
I Always Knew That I Would Become A Great Hero!

This story follows the adventure of shut-in, Saiba Okumura, as he gets transported to a different world and he is assigned a task to complete so that he can return to his old life. Follow him as he discovers new wonders in a video game-like world and join him on his journey to become a Great Hero!

chicken24_ · แฟนตาซี
115 Chs

Chapter 67: The Hero Dies!?

Saiba, vision blurry and barely awake, questions,

"Wh- What..? Who..? What's there..?"

He tries to swat at the figure, but his hand goes through. Additionally, he feels no weight on his stomach, but he can still feel the presence of someone there.

Looking past the blurry figure, Saiba notices a giant charging at him. He tries to get up, but he's too weak as he lies on the ground. As the giant inches towards him, Saiba closes his eyes, awaiting his impending doom.

He hears a loud crashing noise as he thinks,

"That's it... Goodbye world..."

He opens his eyes and looks up towards the moonlit sky. He mumbles,

"I guess this is heaven, huh? It's not as grand as I expected"

He sits up and looks forward as he barely makes out the shadow from before. He calls out,

"Hey! You died too?"

Saiba's vision gets clearer as he sees what actually happened. A child stands before him. It's wearing fancy clothing, similar to a noble. It also has neat, black hair and two horns coming out on either side of his head.

It holds its fist out, like it just finished punching something. Saiba shifts his view slightly upward and notices a giant embedded into the mountain face. At the center of its body, there is a large hole where his chest should be.

The giant is completely dead. Saiba thinks,

"Woah... Did that kid do that? There's no-one else here, so it must be him. But a kid, doing that..? There's no way, right?"

The child cracks his knuckles and begins walking towards Saiba as Saiba begs,

"H-Hey... We're friends, right..? An enemy's enemy is an ally, right..?"

The child continues walking, not saying a single word. Like before, Saiba closes his eyes, awaiting the hit. Despite his doubts, nothing happens.

Saiba opens his eyes as the child says,

"Don't worry, master! You're in my hands now!"

The child turns around and holds one hand in front of him. He shouts,

"Watch this! Black Abyss!"

Out of his hand, an overwhelmingly black ball shoots out towards a giant. It begins absorbing the giant as its body is disappearing inside the ball.

Soon, the giant is nowhere to be seen as Saiba stares in shock. He asks,

"H-How did you do that!?"

The child replies,

"Oh, that was nothing! Just wait there!"

As the child finishes, Saiba notices its legs begin to become transparent. The child notices as well and mumbles,

"I'm running out of time."

Instead of continuing to fight, the child faces Saiba with a wide grin and hands clasped. He says,

"Master! We need to form a contract!"

Saiba asks,

"Contract? What for? Wait, who even are you? Why do you keep calling me master?"

With a sad expression, the child replies,

"What a cruel master... He can't even remember the name of his strongest servant..."

The child goes back to smiling and announces,

"I guess there's no helping it!"

He poses with both arms at his side while announcing,

"I'm a legendary [Celestial Spirit] and a member [Noble Demon] race! My name is Romani Demiurgos Lucfandis Beelzebub Satanius Grimoria, but you can call me Roman! Nowadays, I think most people know me as [The Demon of Prideful Darkness]!"

Completely confused, Saiba thinks,

"[Celestial Spirit]? [Noble Demon]? Romani blah blah blah? [The Demon of Prideful Darkness]? What does this mean?"

Roman looks down as he sees the transparency has moved to his hips. Frantically, he says,

"Master! I'm running out of time! We need to form a contract so that I can wipe those guys already!"

Saiba replies,

"This is all so confusing and I can't think well right now... Ah! Screw it! I'll form a contract!"

Roman has a happy expression as he reaches his hand out and instructs,

"Just shake my hand and the contract will be formed!"

Saiba grasps Roman's hand firmly and shakes it while thinking,

"This guy sounds pretty cool... This should be okay, right..?"

A sinister mist starts to float off of their hands as it grows and envelops the two in a ball of purple and black smoke.

The smoke disperses as Roman flies out and begins taking care of the giants, one-by-one. On the other hand, Saiba gets a pop-up that reads,

[Bond Contract Formed: Romani Demiurgos Lucfandis Beelzebub Satanius Grimoria (Servant). New Skill Get: Summon Servant, Recall Servant (More Skills can be unlocked over time.)]

Saiba watches as Roman obliterates the [Jotund] forces. He thinks,

"That guy... He seems familiar... I should probably help him, but-" He cuts himself off as his eyes shut and he falls on his back.