
I Am the Mentor of Spider-Man

Come with me as I start my adventure in the Spider-Man world. I'm Jonathan Anderson from California, and I'm half Filipino and half American. When I died, I didn't end up where I thought I would. Now, I'm in the Spider-Man universe. But I'm not alone. I'm going to be a Spider-Man with Peter Parker, teaching him along the way. And remember, with great power comes with great responsibility.

THE_V1S1ON · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
314 Chs

Chapter 43: Gangster in a Neighborhood (3)

Before this happened


Before this incident, Teacher thomas had been out buying groceries. On his way home, he took a shortcut and stumbled upon a disturbing scene: a group of young kids attacking another boy. To his horror, he recognized the victim as his own student, Mark. When he saw the kid with the buzz cut pulling out a gun, Teacher Thomas knew he had to act fast to protect his student. With no other options available, he quickly gathered twenty stones from the ground and throw them at the young assailants to intervene and safeguard Mark.

As Teacher Thomas rushed to help Mark, dropping his groceries in the process. The bags burst open, and food spilled everywhere. But Teacher Thomas didn't let that distract him. He was focused on one thing: making sure Mark was safe from harm.



Thomas Halloway quickly threw the stones he had gathered in his palm at the gang, causing them to stumble and falter in their advance. The barrage caught all twenty members off guard. With a stern expression, Thomas turned to Mark, urgency in his voice. "Now, kid, run! Stay away from them," he instructed, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Mark hesitated for a moment, torn between fear and relief at the sudden intervention. "But what about you, Teacher Thomas?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.

Thomas Halloway gave him a reassuring nod. "Don't worry about me, Mark. I've dealt with these kinds of troublemakers before," he replied, . "Just get yourself to safety."

However Mark wouldn't leave his teacher thomas as he recalled how brave Teacher Dan back then when facing danger. "I won't leave you, sir. I won't let them hurt you," he said firmly, his voice showing his determination. As he moved closer to Teacher Thomas, Mark tried to put some distance between himself and the thugs

"Hey there, kid," Thomas Halloway said, eyeing Mark with a sigh. "You've got some guts, huh? Even with your nerdy look." He glanced at Mark's tall, thin build and the glasses on his head, traits usually seen in studious types. But today, Mark's bravery surprised him. "You're pretty brave," he admitted, impressed by Mark's courage despite his appearance.

Then suddenly Boss Loe's rage boiled over as he ordered his henchmen to retrieve their guns and open fire. "Pick up your guns! Shoot them!" he barked, his voice filled with fury.


But one of the henchmen hesitated, expressing concern about attracting attention. "But boss, won't shooting them draw too much attention? We need to stay low-key," he protested.


Boss Loe's response was fast and uncompromising. "I don't care! If you don't shoot them, I'll shoot you! Understand?" he threatened, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Boss Loe told his guys to grab their guns and shoot, but some were worried it would make too much noise. Then he threatened to shoot them if they didn't listen. The henchmen were scared, not sure what to do. But before they could decide, Thomas Halloway threw another stone at them. It hurt, and they backed off. Thomas used to be a hero, so he knew how to aim well.


Thomas Halloway's voice held a tone of wisdom as he spoke, drawing from his own life experiences. "Listen up, young ones," he began, his words carrying the weight of years of learning. "Violence isn't the answer. It may seem like an easy fix, but it only brings more pain and suffering."

Boss Loe sneered at Thomas's words as the group stumbled from the stones Thomas had thrown. "I couldn't care less about your philosophy," he retorted dismissively. "Thanks to our boss, we don't have to worry about starving anymore. We don't fear hunger in this world." He waved off Thomas's words with a mocking laugh. "So save your preaching. We won't listen, and once our boss finds out about this, you'll all be in deep trouble," he added with a smug on his face

With a sigh, Thomas Halloway shook his head. "It seems my advice falls on deaf ears," he remarked solemnly. "Very well, if you won't heed my words, then I'll have to put an end to your group myself."


Thomas Halloway's words carried a steely resolve as he looked directly at Boss Loe. "And I'll make sure to take down your boss too," he said firmly.


Boss Loe winced in pain, holding his head where Mark had hit him earlier. "Talk big, old man," he spat, his voice sounding pained. "Aurgh." Feeling the throbbing ache in his head, he struggled to maintain his composure.

One of his henchmen, sporting shaggy black hair and roughly the same age as Boss Loe, spoke up with urgency. "Let's get out of here, Boss Loe," he urged, fear evident in his voice. "This old man seems strong. We don't stand a chance against him." With that, he took a step back, ready to flee the scene with his comrades.


Mark's voice trembled with frustration as he questioned Teacher Thomas's decision. "Why did you let them go, Teacher Thomas?" he asked, confusion evident in his tone.

Thomas Halloway placed a reassuring hand on Mark's shoulder, his expression somber yet resolute. "They're just kids, Mark," he replied, his voice tinged with sympathy. "Dont worry, I'll pay them a visit later. I'll make sure their boss pays for what he's done to these kids. They were supposed to be innocent, but their boss led them down the wrong path." He sighed heavily, the weight of the situation evident in his words. "It's a tragic cycle, but I won't let it continue."


