
I Am Icarus The Free

Rom_us3 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs


As Uranus laid with Gaea not expecting an ambush from his own son was caught off-guard being stricken by Cronus's scythe severing his testicle's which fell to the seas forming a white foam which birthed Aphrodite the goddess of love, pleasure, and beauty . For the first time in his life Uranus after seeing the scythe that Cronus wielded feared his life . Due to shock and pain of losing his testicle's Uranus decided to flee but Cronus being one step earlier had decide to stop time yet the divine presence of Uranus was far too strong and clashed with his own divine energy which prevented him from fully stopping time instead slowing it down . While time was slowed Cronus seizing his opportunity slashed at his father's chest .

As Uranus bleed golden ichor from his body time started flowing normally again , His blood falling from the sky towards the earth which marked the creation of the Furies, the Giants, and the nymphs. Sensing his own life force fleeing from his body . In fear ,wrath and betrayal from his own son and wife Uranus prophesized that Cronus would also be overthrown by his child and the cycle would continue . Gaea rushed towards her husband hugging him tightly and tears streamed through her eyes. Now her voice filled with sadness was being heard saying I'm sorry my love but our children must be free from Tartarus, constantly repeating I'm sorry my love while gasping constantly . Uranus was dying and his emotions in turmoil made the skies violent along with his divine energy.

Uranus sensed his blood and Gaea's tears falling towards the earth and decided to use his divinity and used the wind to push a portion of the mixture towards an island free from the influence of god's and to make sure no one could find what was happening he started a storm in the island covering it with cloud's so thick and violent that no god would dare enter nor be able to peer through and created storms across the world , Gaea in sadness and Cronus in shock of his father prophecy dismissed the sudden use of his father's divinity to cause storm's considering it to be the actions of his rage and so did the other's . Now Uranus mixed his violent divine energy to create life which formed a body filled with the divinity of chaos and destruction yet the body possessed no soul as it was created by defying the laws of nature by forcefully creating life but the chaotic energy was so powerful that it had started ripping apart the skies making dimensional rifts connecting it to another dimension .

In Kamar-Taj Nepal a master sorcerer could be seen nervously watching the chaos filled storm caused by dimensional rift's and unexpectedly was hit by a bolt of chaos infused lighting making his soul be pulled towards the body of the newly created son of Uranus closing the tear's in the skies . As the soul entered the body of the new born it started absorbing the excess divine energy and ascended making the mortal soul become akin to the soul of a god which made him remember his past lives . As Uranus marveled at the birth of his son ,seeing that his son was free from the eyes of the god's and free from the clutches of the three Sisters of Fates . He was his son, he who could weave his own destiny he was Icarus (slight pause) Icarus The Free . Uranus pleased with the outcome decided to rest peacefully with a smile after seeing Cronus frantically deny Uranus's prophecy and rested knowing even if his prophecy was never fulfilled that his son would become his vengeance . That day marked the death of Uranus The Primordial of Skies and Marked The birth of Icarus Primordial of Destruction, Chaos, War, Vengeance, Nature, Energy and Freedom .

Ppl's i wil not upload frequently and update schedules will be irregular and if there are any ideas Comment it and let me know.

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