
I Am the Devil King (Baldsan)

In a world of swords and magic, a world in which wit comes second and pure power comes first, what will happen if an entity who have the ability to destroy the world and at the same time make it rotate in the palm of his hands, existed? Come and watch the story of the Calamitous Manipulator as he make the world dance to his desires at the same time unravel the mysteries of his long slumber

Baldsan · แฟนตาซี
68 Chs

Chapter 11:The Serpent Bearer's Whisper

I looked at the two subordinates of mine in front of me as they stared at me with confusion in their faces.

How amusing, this people are superiors just a few days ago and are feared because of two things, their talent and their authority. However, because of their said authority and because the people who are more superior than them is not me, furthermore Ophiuchus and Chrysaor (Chris) are not in the military and are teaching in the Academy so no one in their whole lives (maybe except when they are in the Academy) have they ever encountered someone that corrected the flaws on their styles.

Well, I mean soldiers or warrior in general focuses on formations and commands more than anything so I guess it's not their fault huh? Anyway, going back because they have that faces like they are confused and doesn't know what is wrong with themselves, I decided to make them know their flaws.

That's what being a superior and a talented person is, well I have Ophiuchus and my sister to tell me I am not perfect and I have to improve continuously, but this two are like one of a kind individuals in their generations of young ones, so they have no one to tell them that they have a mistake or something is wrong with them.

Ahem... I got side tracked again, going back I gave them a small summary of their flaws as I made a small smirk at them as I say: "Ahem... Well, you have to listen to me first okay?"

I then pointed my index finger on Altair and explain to her what is wrong with her and honestly, she is like a wasted diamond because of her many flaws that is mostly caused of her profession as a soldier.

Well, I wouldn't say that being a soldier is bad. Actually, as a person who always lives in luxury, I respect them deeply who always have to be on alert, peace time or war time, and even though I am not an "Arrogant boss" character, I still appreciate them. However, my point is that, her growth is being stagnated because of the unit she belongs to.

Altair belongs to the Short Sword Unit and she have a pretty high position at that being the field commander, though I cannot understand how did she do that because she is uhm... You know, how should I put it...

Well let's just say she is not too fond of thinking so I wonder how did she become a commander in the first place, going back to the topic at hand.

What I am saying is that, Altair being in the short sword unit meaning she wields a short sword, however there is the catch. Altair have strength, a lot of raw physical strenght that seem to be inherent to her given that she is not a muscle lady but instead, the voluminous type and I confirmed this the moment she tackled me and I got dragged backwards by several meters while stiffening my body and making an opposing force that resists her tackle and even though I obviously didn't used my full force, that was still impressive and I can say that she have physical power atleast the same amount as me if not a little step lower or higher.

And that was impressive because my two mentors, namely: my mother and one of my wives Guinevere are people that have an immense amount of physical power that if they fought, it's like there are two Dragon Ball characters fighting nearby, I am not joking, they will create craters after craters with punches and kicks and the two of them trained me physically and even until now, I can just barely match them no matter how hard I try or no matter how my Bloodline magic is offensive base.

So her being able to match even a small half of my force is actually impressive, however, there is where the flaw comes out. First, her choice of weapon is not meant for highly strong individuals like herself, a shortsword is for technique based people, though I will not say that people who have strength cannot completely use it, however technique is more important than strength in wielding it.

What weapon Altair suits the most, is a great sword and not just any great sword, it has to be enchanted and have to be on the cutting edge of the planet's smithing knowledge, why is that? Well, because she is already my subordinate so I do not want her to have some mass produced heavy or great sword.

Her sword has to be amazing, and I will not accept anything else other than that, oh, by the way, because one of the most, if not the most quality metal ores in the world is located in The Forest of Idun in which in some sort of Martial Law as of now and cannot be entered nor exited upon, I cannot harvest them yet so her amazing change of weapon have to wait for a while.

And second of her flaws is her lack of control on her overwhelming strength, and this problem is already pretty obvious the first time I saw her because she flings around people in the air and runs while making small cracks on the ground, and I bet Vega and Altair's bed are always being destroyed every night because of her... Anyway, other than that, minor things like magic that can be easily thought by someone as great as I are of a little concern.

"And that was your two problems that we need to polish, is that understood?"

I looked at Altair who have her confused look have a look of approval in which Vega is quite surprised.

Did she just understand what I said? But she...

"Err... Altair, do your really understand?"

I made a little concerned look with my face as I look at her who still have her serious look that understood what I just said.

"Eh? Yes of course, basically you mean that I can't exert my force using my sword and my weapon of choice is hindering my growth, so I also have to change it, furthermore, Loki-Sama said that I have a terrible control with my strength in which I am quite insecure and aware about so I also have to learn how to control this physical prowess of mine while I postpone the changing of my weapon."

I looked at him with eyes wide open as if it is about to fall out of my sockets.

Did she just made a full analysis of my instructions?

But where did that Altair who can't understand "Cock" and mistaken it as a chicken at that time when I visited the

training grounds!? (Author: Check Chapter 7 for reference)

Even Vega is having his doubts as he looks at his wife with an expression very similar to mine.

