
I Always Knew That I Would Become A Great Hero!

This story follows the adventure of shut-in, Saiba Okumura, as he gets transported to a different world and he is assigned a task to complete so that he can return to his old life. Follow him as he discovers new wonders in a video game-like world and join him on his journey to become a Great Hero!

chicken24_ · แฟนตาซี
115 Chs

Chapter 7: Coroner the King Slime

Coroner moves first, jumping up high in the air. He shapes his body into a more streamline shape and shoots down towards Saiba like a missile.

Saiba reacts and rolls out of the way just in the nick of time. Coroner slams into the ground leaving a small crater around his impact point.

While Coroner is still recovering from his previous attack, Saiba takes the opportunity to take a swing at the King Slime. He runs towards Coroner, takes a powerful step, and slices him with a horizontal slash.

Coroner shudders a bit then quickly fills in the cut wound with slime. In addition to the cut wound, Coroner's HP seems to have gone down by about 15%.

Saiba says with a confident smile,

"Alright, it's working! Now I just have to do this a few more time and then that's curtains for the green boy!"

Again, Coroner jumps into the air in preparation for his next attack. This time however, he spreads out his body to cover lots of surface area. Saiba tries to run out of the trajectory of the slowly falling slime, but he takes to long as he gets trapped in Coroner's body.

It looks like another easy win for Coroner, however, Saiba takes grabs his sword and delivers a flurry of slashes from inside of the Slime. This creates a hole straight through Coroner where Saiba quickly leaps out of and back on to the grass. Coroner fills the hole in with slime as he loses about 50% of his remaining HP.

Seeing this, Lily quickly warns Saiba,

"Be careful! Coroner has a trick up his sleeve! When his HP goes below 50%, he enters a new form known as the [Blazing Rage of the Slime King]! He's going to be much faster and stronger from this point on!"

Saiba hears her and nods to show he understands. Coroner begins to turns a reddish hue and his eyes grow fierce. He changes his body into a ball shape and starts to quickly bounce around, ricocheting off of the hills.

He is moving too fast for Saiba to track him. As he bounces around, he starts to collide with Saiba, however, instead of the sludge-like body he usually has, it has been replaced by a hard rock-life surface.

Saiba continues to get pummeled by a constant barrage of hits as he starts to get weaker and weaker. Saiba looks as though he is about to collapse. Coroner lands a hit on Saiba's leg which puts him off of his balance.

Saiba is about to topple over when he stops himself and struggles back up. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes to focus. He grabs his sword with both hands and raises it above his head. It starts to glow bright crimson.

On the other hand, across from him, Coroner is preparing his final attack by compressing his body to launch himself as fast as he can straight towards Saiba.

Saiba begins gathering energy into his sword as it keeps glowing brighter and brighter.

Coroner finally releases all the built up pressure and shoots towards Saiba like a laser. The red monster speeds toward Saiba, getting faster every second he's in the air.

Finally, with all his might, Saiba brings his sword down, slashing at the air while shouting,

"Crimson! Strike!"

Emerging from the blade, a long, spiked, crimson wave appears with the same power as ten normal slashes. It moves outward towards Coroner, growing as it flies. Coroner and Saiba's attacks collide creating a large flash of red light from the coming point.

As the light clears, all that's left are the remains of Coroner split cleanly in half laying on the ground. His HP bar quickly reducing to zero while Saiba gets a pop-up. It reads,

[Congratulations! Coroner the King Slime was Defeated! Level +5. ATK. +5 DEF. +5 SPD +5. New Title Get: 'Slime Slayer'. Item Get: Slime Crown, King's Slime]

Saiba quickly scans through the pop-up before losing consciousness and falling flat on his face. Lily jogs over and stares at him while saying,

"Rest up Hero... You deserve it..."