

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 20.SS rank wife

After releasing some of my anger it felt like releasing 1000 pounds from my body.

This is the first time that I have used my power willingly and not getting bored of how strong I am.

Maybe love can make you split the sea and carve a road through a mountain with bare hands although I can do all that without love but...

Anyway...seeing my actions I was amazed and stared emptily compliments myself.

But to my surprise there was still this girl who was naked and using a sword to hold herself up, I am even more amazed.

Because I know who that was and her strong will is amazing to be able to stand my attacks when I was angry, although her clothes and armor do not leave any remains but left naked and the sword was still accompanying her.

If I am not wrong I remember confining her which surely mobilise her as well how did she even fend for that amount of absurd power.

By all means, she is strong and got her cards to play too, there is this little feeling of" I want her"inside me maybe because of the Alpha instinct inside me who wants a strong female.

But damn this girl is about 28 years old, how is that possible but thinking back this surely is the reason why she was always so soft-hearted during the little show.

Being such a strong woman needs a strong man, not the shitty king who gives no value to his soldiers and people and a bunch of power-hungry ministers.

Girl I know you are strong and I will not say much except for these true words from my heart, would you like to be my wife and accompany me throughout your life.

The girl stood, she does not even mind her naked body, and firmly stood looking straight at my eyes, those clear-willed eyes are really beautiful.

After the awkward moment of staring she bend down and offered her body and soul but also said that she will not just lowly lay like a maggot and that she is grateful for completing her request and giving her mercy.

Her words were nice and sweet but If you have known that I have no intention of sparing you because I attacked the whole place to kill everything, it was your strength that kept you alive, but If she wants to think that way, there is no loss for me...

But seeing her naked is going to make my sword which was made from the steel of Aranrog which always cause a bad thing every time it arises, especially the arising time is not night, but now it has arisen.

So to keep this under control I took my legendary Armor made from some material that I have no idea about and some plain cloth which was sexy as hell...

I gave it to her and to touch it off, There was this special cape in the inventory, I never liked a cape and never wore one not even once...but...hmm..maybe once or twice...

I took it out and let her wear it...

She was surprised because those weapons are like a relic of God in her rankings of armor

Her reaction was something that I don't expect because the thing I gave her was the trash that I was trying to throw except for the cape.

She hugged me and even used her honey traps now like praising me...where has the strong-willed female gone...

Maybe I have spoiled her too much to the point that She even used her daring honey words now, but what are her honey traps words?

I have no idea she just called me Honey that's all.

I called upon one of my familiars which was a water dragon, they are rare as aliens on earth and their myth is all they ever had.

I caught this one when it was born 50 years from now and raised it myself, It nearly died but luckily I save it from its demise, and is the only living water dragon now.

No...wait I am back right it means there are more of him, When there is time I should search for it, they are quite more useful than the shitty dragon king who only has his wisdom...

As we mount the dragon She really admired it, the pure blue water dragon mixed with no other color except for a different range of blue, it looks like a giant snake with a long moustache, with

After we mount the dragon. The dragon takes a big crawl lifting his head and his tail part

still on the ground launch himself towards the ground from the high area which cause a lift in the air and the wiggly moving tails kept us up in the air.

The scene was really adored by her, She told me her name which was" Rosey Rode ", and to call her anything suitable to me.

I know that Asking her anything will not give me an answer so I kept quiet and goes towards my mountain where my home was built yet again.

"Hello, I am Rosey from the knight family of the Burdel kingdom and an elite one at that but due to some traitors from the family, My father who was the General of the king's army was killed during a battle with the Rebels.

His force was annihilated but some dumb luck saved my uncle's life who began taking my father's position and my mother as well which leads to the fall of our family because he provoked the king himself which led to family execution.

As the only child in the main family, my uncle saved me with his life because he thinks of me as his daughter.

I fled the execution while my uncle ravage the kingdom till his death which cause massive destruction as well.

5 years later, I became the only SS ranked in the kingdom and revenge take revenge by rebelling and killing the King with my own hands crowning one of my friends as the king.

But even my friend who I trusted has become drunk in power after being a king, I have nothing to do but abide by his orders.

But now I have a reason to live, A man who has so much power but never got drunk, and A man with self-control, I will stay by his side forever as he has asked me to be his wife.

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