

A/N : I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR ANY OF IT'S CHARACTERS. IF I DID, I WOULDN'T BE WRITING THIS RUBBISH WOULD I?. Anyway the plot is gonna be my take on a wizarding world a the times far before canon. There will be age differences from what you know because J.K. Rowling didn't really make much sense in her timeline. Especially in the case of Fantastic beast. Cursed child is not even relevant to me.

And to those who only have knowledge of the movies. Well, i'm sorry to disappoint you but there will be book elements here. The age of various characters have been modified to fit my needs so don't complain, its not like I make money from writing this. It's purely for my enjoyment and self satisfaction.

One of the main reasons for me writing this fic is because there was soooo many avenues for magic developement, and other world buildups that were not in the books or movies. As well as the way too simple approach on the community as a whole.

Purebloods are stupid that is a fact, but their stupidity is way too much in my opinion and didn't make sense. But I'll try to make a more realistic approach. Also, I am not 'British' so I don't really know the slang and various quips that were used in the books or movies, such as 'Blimey' 'Bollocks' etc. So if I don't write the proper curse words or slang in English please understand.

I love a British accent but don't have one whatsoever and love their curse words even more but don't know jack shit on how to do it.

As I said, age will be different. Certain characters are made up and plot was made by yours truly.

As for a plot fix, the headmaster while Dumbles was teachinh DD was Armando Dippet, who according to the most reliable source J.K. herself was born in 1667.

Which means that he was close to 300 years when Tom riddle attended hogwarts. To fix this plot hole I have in my infinite wisdom decided that magic is the answer.

Due to magic powerful witches and wizards are able to live long lives. The average age is about 150 while powerful ones live on for 300+ years. This is especially true when they are in magically saturated areas like Hogwarts. Dippet who practically lives there will certainly have a long lifespan.

Also this means that Magical houses often built their mansions above leylines to saturate their houses with magic.

Ritualistic magic, charms, runes these will play important roles in the whole story.

Now for the mc, he will be voldemort who died at the end of DH 2 spirited to his younger self combined with a soul from our world. Cool right.

The exact process will be explained with the story. Now, to begin the story.

There was an intense struggle as a green beam of magic clashed against a red beam, there were all sorts of spectators as they watched with bated breaths.

This was the duel that would decide the fate of wizarding Britain as well as the wizarding world as a whole if he has any say in it.

He was Voldemort the most powerful and feared Dark Lord to ever lived. And yet here he was at a stalemate against a 17 year old boy.

The very same boy that had unwittingly been his end 16 years ago. He had been so assured of his victory of his power but fate took a different turn when Lily Potter had unknowingly done a ritual with her death. She had begged for the boys life in exchange for her own, magic had answered her pleas and had rebounded his own spell against him.

Had he been a lesser wizard he would have died that night. But no, he was immortal he was powerful and had gathered and build his strength up for 13 years had even devised the most opportune ritual to make himself even more powerful with the ritual using his muggle fathers bones, a servants flesh and blood of the enemy.

He had returned stronger than ever and now that he was finally on his last leg of victory that meddling buffon Dumbledore had to find out about his horcruxes and destroy them.

All that's left was nagini but he had hidden her and kept her safe. Or so he thought as he felt the final anchor of his soul to this world was severed. He could feel it, his power was diminishing rapidly as the stalemate between elderwand and pheonix feather wand was turned to his loss.

His gaze was on the boy, Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. Time and again he had proved a thorn on his side as the prophecy for told.

That dann prophecy, had he not pursued it that fateful night. The prophecy would have been null and void. But he wasn't how he used to be, no as his mortal shell slowly faded his clarity returned. All those rituals and horcruxes had left him into who he was now.

But in his dying moments he began to think clearly again, was rational again. It was like waking up from a dream. Why did he ever create those horcruxes, why, why, why. Questions upon questions flooded his thoughts as he slowly succumbed to death, the very thing he tried to run away from.

They say your life flashes before your eyes at your dying moment and Voldemort once known as Tom Marvolo Riddle, a gifted child with ambition and talent was currently questioning his life as they flashed before him.

And then there was only darkness....

It was late friday night as the city of New York was in full swing, a city that never sleeps. Frank Ledger a run of the mill office worker was busy working on his late shift as his co-workers had all left to go home or grab a couple of drinks.

He unfortunately had to make extra hours for a project due on Monday and was inwardly cursing his boss as he'd dumped it on his hands. Frank wasn't much to socialize other than the occasional drink or date. No, he mostly kept to himself and liked his privacy. He'd occassionally have a one night stand but rarely did he commit himself to anything other than his job or his love for fiction.

He'd read books, comics, manga or anything related to fantasy. He loved reading fan fiction as he often didn't find the plot of the original as interesting or too many plot holes in it.