[Meanwhile Michael Pov]

"Where could Mark be, Emily?" I asked urgently as we hurried through the streets, scanning the area for any sign of our friend. I refrained from using my chi sense; it would be a waste of time, especially if Mark was too far away. Instead, I trusted Emily's memory of the path they had taken.

As Emily racked her brain, trying to recall our route, she finally spoke up. "I remember now," she said, her voice tinged with worry. "Mark and I were taking a shortcut to another district to distribute more newspapers when we were suddenly surrounded by thugs. I'm pretty sure... it was that way." She pointed in a direction, her uncertainty evident as she tried to lead us to where she believed Mark might be.

Chris let out a sigh, as he spoke. "We have to hurry. Or else Mark could be dead by now," he remarked, his tone casual despite the seriousness of the situation.

I gave him a look like I wasn't happy. "Hey, watch your language," I told him seriously.

Suddenly, as we took the shortcut, Emily's eyes welled up with tears as she caught sight of Mark. After all, Mark was not only her classmate but also her boyfriend. The sight of him filled her with worry and concern, especially knowing that Mark had instructed her to run away when they encountered danger.

Then Emily pointed ahead. "There! I see Mark," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with relief. "And someone else... It's Teacher Thomas!"

As we approached Mark and Teacher Thomas, Emily rushed forward, her tears flowing freely as she embraced Mark tightly. "Mark, I was so worried about you," she sobbed, her voice trembling with emotion.

Mark returned her embrace, holding her close as he reassured her. "I'm okay, Emily. Don't worry about me," he whispered softly, his tone comforting despite the situation surrounding them.


My heart sank as I noticed the bruises and cuts marring Mark's usually cheerful demeanor. "Mark, what happened to you?" I asked, my voice filled with concern as I gently inspected his injuries.

Mark winced slightly but tried to brush off my worries with a weak smile. "It's nothing, just a few scrapes," he insisted, though the pain was evident in his eyes.

Teacher Thomas approached, his expression grave as he examined Mark's injuries. "These bruises look pretty serious, Mark," he remarked, his tone solemn. "We need to get you some medical attention."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a surge of anger at the thought of someone hurting Mark. "Let's get you patched up, Mark," I said firmly, determined to take care of him and ensure his well-being.

Emily's concern for Mark was evident in her eyes. She gently took Mark's hand and looked at him with a mixture of worry and affection.

Mark suddenly said with a worried tone. "But what about those bad guys, Teacher Thomas? They won't just let us off," he said, sounding really concerned about our safety.

Teacher Thomas reassured him, "Don't worry, Mark. I'll handle them. But first, let's get you some help." With that, he gestured for us to start moving, guiding Mark and Emily away from the scene.

Chris, then, interrupted with some important information that made our situation even more complicated. "Hey, guys," he started seriously, "I think I know something about these gangsters. They mentioned their boss's name... Albert Francis Capone."

Chris continued, his voice filled with bitterness,, "And you know what? My dad, he's made connections with Capone. He's done deals with him to expand his influence and wealth." He shook his head in disgust. "My dad will do anything for power and money. I hate him for it."

As Chris shared that his dad was connected to Albert Francis Capone, my thoughts spiraled with what that meant. Capone was like a symbol of crime and wrongdoing, and the idea of him being part of our problem scared me what if my friends caught with these things.

"Albert Francis Capone? That gangster known for his notorious past?" I asked Chris, seeking confirmation of what I had heard. The gravity of the situation began to sink in as I realized the magnitude of the threat we were facing. "I thought I misheard what they said back then, but it seems like we have something big to deal with."

Chris nodded gravely, his face showing how serious the situation was. "Yeah, it's him. And finding out that my dad is mixed up with someone like Capone... it's just unbelievable," he said, sounding frustrated and angry.




"Boss, they... they did this to us," said a young man named Loe, addressing his boss in what appeared to be a well-appointed office. On the nameplate of the office desk, it read "Albert Francis Capone." Loe seemed nervous as he spoke.


Albert Capone, the boss, looked up from his desk, his demeanor calm and collected. "Kid, don't worry about them," he reassured Loe, his tone comforting. "I've already sent another gang member to deal with them."


"They will pay for what they did," Albert Capone declared with a steely resolve. Suddenly, the door swung open, and a figure entered the room. It was Sephiro Lukin, whose presence seemed to command attention.


Upon seeing Sephiro, Albert gestured towards Loe. "Kid, you may go now," he said calmly, indicating for Loe to leave the room. Loe nodded and quickly exited, leaving Albert and Sephiro alone to discuss their next course of action.

Sephiro's voice carried a stern tone as he addressed Albert, "I presume you know why I'm here."


Albert's response was hesitant, his fear palpable as he replied, "Y-yes, sir," his voice quivering with apprehension.


Sephiro continued, his words leaving no room for negotiation, "I'll give you until 7 p.m. today. If you fail to deliver the vibranium you stole from the military, you know the consequences. You will face death. Do you understand?"


Albert nodded quickly, his expression filled with dread. "Y-yes, sir. I understand," he stammered, realizing the gravity of the situation he now found himself in.


To be continued