be reckoned with, and where the protagonist's journey promises to be a thrilling and unapologetic ride.... (p.s)Cover is not my Own,.. it's from Pinterest.. contact if you want it to be removed

Dufort_Yeager · สมจริง
35 Chs

family time

Today held a sense of novelty and excitement as the family gathered in the countryside, at the ancestral home of my maternal grandparents. The rustic charm and tranquility of the countryside offered a refreshing change from the hustle and bustle of city life.

My father, a man known for his gentle demeanor and astute business acumen, was revered as a tycoon in the business world, aptly named "Business Typhoon" Ye Wei. From humble beginnings, my father's unwavering determination had propelled our family to the pinnacle of success in Jiangbei. His achievements had transformed our once modest family into a force to be reckoned with in the region.

On the other hand, my mother had migrated from the countryside to the city in pursuit of better job opportunities. She was a rare beauty, exuding elegance and grace in every step she took. It was no wonder that my father was instantly captivated by her radiance. In terms of physical appearance, there was an undeniable contrast between them, like a divine being paired with a mere mortal. Though my father was undoubtedly handsome in his own right, he paled in comparison to my ethereal mother.

But I digress. The present moment was consumed by the playful antics of my big sister and my cousin, yang hua,..


ahhh!...while ocassionally my sister would help but soon after... each one of them holding one of my hands would start to pull them both determined to claim me as their toy... Their affectionate pinches and tugs left me gasping for breath, desperately seeking an escape from their clutches. Yet, amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. Maybe, just maybe, my pleas for help would reach my mother's ears...

"Mooom! Help me!" I cried out, hoping for a swift rescue from this sibling battleground.

In her melodious voice, tinged with amusement, my mother responded, "Ara! Ara! Looks like you're quite popular.., aren't you?.. my little boy." She seemed to find humor in my predicament, her eyes twinkling with maternal affection.

It seemed futile to rely on her intervention. With my fate hanging in the balance, I cast my gaze upon my grandfather Gathering every ounce of cuteness I could muster, I leaped into his lap, seeking refuge from the battlefield that my sister and cousin had transformed our surroundings into...

"Grandpa!" I called out, my voice laced with a mix of desperation and hope. His weathered face broke into a gentle smile, his eyes brimming with warmth and understanding...

But the next moment while holding me with my shoulders with the same smile he gave me away to the enemy territory...


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