
Chapter 12

The next day, Jason let out a small sigh as he watched the news. He should really have expected it even in a large city much less a small town such as Whitefalls. The news of Todd's arrest was the number one gossip around town.

It wasn't everyday the town star football player is arrested on kidnapping, attempted murder,, and a few other charges. To add to the gossip, his girlfriend Sarah regained consciousness very early this morning and begged to have the charges dropped. With that demand she now was going psyche evaluation while her parents are under investigation.

"So have you decided on which colleges you're applying for?: James asked as he sipped his morning coffee. "Your graduation is right around the corner."

Due to it being early Sunday morning with Lala sleeping in from working most of the night on a new invention. She was currently working on a healing tank similar to one she saw inside of Dragonball. It appeared that seeing Sarah's beaten body brought up the idea to make that drawing a real device.

"I don't know. I'm not really interested in going to college as school now is just busy work." Jason shrugged.

Even in his past life, Jason can remember really not caring that much for college. He went for eight weeks before realising it really wasn't for him. Then again now that he thought about it, the university he went to rapidly gained bad reviews and recommendations after he dropped. Maybe, he will have a better experience this time around.

"Well, I won't really push you on the matter. I didn't really go to college either." James commented.

Instead of going to college he wandered the world in hopes of finding clues of his origins. Finally, he found it way up north and decided to become the world hero known as Superman. A title he held until his universe ended and currently in the process of being reset.

"So thinking about finding a part time job? Maybe you could suit up and become a hero." James offered. "This world could use a hero."

"No thanks, I'm not a hero. I think I will falter under the responsibility." Jason refuted his father.

"I don't think so, son." James smiled, while thinking. 'What hero is without doubts or has weak moments? It's when we have something to stand for is when we can confidently stand proud. I'm sure you will soar and become one of the world's greatest heroes once you find yours.'

While he knew better than to push Jason into becoming a hero. James felt his son will take up the mantle of hero in the future on his own. A feeling his adoptive parents felt with him and he felt with his sons in the past.


When Monday morning finally rolled around. Jason found himself the center of attention, but unlike the time he showed Lala around. He was the center of attention and gossip as it was somehow figured he was the one kidnapped by Todd. Which just made him feel more isolated than before.

"Are you ok, Jason?" Lala asked, a bit concerned.

She could tell his mood slightly shifted since walking into the school building. His dark blue eyes just seemed to grow sadder and was something she wanted to fix. He looks much better happy than he does sad.

"It's nothing I'm not used to." Jason responded lightly.

While she appeared unconvinced, Lala just agreed, nodding to his answer. She was sure that his mood would improve as the day went on. If not, she could cosplay for him as it might make him feel better.


With a feeling similar to his son, James could only rub his forehead. While it felt like it was yesterday since he arrived in Whitefall with his son. It has been nearly eighteen years and some are beginning to notice him not aging all that much. Now one of the newer interns happened to notice this and pointed it out.

'It might be time to move. Luckily Jason is graduating soon.' James thought to himself.

While he might get away with another year or two saying he took good care of himself, it won't last forever. Sooner more and more would catch on and his flimsy lie won't hold up. Something that he didn't want as trouble usually followed in his experience..

Now he soon felt another headache as to how he should bring this up to Liz. Unlike his last few lovers who didn't have to move all that much as basically everyone knew he was Superman or had an alien heritage with a long lifespan. This planet didn't even know if aliens existed.

'First of all, does she even want to move?' James thought to himself.

Unable to decide if she would or not, he figured he would just bring it up later with her. It would be a big change for her and not everyone would easily accept it.

Then he thought of another issue and that was where to move. Does he move to somewhere warmer or to a larger city?


As the school day grows closer to the end. The gossip died down about the kidnapping as a couple had a large fight in the cafeteria. Apparently the girl Hannah was cheating with not one or two but four other guys. Some of them even had girlfriends, so it turned into a huge brawl as others decided to join on in.

Finally after a large group of teachers and fairly large students managed to end the brawl. The school was wondering how to handle the matter. Do they suspend fifteen students at once or put them all in detention for the rest of the year?

As for how this would affect Jason, eight of those fighting were part of his CAD class. So from the already small class it would become even smaller.

'Well at least the gossip of Todd's arrest is forgotten at the moment.' Jason thought as he waited for the final bell to ring.

Thanks for Reading.

LegendaryChaoscreators' thoughts