
I Am the Devil King (Baldsan)

In a world of swords and magic, a world in which wit comes second and pure power comes first, what will happen if an entity who have the ability to destroy the world and at the same time make it rotate in the palm of his hands, existed? Come and watch the story of the Calamitous Manipulator as he make the world dance to his desires at the same time unravel the mysteries of his long slumber

Baldsan · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Chapter 2: Ophiuchus

After I leave the palace of my sister's city, I immediately went and flew towards my very own city known as the Devil City or the City of the Devils but just call it whatever you desire, anyway I flew using my mana made bat wings in which is kind of my trademark as the Devil King and everyone who saw someone who have oversized bat wings in their airspace will automatically know that the one flying is the King of the Devils, that's why right now people in the land is waving their hands at me and shouting my name and welcoming me back.

They have looks of happiness and reverence that is just a step lower to fanacy in their eyes, the Devil and Vampire race together with the Demi-human race that I saved back then and the race of my first wife Vanir the Elf all have long lifespan spanning from two hundred fifty to three hundred years, naturally they can remember my contributions to their daily lives and I am quite the good leader even if I say so myself, so I am quite loved by the masses in more ways than one.

The people of my city have varying words and shouts.

"Welcome Back Loki-sama!"

"Our Lord have returned!"

"Kyaaa~! Loki-Sama! make me your wife!"

... Well they really are varied, some are in the younger side and not really that well versed in my contributions, but because of the history books that the Valentine magic Academy is teaching and distributing as a propagand- I mean to educate the children about me make them learn how many countless things, even morally questionable and outright atrocious things I did for my subjects.

In the air I also didn't just looked at the people, the buildings are also still the same just like the people, they are like just how are they when I was put into a long, long slumber, I didn't fly at full speed and just glided into the air leisurely admiring with my own two eyes again my Kingdom, no, my home that I didn't see for a long time as a smile sprouted in my lips.

I will protect you for sure this time.

I will not fail again like I did last time.

I started to descend while I was thinking of things like that about a few meters away in the Academy, the Academy or Valentine Magic Academy is located in the center of the Devil City a few kilometers away from my palace or mansion because this city is not the main capital of Valentine because this is not the residence of the Queen, but anyway, Going back, the Academy in the surface is a learning place for aspiring talented magicians or magi-scientist that wants to learn from one of the world's if not the world's most advance nation magical research wise.

Well that was just in the surface, in the bottom, or should I say the description of the Academy itself if analyzed properly is a factory of future soldiers and magi-scientist almost have no place in the Academy because exams are always practical and the exams is consist of a written test and a duel, so scientist who wants to just sit in their and study will surely be held back.

Humans also doesn't have place here, because my sister hates them, with the exception of the ladies of course and I will get scolded like mad if I accepted humans in the the Academy in which I indirectly controls by the way as a factory of talented people for my personal army, the Black Unit.

However, after the war of the Rulers that happened two hundred years ago, all of them or most of them unfortunately perished in action, they are the cream of the crop in terms of power that can make enemy armies cry, however that was war and five out of seven of them perished while fighting for my cause. But I have to move past their death and cherish the present and prepare for the future.

And who I am looking for right now are currently being teachers of the Academy, or that's how will they wait for me given how I know about them.

The first person I am looking for is my spy/assassin/double agent, she is also my rival and childhood friend, Hebi Tsukaiza or Ophiuchus because that was easier to remember because I love stars, hehe.

She is the only person in the past 300 years that appeared and successfully threatened my position as the Devil King though she just challenged me once and once she saw how many works I am doing in every waking hour, her delusion of always having good opponents of being titled as the strongest Devil crumbled, well of course I know that fighting is not what being a Ruler is about, my whole damned ancestral lineage is made of people that became Vampire Princesses (or princes) and Devil Kings (or queens) after all, so I was trained and naturally strived to also be one.

I don't like my grannies to haunt me because I didn't pursue the Ruler position after all, Going back, because she is quite the good magician and she even pioneered a category of magic specialized for stealth and scouting named Ninjutsu, well unfortunately because it was specialized in scouting and being silent, she or I won't run around with an orb of whirling chakra while shouting "Rasengan!", Unfortunately.

Anyway, Ninjutsu however, even though specialized in stealth and is useful for spies, only two people can use it if my outdated knowledge is still applicable up until this day, that person is namely Ophiuchus and me, the reason being is that the spells are incredibly hard to maintain because Ninjutsu requires mana in it's most natural form, in short non-attribute mana.

Second because the spells should be activated the moment the caster thought that the spell should be activated given that the purpose of the very category is to get unnoticed, if the people even tried to chant the spell then that would defeat the purpose of the word Ninjutsu itself.

And as I was just thinking about that I finally arrived at the gates of the school, the gates have many students and teachers that does and does not know me, though the "does not know me personally" is higher because people who greets me became incredibly scarce and I have the time to look at the teaching force list that is in the side of the gate in a extravagantly big tablet themed corner of the wall.

Well given that the Academy is freaking big, then the classrooms and students will also be bigger in population and thus the quantity of teaching staffs should also meet the corresponding demand.