He was a fan of Harry Potter and loved the various fanfics where Harry wasn't the Gryffindor that the book portrayed him as. No, he loved the dark or grey Harry fics where Dumbledore and other certain characters got their due comeuppance.

He often wondered how the claimed most feared and powerful Dark Lord to ever be born be so short sighted and dumb. He literally controlled the majority of purebloods and decided that brute force was the answer, really he had no tact or cunning as the books portrayed him as.

Maybe it had something to do with his act of splitting his soul into several pieces. There were alot of fan theories as to why a horcrux wasn't the best idea.

Also he really thought the wizarding people as a whole was too bland, as if they were there merely for convenience. They had weapons able to do amazing and dangerous things at their disposal but chose to flee or simply stand there as a few dozen death eaters raped, killed and pillaged the wizarding society.

His imagination was running wild as he finally finished his work. With a quick sweep of his belongings he went out of his cubicle and finally went out of the office. On his way home he contemplated on what things he would have done differently had he been Voldemort or Tom Riddle. With the magic, knowledge and resources at his disposal he believed that he'd have done much better job at being a Dark Lord or simply a powerful wizard with such a great influence that the Wizengamot would have no choice but to concede to his orders.

Just thinking of this brought a chuckle and head shake as he was simply fantasizing and was merely a thought. As he was walking down the path towards his apartment, there was an alleyway just before reaching his apartment building. And as he reached the alleyway he was suddenly pulled inside it and slammed against a wall as two bulky men with face masks were holding him there with a knife.

The one holding a knife threatened him to hand over his wallet and phone while the other was already stripping of any valuables. Frank was scared but not so much that he didn't think clearly.

He'd been taking classes in self defence and attented a local mixed martial arts dojo. So quickly assessing his situation he thought that he could get back at his attackers.

So after careful observation of the position of the knife as well as their position that took only a few seconds he quickly grabbed the wrist that held the knife with both hands then proceeded to knee the crouching one on the head who was currently empyting his pockets. Then he twisted his hands so that the other attacker had no choice but to drop the knife then he quickly elbowed him right in the jaw and watched as he fell to the ground. As he was about to take it to the ground, he suddenly heard a loud bang as well as a slight pain coming from his chest. His slight pause was enough for the downed attacker to quickly grab the knife and stabbed Frank in his gut. Frank grabbed the knife handle as blood seeped out of the wound, he could only watch as his attackers quickly fled and he slowly slid against the wall.

Unable to utter words as blood quickly flowed from his mouth and the loss of blood was too much and he slowly succumbed to the darkness......

It was a cold rainy day in London, people opt to stay indoors as lighting flashed and thunder rumbled. The kids at the Wool's Orphanage were currently huddled in their rooms as the Matron was going around and calming the orphans room by room.

In one of the rooms there was a 4 year old boy with black messy hair and pale skin. He was currently sweating, tossing and turning. Probably having a nightmare as he was currently seeing visions, visions of what seemed to be the future as he saw himself performing magic, going to a school to learn said magic, how he found a chamber that was said to be created by Slytherin himself, a basilisk.

The young boy was Tom Marvolo Riddle, who in a different time would have become the greatest and most feared Dark Lord to ever exist but certain actions from a higher entity would change it completely.

As the young tom saw himself finally dying after duelling with a 17 year old Harry Potter his vision was soon replaced by another as he saw that the world around him was different, more.....advanced in muggle technology. There was no magic, no wizards or witches....only technology. Here he was Frank Ledger not Tom or Voldemort. He was surprised as he read the books that described his world as well as the various other books, comics and manga that apparently were for simple entertainment.

The young Tom didn't know what was happening but he couldn't do anything as he seemingly saw himself live two lifetimes and his vision ended with a jolt as Frank slowly died of blood loss at the alleyway next to his apartment.

A sudden flash and the rumbling of thunder greeted him as he stood up from his visions. He must have let out a cry because the matron quickly entered and tried to calm him down.

"Its okay Tom, its just thunder", the Matron held him and soothed him as she gently rubbed his back. After a while Tom finally calmed down and reveled in the comfort of the Matron, Anna, his visions were a harrowing experience with all that he saw himself do and experienced.

He quickly fell back to sleep and the Matron, now named Anna quietly tug him back and left him to sleep.

Unknown to all, the visions of Tom would lead to a whole lot of changes to their future. Some for the better while some will probably wish they were never born.

Hey readers. Here's the first chapter. For those who don't understand what just happened. The next chapter will explain it. So be patient. I suddenly had a lot of inspiration and wrote this chapter. Hope you like it and please comment on your thoughts.

Baneofthedragoncreators' thoughts