

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 36.What do you mean by Korean?

"Ahh... the pain is seeping through my brain again, why do people these days never have any consideration for shedding blood?"

As their loud shouts bugs my mind the pain gradually sinks away, as the man pulled the spear out from me.

Seeing me on the ground with blood flowing through my body, The flying wagon started to land on the ground.

From the wagon comes out a tall and slim lady with a thick braided hair on her head and a bouquet of hairpins and decorative made of gold, silver and polish gems.

Stepping out of her wagon she said"Seobuii yong-gamhan namja"

I was like, "seobouyuy....what"


System has found that host has trouble in conversation with the target.

Helping host.... initiating help ***


Help complete.

Host has been given a skill for the language of "Goryeon/Korean".

The far continent of the East.

Having power source called Ki and their battle prowess are unique from the main land.


Host must not fight any of them or you will get a heavy punishment for fighting them.


What Korean?

Never heard of such name before,

As I was having this though, The guy holding a sword shouts,"You imbecile you dared to ignore our queen of the great of the great Goryeon empire, let me teach you a lesson"

But the Queen stops him with a gesture.

"Brave man of the West" She said" Your strength I have acknowledge, May you follow me for the rest of your life, and guide me and my army on conquering this unknown land as I will reward you with care".

Thinking about what she said o e thing comes in mind.

"wow, I actually understand what they are saying, Korean language is it?

So they are the new continent called Korean and came to attack us?

Minding what she said first,

"What" I exclaimed and asked her to pay me with her body if I was to help her conquering these lands.

But one of the guards points a sword at me,"You imbecile dare to defile our queen?, lete punish you right here"

But the queen stops him again, Looking at her guard, "Stand down, you will not be able to defeat him, maybe not even hundreds of you is enought to scratch him"

"But my queen he is harm by a measly spear by the soldiers" he exclaimed.

But this queen looks wise, she said, "Looks can be deceiving, but you might not notice that all the wound that you cause him using the spear has disappeared without leaving a spec of scar,

Doing that is not impossible but, may need extra care, But him the wound healed while he does not evem tried,

So If this man wants He surely have the strength to stop quite a lot of our army by himself before he meet his demise"

Hearing what the queen said, the guard back down but is still looking down on me.

The Queen lend me her hand and pulled me up with her thousandfold army behind her.

All the marching has been put to halt, as she guides me in her wagon.

As we walks inside the Wagon with no wheel or man labour,

The insides were made of shiny gold and silky smooth cloth, which she called it silk,

The Four Generals in her army started marching again and the raging battle went on.

As we were inside her Wagon she do not, but took her cloths off, "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"You did asked me to pay with my body right, Considering your strength, You could made our army to lose or at worst wipe them out.

So you simply ask for my body as a payment for helping me conquering this continent,

I need to win so sacrificing this body is not a big sacrifice.

What is this lady talking about? does she know my strength but that is impossible right? or those she have a Blue screened system like me?

"Lady, what are you saying, aren't you royal suppose to have some kind of high esteemed upon yourself.

And look down on a peasant like me, why are you even giving your royal body to a low life and at that this is the first time you met me too?"

But the lady, frowned and later smiles," Oh yeah we do have our very own self esteemed, I am the queen of the eastern mainland after all,

Even if I am not the queen or any royal, I am a woman after all so I would have some self esteemed to a peasant, not just a peasant,

I would not gave my body easily to any prince or anyone either.

But all those does not restrict for a person like you, as strength is power and power is strength.

You may look weak and does not show off unlike a certain prodigy.

And I am sure that you are anything but a peasant, I would believe it more if you say you are a God"

Why the hell is this girl so sure of my strength I am not sure,

All I know about her is that she is also not weak due to her aura that I detected maybe this is also why she knows I am strong.

I am sure that she is not the queen of the whole east continent but just the mainland and their unique fighting style of martial art is called kungfu.

And they got their skill which we called as magic and are accumulated by Mana is called as a type of sort of technique which all of them learnt along with various weapons.

In our mainland words None of their magician are weapon less and everyone of them used a weapon or what they called an artefact and some medication skills to level up their strength and fight.

Unlike our guild they have various school called a sect like a Demon sect, God sect etc as a school,

And her entire army except for the kingdom soldiers are all made up of various big and small sect.

The Kingdom soldiers are strong compared to this sects.

And those are the only things I have known about these new continental people.

After a while of when I was in a dazed she asked me,"Do you regret making your decision and plan on something new or are you just thinking my body is not good enough for you?"

This girl is quick witted

But what kind of man would ignore a naked body which has been preserved for a long time, a special royal body which only 98% percent of men are aloud to see , that is her spouse and her father.

(don't say the rest okay, hope she does not like harem and got a lot of decoration of man on her bed)

The wagon might shake...But when the instinct of true man has activated all the guards outside and some soldiers seeing the way of the shaking wagon have some idea on what was happening.

Thier sword was even sharper due to the excitement while some swords are dull due to the anger of their queen being taken in the midst of battle although they are on the winning side.