
I Am The First Inheritor

From a young age, Nich had a headache, any Doctor world not be able to discern the cause of his headache, and he lost his hope as well. All he wanted was for the uncanny headache to vanish and for him to live a quite life himself. But one day, he woke up from a strange dream after which his world began to turn around. Through an incident he found out that he now had prowess which were not explainable to through common sense, or any sense for the matter. He was the first inheritor, which meant that there would be more people like him who would awaken superhuman abilities making the change inevitable. Now he was faced with two choices, either he continues his life, or explore his newfound prowess to topple over the world But as there is price to pay for everything, Nich had to pay the price for his abilities as well. Will he be able to pay the price? Or will he loose all he had gain and live like a nobody?

i_love_sleep · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

7. The Responsibility Of Seniority.

Alice told police what happened, at least what she saw, and though her words were almost unbelievable, nonetheless the police was on the move, soon they appeared outside their house.

Alice had spare keys for the lock in her room, she opened the gate and let the police in.

While Nich was still looking at the criminal, who was unconscious.

Nich had managed to find a tie and tie the Altisonant criminal who now lay defeated.

"He must be around his early forties. "

Nich thought, as he saw the man that was dressed in a formal attire.

Nich thought, there were slight traces of wrinkles on his face, and his facial features seemed good, he must have been handsome in his youth.

He wore a black suit and with a tie... Same one that Nich used to tie him up, his shoes were of color black as well.

What a shady guy.

The lights were still off, as Alice lead the police inside, with flashlights in their hands, they looked upon the scene with vigilant eyes.

The atmosphere of the room was cold, as the weather was cold, and there was a slight smell of blood.

When the two policemen looked at the scene, the first one to catch their attention was nich, whose attention was deeply focoused on the criminal.

But then their attention shifted to the figure dressed in the black, laying flatly on the ground.

They apprehended the criminal, and then looked at the pairs of siblings.

One was anxious, while the other one seemed... Sleepy?


Yes, definitely he did, the boy looked to be around 16 or 17 and his height was about 170 cm, upon a closer inspection he found that his facial features were above the norm.

"Um excuse me, can you not point the flashlight in my eyes?"

Nich asked, with a nuteral expression, there were slight hints of annoyance in his voice.

"Umm sorry."

The younger of the two police officer apologized, then shifted his attention to Alice.

Alice took after her mother in appearance, so her features wete quite beautiful, she had a elegant aura around, her height was similar to her brother, she was slightly shorter.

She looked anxious and slightly worried, how a normal person was supposed to act in the present situation.

"Will you stay longer, should i brew some tea? "

At that moment, Nich asked out of the blue.

Both the officers were stunned.

Alice was also taken aback.

Nich was rather indifferent and carefree, as if they were on a field trip.

It would be fair to be vigilant... But his attitude was a bit off.

"We have a few questions to ask."

The other one of the officer, who looked senior insisted.

At that moment, Nich walked out of the hall, while saying.

"I will go turn on the lights, and also brew some tea."

Nich said, as he left..

Both the officers did not know what to say, so they just decided to talk with Alice.

as they were considering who should talk first, the light came back, which turned the tv on.

Alice awkwardly walked, then turnerd the tv off.

After that they asked some questions, and Alice answered as fast as she could think.

"I see."

The older of the officers said, his voice a understanding.

Nich entered at that moment, the tray of tea was in his hand which sent a relaxing aroma throughout the room, and served it to everyone around the table.

"We will leave now." The officers said as they got up to leave.

They had heard the story, and checked the cctv footage, so they got up to leave.

"Thanks buddy, you helped alot, the younger one of the police officer waved his hand, then left."


Alice sighed, while Nich was having a hard time keeping his eyes open.

There was a silence in the room, and then Nich said.

"I am going to sleep, lock up the door. "


Alice looked at him while slumped in her direction.

Alice looked at him sleeping soundly, and then lockd the door and cleaned up the room.

There were many things she could question, but she was not in the mood of thinking.

She also had to inform the parents about it...

Her head was hurting merely by the thought that she had to explain it somehow.

Because well, she was the older sister, her seniority was greater.

Nich slept on the couch, Alice contemplated as to lift him up and send him to his room or not.

In the end she shook her head, tucked a blanket on Nich,then left for sleeping.

What can be dealt now can be dealt tomorrow.

Procrastination was one of the things she did not take after her mother.


The older one of the officers asked, as he sat in the car to the younger one, inquiring his opinion.

By searching they had found that there was a broken wondow in one of the rooms, which is where the criminal had managed to sneak in.

When he was in, he actually found a key to the very door that was locked, after exiting he locked the room and managed to sneak in the hallway.

Once there, he tried to move across the rooms, but to no avail, as all of them were locked.

The perpetrator was annoyed, because now there were only two options left for him, either he leaves the house, which was considerably the worst case scenario, or walk to the second floor.

If he stayed, it will have a great chance of being found out.

The door to the second floor was right in front of the hall, which was the only room that was unlocked, and there were definitely people in there.

In the end he decided to leave, but just when he was leaving he found a letter on the floor.

The perpetrator realized that the parents of the kids were out, so they two were together, now the perpetrator had found an opening.

His head went through an idea, while his eyes gleamed.

Just when he was thinking this, he stumbled on the lock to the basement, which was unlocked.

Deciding that it was better to stay here than hide in hallway, the perpetrator sneaked in the basement.

There, he found the switch board to the house, and a cooking knife that he took out from a new set of cutlery.

After turning off the light, he moved again, the perpetrator had some trouble navigating through the unfamiliar house, as he could not use a flash light, he almost stumbled and fell multiple times.

At last, he reached the pair of siblings, only to be beaten.

"The boy was rather mysterious."


"I have heard of instances where a person gains supernatural physical strength in times of need..."

The younger officer said, but the older one shook his head.

"How was he able to navigate in the dark without a torch."

The younger one of the officer fell quite.

"And when you pointed your to torch on his face, though slightly annoyed his eyes were still relaxed, if his eyes did get used to light they should have squinted."

"He was nonchalant about the whole issue, as if he beats up criminals on daily."

The other officer gasped.

Is he a super hero?

Like the one they show on marble?

The older one of the officer seemed to read through his thoughts and said.

"You have been watching too much movies nowadays."

"There is no such things as super heros in this world. "

"Everytime has reasons and causes behind them."

As the same time, his phone rang, which he picked up.

After talking, he put his phone down, and signed.

"Looks like we have a lot of work today."