Well, I guess there are people who are smart if it counts so I should not think too much about it and just go on with this matter.

"What's with the shocked expression?"

Altair seem to notice our shocked gazes so we immediately went back to our professional looks as I just said "Well, nothing, Don't worry about it. In any case, as for Vega..."

And, I explained to them what the hell is wrong with Vega's battle system is.

First, he relies too heavily on his blade's abilities making his battle style, I mean all of it very much predictable for people who are either calm enough, experienced enough or people who have a very observant nature, though I will admit that the knives of Vega are quite the enchanted items because of his almost perfect assassination mission record alongside with his accuracy that I also observed in our little farce of a fight a few days ago.

The point is, it is very straightforward to the point that there are really no minute adjustments Vega can make when it so happens that his style and pillars of his battle system got discovered in which I presume to not happen at all until he met me by fate at the training grounds.

That last part sounds weird...

In any case, I have to make him improve his battle system by making him wield a none one hit kill knives and a normal battle knives, but it's not a permanent change of weapon but just for him to find a way to be diverse.

And there is also the other thing to consider. Why the hell are assassins of Valentine not trained in martial arts? This is so stupid given that Assassins are subjected to unpredictable situations so even though they are supposed to be killer in the night type of squads, they have to have a large amount of battle style with atleast basic mastery towards.

Maybe if the assassins are humans who have lifespan limit, and a weaker physical constitution than the devils then this training regime is already enough given that they just have to strangle people to death and doesn't need to punch them to death or give them some Bruce Lee moves to make other people marvel to their martial arts.

But what I am saying is, this people are not goddamn humans, they are Devils and have a lifespan of five fucking centuries (five hundred years), meaning that senior assassins are abundant and assassins are not really that scarce in here. There is even Ophiuchus who can assassinate the Seven Rulers if she really puts her mind into it, so why not just make the regime longer and have them train basic arm to arm combat and not just some knife work techniques!?

I saw Vega's hands and confirmed this shitty regime of them, Vega have callous in palms and when I touched his palms, it was very rough and rigid evident that this hands of his are being used pretty roughly and frequently.

However, his knuckles are the problem. His knuckles is as soft as that of a maiden's and didn't have a single scratch and I bet that he never used it to punch someone and he immediately cuts off the head of people in which he have a grudge with and considering that he have a big problem in his anger management, that is quite a lot.

So I have to make him learn martial arts too.

And oh, speaking of his anger issues, I also have to fix that and I don't know how and the only thing I know is by therapy. Yeah, using magic is no good because Illusion magic can't last for eternity and the caster have to cast it again and again to the person of target so that the magic will not get dispelled after ten to fifteen seconds and I certainly don't want to accompany a man for all his life just so that he won't go on outrages just before.

As someone who likes to be surrounded by women, that kind of thought alone is a goddamn torture.

I can also brainwash him, but I refuse to do anything like that to people that will either be my wife or my subordinate. I will just brainwash people who will become my puppet.

And you know? He have to learn how to control it himself, I mean, therapy takes time and second, he already have a wife and if they have spite. He is sure to have to temper himself so that the fight between lovers will not end into a showdown between two strongest youngsters of Valentine.

"... And that's basically it. Now, let's go train to the forest shall we?"

The two of them stood right up immediately as I gave those words and then straighten their backs.


However, before, they can even answer they were interrupted by a certain purple colored bastard.

"Hey, you can't teach people around by just tossing them into that damned forest in their own, you know?"

Ophiuchus suddenly appeared in my back while Chris (Chrysaor) slowly entered the room giving his usual gentle and kind smile.

"Yes, Master, that's not how you train subordinates. First, teach them the fundamentals and then make them slowly absorb it, that's the way of education."

I made a troubled look at both of them and stared at them immediately after they said those words.

"But my mom tossed me there when I was ten and I just faired with it with quite the ease."

I started to make a point, my mom made me go on a journey from the other side of the forest of death to the other so of course I cannot see anything wrong about doing it with my students.

"You're an exception Mr. Playboy."

"Just leave this to us. Besides, you suck at teaching so this is for the best of them."

My subordinates started to drive me away from my office as they started to rant how wrong my methods are.

Hey, what the hell is with this disrespectful bastards of a subordinates?

"But I-"

I was about to retort but Ophiuchus shut my mouth up with her right hand and whispered something on my ear.

"Yes, yes, you don't have anything to do and all that crap. But I actually have something interesting for you, you see...."

I listened to her whispered words as my face suddenly sprouted a wide smile.


I started to laugh a loud one that resonated in the entire room as my two new subordinates looked at me with confusion.

"But, what about your paperworks?"

I asked my final concern, I mean they said that they are yet to finish their transfer papers and will be finished by afternoon this day so...

"Eh? Don't worry about that, I am a shinobi remember? I can do things faster than the speed of sound."

"Sigh... Well, I guess I will live them to you... I just have to meet... A relative, so bye!"

I then dashed from the eyes of my four subordinates with a smile on my face.

I went out of my Verdana and then took off my signature bat wings and flew at full speed in the direction of the Valentine Forest of Death.

Hehe, fun times will finally begin.