

I am too strong is there anything fun? I am bored but what is this, Dying is not even possible! and now I am a helpless baby, I hope i am weak now, but what is this power again. I can kill my enemy or even God with a snap of my finger, treasures and Rare Weapons are all in my hands, Women and Kings are all under my control now. But I will live a leisure life not showing off. But do not provoke me as I might accidentally destroy you with your surroundings without bits to see anymore. special tag:no ntr, always over kill, poor Acting weak skill, A mix of pure eastern and Western culture

Vena_Ralte · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 2.Oh I am too strong

What is this shaky feeling, ah... It is shaking too much but good thing I am standing on all four, guess being a baby has some advantages as well.

While the shaking has ended, I have no idea but to look at my hand thinking

Yes, I am not strong this time, I will go to an academy like a normal person and live my life to the fullest this time round...

But due to that tremulous wobbling the woman with big breasts... who is my foster mother for the time being.

was awake and after seeing her face closer and clearer she was really cute and quite pretty although she might be in her thirties or close to?

You know... Her breast was even bigger too maybe I saw a mature lady somehow, more attractive now after I became a baby, unlike when I was attracted to youth and thick beautiful ones.

But I am sure that I have seen one bigger than that, still my view change somehow, except that the greater the mass the greater the force of attraction.

I was a father of a few hundred sons and daughters so I am not new to this kind of thing though now I am just a baby.

But as I was saying she was awake and to my surprise, the first thing she did was look for me.

I was happy seeing that until she found me and while lifting and hugging me she said

"I thought you were lost.. dear little baby.."

I was even happier, seeing someone who loved and cared for me.

Because when I was young my world has always been survival for the fittest and such thing as love??

The word "Love" itself never exists...

The only person who has cares for me was that shitty caretaker of mine, who was ruthless as hell and would kill anyone, I want to kill but cannot.

I guess that was love in some way, but can never be felt because of a lack of affection from both sides.

But now I could feel it, this warmth and affection which all my hundreds plus wives have never shown.

This is true love is what I thought, for now, this happy feeling and warmth in my heart which has never taken place because everyone obeyed me not because they love or respect me It was because they were afraid of my strength and also my temper as well, its called Ego OK.

Happily hearing what she had to say and after a moment of smile and happiness.

she said to me, "If you are lost how will I get my money from selling you right?

so don't wander off ok, because I am going to buy my dream sword from selling you"

"You little cutie baby"

And my heart broke...

shit...what is true love selling me for what?

this damn woman I am clear that she is not my foster mother and that she is absolutely crazy.

I want to kill her, Can I kill her?

Although she has some cuteness due to her mature body although she might be a little crazy and has big breasts.

I have to kill her this type of woman is bad for the long run, they make the heartache and should not be trusted.

So I will get rid of her before there is some more dangerous and heartbreaking plotting that includes her.

And so I will...F.CK...!!!

I am a baby with no power right now maybe she is safe for the time being.

While she was swaying me in her arm, she stopped for a moment with jaw-dropping looks.

I look at her with a very curious face thinking about how to kill her.

She looked at the same thing for far too long that it makes this king curious as well then out of curiosity, I took a peek as well.

But damn, I regret doing so.

You know what she saw is something I do not want to know at all.

Yes, the mountain got split by my hands, Although it could be someone else doing it.

But somehow I am sure that it was me because,

I have a habit, of splitting mountains and always leaving my name with the lingering mana on the clean-cut of the mountain wall which was visible there.

I thought It was my dream when I was curving that..!!!!

Seeing this name this woman even named me "ARON SHILD".

Yes, at least the greatest thing that you have ever done would be this.

Damn, I hate it, now I am sure that, I am still seriously, very very seriously strong.

This Woman surely knows something as well and directly asked me some questions as well...

Hello little Aron, you are the one who did that right, you are very strong but you need to have some control you know...

Why is this baby so strong is he the one who split that mountain open, I don't know who he is, I only found him in the forest and picked him up for a little adventuring and experience, I plan to keep him in the orphanage in the nearby town.

I am just a daughter of a fallen aristocrat and survive till now due to my skill in fighting, all my families are jailed and males are executed in the streets as a show and example for anyone who tries to rebel against the king.

And my sisters and mothers are sold off as slaves as well, my father was evicted as the culprit for rebelling against the king and harshly meet his fate along with his family.

Luckily I am my mother's only daughter and my mother died when I was born after that I was the outcast in the family anyway and have no such thing as pity towards them at all.

And this little baby was also an outcast that I picked up, but I have no wealth or power to provide for the two of us I will have to put him into an orphanage in a nearby city but now I am a bit dizzy...

What is this woman thinking?

And what is this little blueish thing??

Are these words why is a word written on there??


"luck activated Dragon protected treasure found under the mountain, hidden by the dying merchant"

** **

Ok, now I am rich

Gold and treasure sure are attractive even though they were boring in the past, I guess time changes men.

Seeing gold I was over excited and flicked my finger, I could feel the power coming out from my body and I was like Oh! hell no!!.

A fireball shot out from my finger which became enlarged that it hit the flying dragon which came towards us, sorry dragon you are innocent and I am the victim...If you think of it from my point of view that is.

The Woman was very excited after seeing the treasure and gold, but seeing that a dragon was coming escaping was her plan...

Then I killed the dragon for her,

She was so excited...But

this lady does not even think about how a baby got so strong.

As I have said before, She is a crazy woman, who just have cute looks with big breast, that's all.

Although she has the most important part, LOL.

She was jumping around while holding me and spinning around like a little girl.

Hey, girl stop right now or I will fondle your breast as a punishment...

This King never lies, ok stop...!!

And she stops,

But, this was actually what came out of my mouth.

uh.. uah... (baby crying)

The lady was like "oh sorry baby I was too excited.

Do you see those treasures?

when I see that I was very happy.

But seeing that a Dragon was coming, I bailed out from the treasure knowing that It was the dragon's treasure.

Also, I don't think you understand but I was planning to leave you too...

Wait wait wait stop a moment there,

What!! you tried what!? do you want to die woman do not play with my heart?

she continued her words more because I does not have a say in any of what happened,

You are soo strong that you killed the Dragon, so I am very glad; If you don't mind I will be your foster mother and take care of you and make you into a very strong man OK.

Haishh, what is this girl thinking I guess I have no choice.

Ok, now this girl is my mother and having some horney thoughts towards her might not be good anymore..It is just not a blessing...

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