So I decided to look through this super big list of teaching staffs of the Academy, there is the secretary of the Education Department the sub-secretary and other this and that position until I saw the name of Ophiuchu- HOLY SHIT! SHE BECAME THE PRINCIPAL!?

That battle junkie became the principal!? I-is the students okay!? I-is that person really is good enough to become the principal? I mean, she will probably make a good job as a teacher but a principal is like a teacher with 18377× (a metaphor) the paperwork a normal teacher has.

"Is this a carving error?"

As I was muttering something like that, I feel a chill in my back, the people in the streets suddenly dwindled significantly as I swatted my right hand instinctively into the back of my nape to catch a dagger, I looked at the dagger and it has a purple color and have a snake pattern on it's blade.

"There she is."

I made a large grin that reached my ears in both sides as I moved at fast speed to go to the alley in which Ophiuchus and the bastard of a subordinate that threw a dagger in the nape of her master is located.

"What was that about!?"

In the alley full of trash I saw a purple lady, yeah a purple lady.

She have purple shoulder length hair tied in a simple ponytail with forelocks left that covers some parts of her forehead, she also have sharp purple eyes, though not as sharp as mine and can be considered mocking eyes because of her always faintly smirking lips that also, by the way, has a purple lipstick dyed faintly on it.

She is now in a teacher's uniform but she is usually in a ninja-yoroi that fits and showcases her sensual body.

I kicked her using my right feet the moment I reached her front, but she suddenly vanished in a purple blur and was replaced by a trash can, the trash can was hit by my feet and even though I am not seriously kicking with all my force, because it is still an attack coming from me the trash can got struck by my feet like a cannon hitting a wall and the can changed into a "<" shape making the dirty shits inside it explode everywhere in the alley.

"Well, a greeting from a childhood friend to a childhood friend. And you, weren't you thinking of something rude when looking at the Teaching force tablet?"

She said rushing once again towards me jumping right and left into the walls of the alley about to brandish her knife once again.

"Geh...! Wh-what are you t-talking about!?"

I tried to play it off, however she is already in front of me appearing in my right side and making an upward slash in which I dodged with a back flip, I then materialized a pitch black colored knife using my bloodline magic [Dark Magic] and also attack Ophiuchus making straight line attack in which Ophiuchus also responded with straight line one.

The chittering metallic sounds of two sharp and powerful weapons colliding was heard making a sharp high pitch "ting" sound that was heard in the vicinity, we then used our feet and activated a Ninjutsu spell [Wall Crossing], a spell that simply let's an individual cling to a wall or a ceiling with the use of mana making it like an invisible suction cup or something.

"... Greeting huh? Is that how you greet a second prince?"

I bent my feet and used my one hand as a support and asked, Ophiuchus then made an ear to ear grin as she used her bloodline magic [Creation,] to create another knife and now, she is wielding two knives in her hands that have snake patterns in the blades like the dagger earlier.

"Hehe, of course it is, my venerable prince loves to fight after all, and I already have a husband so I can't offer myself to satisfy her womanizing nature, so here I am."

"I see, so that's how it is, honestly I am not interested in having you as a wife and I'm not into NTR either, so... Shall I answer your greeting with my own?"

With that exchange, the temperature between us dropped, I took a battle stance and also materialized another knife into my other hand, the moment I finished my preparations, there is no need for another word or a signal to start our "greeting", two figures, one purple and one black colored disappeared for a split second, and in another second a high speed and high performance battle started.

We jumped from a wall clashed our blades and landed on the other, we repeated this action in super high speed motion about 50 times every second making large uncountable tinging metallic sound and sparks in the alley, the trashes all around us exploded and danced around in the air because of the shockwaves of our fight created by our sheer speed and strength.

However, we decided to not go all out because debris of buildings will surely dance around in the air and not just some trash if we go all out, because of the ruckus we are creating and because the alley we are fighting in is near school grounds, a crowd of students suddenly appeared without us noticing.

"That's... Loki-Sama and Tsukaiza-Sensei!?"

"So they really are rivals!"

"But why are they fighting in an alley full of trash?"

"Well, who cares let's just watch them!"

Cheers chanting both of our names started to resound into the alley and resounding further into the whole Academy attracting more and more spectators, this scene made our blood boil in excitement, we started to intensify our blows as the walls that we are jumping in started to shake, daggers of multiple quantities started to shoot out of the back of Ophiuchus in which I intercepted with black colored bullets making explosions after explosions that blew holes in the walls and street brewing more and more excitement from the crowd that already grown in number to cover the whole street.


We laughed like maniacs our eyes started to turn bloodshot as we are being driven by the adrenaline of performing in front of our citizen and is about to turn our full power into the fight as we got suddenly suspended into the air, we looked into our feet and saw it having a dark grey color, completely petrified.

We dropped like a rock into the air and got planted there motionless, well our lower half are, we are earning weirded out looks from the spectator that wants to see the conclusion of our fight.

"Ara? Ms. Principal? Master? Why are you fighting in front of the Academy? Don't you know that's dangerous?"

We looked at the direction of the voice, and there we saw a man in a wheelchair with a gentle and faint smile on his face.