Crow Gene, one of the world's rarest, strongest and mind-blowing gene. At the age of 5, Noah unlocked this gene. But because of the gene characteristics, he couldn't adapt to the modern world. So, his grandma and grandpa took care of him for 11 years. At age 16, he finally returned to the modern world and lived with his stepmother and father with now a cute little sister and one funny bro. ===== The cover's not mine. So if you are the owner and want to take down this. Just comment on my chapters.
Sitting on the train was a 16-year-old boy; Noah. He is a handsome young man with a firm and muscular body. At that moment, he was sitting on a train, waiting to reach his destination.
[Ahem! The train is going to reach Himatari Station. Please be ready to get off.]
"Hmm..." Noah stood and stretched his arms, relaxing his muscles. He looked around with cold eyes. The passengers beside him suddenly averted their eyes. Sweats dropped from their forehead.
He ignored them, and as the train reached the station, he got off. He was the first one to get off as no one dared to go near him. His cold eyes and unreachable aura scared them off.
"Where should I go now?" He looked here and there until he found a cafe. He walked there and step inside. A young girl came to greet him.
"Welcome, sir..." The girl stared at Noah. She stopped talking and freeze on the stop. 'Wow, he is soo handsome...' Her eyes stared at Noah, with drool leaking out from her mouth.
"Hyaa!!" Noah's cold voice made her jump. She scratched her cheeks and continued talking.
"Sorry, sir. Please follow me, I will take you to your seat."
"Ok..." He followed her without batting an eye on her. He just looked around, immersed in the people.
He was 5 years old when his grandparents took him with them. Because of his behaviors, his parents were troubled. So, his grandparents took him and give him every education, they can. Also, he grew up in a remote area, where only little people lived.
So, finding many people in a single place surprised him a little.
The girl took him to the corner and let him sit on the deserted sit. He sat while the girl hand him a menu.
"Please, choose your order sir." She smiled and stared at him.
Noah got a little annoyed by her gaze but choose to ignore it. He examined the menu and ordered coffee/
"Ok... sir." With that, she walked back but still continued to gaze at Noah. Noah finally got irritated and looked at the girl with his cold gaze. The girl jumped back in surprise and quickly ran to the kitchen.
"Why are people staring at me?" Noah tilted his head and put his hand on his chin. He thought for a while until the girl returned back with a cup of coffee.
"Here's your order sir." She slowly put down the coffee and gave him a dry smile. She quickly sprinted back, not wanting to make him angry.
Noah gently held the cup and slowly drink the coffee.
Ring! Ring!
His phone started ringing. He took it out and answered the call.
"Hello?" The number wasn't saved, so he didn't know who is it?
"Where are you, Noah? I am waiting for you at the station!" Noah heard a gentle voice of a woman. He immediately realized who it is.
"I am at the cafe, near to the station."
"Ok..." The woman hung the phone. Noah put his phone back and continued drinking his coffee.
5 minutes later-
"Noah!!" A woman in her thirties walked toward Noah. She stood beside him and looked at him with wide eyes.
"You have grown up since the last time I saw you." She smiled gently at him. Noah looked at her and stood.
"Yes... Thank you."
"Ok... Let's go." She walked ahead while Noah followed her. Melia is Noah's stepmother. Noah, met with her 5 years ago when she came to visit him with his father.
"Your father is busy, so I came to pick you up." Melia said while walking ahead.
After walking for a while, with dead silence. They reached a blue Ferrari car. They entered the car and Melia drove the car to the house.
After driving for 10 minutes with a heavy silence, they finally reached the house. Melia exited the car, sighing. Noah also exited the car without saying a single word.
"We're home." Melia announced as she entered the car while Noah entered without saying anything.
"I'll show you your room." She said while smiling gently. She wanted to show Noah her motherly side but Noah didn't care and just nod.
Leaking out a sigh, she leads Noah to the second floor. She opened the first room on the floor and Noah entered without saying anything. He had a small suitcase with his clothes and other items.
"If you need anything, just call me." With that, Melia left the floor. Noah locked the door.
"Activate Crow Genes."
At his command, a pair of black and dark feathers appeared on his back.
"Hmm... Ok. Deactivate." The pair of black wings disappeared. He sat on the bed and controlled his breathing. For a long time, his grandparents taught him how to control his genes. If not, it would have caused so many problems not only for him but also for those around him.
At age 4, he unlocked the crow gene. Since then, he had extremely curious behavior. He would go anywhere that was interesting for him. he had been lost 5 to 6 times, which made his parents so worried.
Not only that, his intelligence also increased. Small pairs of wings appeared on his back and so on. It would have been good if he could control his behavior and his powers but he couldn't.
His parents were extremely worried about him. So, they gave him to his grandparents to raise him. And for 10 years, his grandparents taught him many things. And after 9 years, his parents had divorced and his custody went to his father.
He remembered his father visiting him with his new wife. He was busy with training so he didn't care much about it. And just 1 year later, his grandparents send him to live with his parents.
coming soon