

Damn! still need a synopsis after seeing the book cover?! Here you go… The story revolves around a man named Viz an Brokvar; A banished noble from the clan Brokvar of the Skillege Islands. Left with no other choice, he became a Witcher. But will he still remain a Witcher or will return back to Skillege…. will his actions have any effect on the Orignal timeline? ————— PS: first of all, the book covers not mine! PS: second, this novel will be a weekly update! Though wouldn’t mind adding a few more chapters if you guys hype me up! —————

ZED_LOGINTHAN · วิดีโอเกม
29 Chs

Before the war 2

Inside the hearing chamber of Kaer morhen.

Sitting on the armchairs, the important figures of kaer Morhen had stern faces, as Madam Zerbst explained the seriousness of the situation to kaer Morhen witchers.

"Tetra wasted no time. Words spread quickly." [Madam Zerbst]

"Not only of the crossbreeds, but of witchers experimenting on other humans, against will." [Madam Zerbst]

Vesemir slammed his fist on the table as he looked at Deglan and Reidrich and said, "this is yours two doing!"

Deglan's face ticked with bulging vessels.

On the other hand, Reidrich appeared calm, as he opened his mouth, "Crossbreeds, yes, we did it. But experimenting on humans, no, we didn't."

Reidrich continued, "someone's conspiring against us… and this someone wants us witchers dead."

Except Viz, everyone present frowned when they heard this.

The first on reorganising his thoughts was Deglan as he opened his mouth and said,

"It doesn't matter anymore. They were always gonna come, sooner or later."

But Vesemir injected, "well, maybe there was a way for us to die the better men."

Which Irked Reidrich before he said, "My mages and I are the ones who know the secrets to mutagenic alchemy. Tetra will want our heads most. If we die, there can be no more witchers."

No one noticed. Viz shook his head silently in disagreement.

No more witchers if Reidrich and his men die?

The answer is…

Hell no!

At leat now, Viz knew there was someone in additional to Reidrich and his mages who knew how to create witchers.

Moreover, the first witcher wasn't even Human.

It was an elf!

Though a failed product, but still a witcher.

"Seal yourselves in your labs. The rest of us will rally and end her army. Bitch won't see tomorrow's dawn." A dangerous glint shined in Deglan's eye.

Vesemir suddenly stood from his seat and shouted, "Are you out of your mind, old man!"

"Underestimating an army, you'll be the one who's seen their last sunrise," Madam Zerbst seriously said as she too stood from her seat.

Despite their serious appearance, Deglan has a grin on his face, and turned his face towards Viz before he said.

"Am I?"

Viz got startled.

'Fuck, old man! You even calculated me!'

'You are shameless!'

'I thought you went senile, when you said you wanted to face an army! But if you know how powerful I am, then it seems right.'

'You aren't senile, you just got wiser.'

'Old ginger spicer than young one!'

Viz then looked at Reidrich. He, too, has a grin on his face. If Viz was right, the Owl who always observed him from the sky was one of Reidrich's adept, who used transformation magic.

Viz understood the reason behind the grins, but it doesn't mean others understand it too.

"It's an army, Deglan. You want to face an army with a few hundred witchers!?" Vesemir shouted, "You'll get us all killed!"

"It seems I wasn't clear enough when I said an army," Madam Zerbst continued, "a heightening number of 25,000, armed, trained… unlike witchers, specialised in killing men."

Thinking Deglan truly went senile, Vesemir said to Madam Zerbst.

"Perhaps Tetra would listen to reason."

"He may be a bastard… but Deglan is Right. This was inevitable." Madam Zerbst said.

'Wow, she is daring, I give you that. She's ignoring the fact Deglan sitting right here and said it out!' Viz thought.

Deglan's lips twitched, and Reidrich chuckled silently.

"Why?" Vesemir asked.

"Because you're different. And killing is easier than tolerating." Madam Zerbst said.

"I want you as far away from this place as possible," Vesemir said.

Oh these love birds, Viz thought, it would be great if he had pop corns with him.

"There are children here." [Madam Zerbst]

"They've been trained." [Vesemir]

"Children, Vesemir." Madam Zerbst said, as her voice was deep, "As you were when he took you."

"I'll take them to my orphanage until the battle's finished. Come along Vesemir." Madam Zerbst said. "For once, I will decide our place."

Viz already had conjured the popcorn. Throwing one into his mouth, he felt the scene quite cringe.

"You always had too much fire. And beauty." Vesemir walked foreward.

"Please… I'm nearly 70." Madam Zerbst moved backward.

Vesemir doesn't seem giving up. He came close, picking up Madam Zerbst's chin. He said, "So am I."

But before he can go for the kiss… A voice interrupted them. Only then they realised there were people present here.

"The young fella grown up." Don't know when Deglan came near Viz, picked a popcorn from the box and threw it into mouth.

Before he said, "It's good."

Even Reidrich came and put one into his mouth. "It's good."

"You old fools! You destroyed a good romantic moment!" Viz cursed out.

Though old… Madam Zerbst blushed.

But Vesemir doesn't seem much affected.

"When did I?… Oi young fella, you guys continue, don't mind us." Deglan said shamelessly.

"I said don't call me that." Vesemir tried to appear serious. "What about the Army?"

Deglan fingered his ear as he said.

"I know what you mean, Vesemir, but we got ourself a hole-card."

Deglan turned towards Viz And said, "Itn't that right, Brat?"

Now, everyone's attention got pulled towards Viz.


Madam Zerbst asked, "Care to explain about your Hole-card?"

"Remember the crushed Elven ruins you found… this brat did that." Deglan said before he started laughing.

Vesemir, as a witcher in his prime, has an excellent hearing.

At first, it didn't click him.

It took a while…

"You…" Vesemir finally realised as his figure shook in shock, disbelieve!

It is unimaginable and too good to be true.

If it's true, they might really survive this ordeal.

"How is it possible?!" Vesemir asked. Still trying to calm his nerves.

Madam Zerbst was the same and also had the same question.

Reidrich came forward and explained.

"Unlike you or Deglan or any other witcher created so far, Sir Viz is only the Ideal witcher! Created with no defects! I prefer to call him the Ultimate Witcher." Reidrich's face was filled with madness. "When it comes to magic, he himself seems a dreadful mage! His powers seems no bounds!"

"Calm yourself, Reidrich." Deglan patted Reidrich's shoulder.

But gloated and appreciated the Vesemir's expression, cause he too had the same expression when he found about Viz's power.

With the appearance of Viz, Deglan felt the future of Wichers doesn't seem that bad.

The Atmosphere seems unique, someone filled with ecstasy, someone with madness, some tried to calm their excited nerves.

But this atmosphere got broken as Viz's calm voice rang with his true thoughts.

"You guys seems assuming, I'll just tag along with Deglan's thinking."

Creating the next chap! It will be realised soon!

ZED_LOGINTHANcreators' thoughts