
I've Become The Main Character

Thanks for viewing my novel feel free to read it... or not. ____________________________________________ What happens when the main character knows that there inside the novel? What do you do when you find there are third-rate villains around every corner knowing that this is just a novel? Oscar Blake is a typical 17-year-old, and he soon awakens but instead of normally awakening he instead gets a new 'intruder' in his mind who knows that this world is a novel and helps him become stronger, while preparing for the incoming doom that he himself doesn't know about. ____________________________________________

IGNS_ST · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Mind Space

In a pitch-black room, I wake up and look around it but find nothing, so I stand up and begin exploring. Exploring for what seemed 10 minutes, I find out that I'm in a space with no visible exit.

Then I see someone, but that someone is a bloody and dusty version of me. It seemed like it's been crushed by something, it seemed unmoving so I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

"Ouch, can't believe you called me an 'it' very mean, not gonna lie," It looked like I hurt his feelings, but I was surprised.

"ACK, WHAT THE!" as he talked he scared the shit out of me.

Did he just read my mind, and why was he unmoving? Wait... HE'S THE ONE THAT IS TRYING TO TAKE OVER MY BODY!

"Now, now, I didn't do it on purpose, I mean I did die and reincarnate in your body, and I was not doing it by choice and I wasn't moving because I wanted to scare you." He tried to explain himself, but I was having none of it, and threw a punch at him, but before it hit he teleported behind me and pushed me down on a sofa.

"How the hell did this sofa appear? And where the hell are we?" I was angry and confused but tried to remain calm and get answers from him.

"I'm guessing were inside your- no our minds. Our minds are fuzing but it hasn't finished, and I believe that we can't stop it. I'll tell you something right now, something important. You've been ignoring it- no, you've been In denial about it. We are the main characters, you can probably tell by the absurd power we were given." Before I even could prosses my thought, he already responded. "Yes I also hope that we can split our consciousness, I mean I want to live my own personal life, so I'm here to help you and in return, you help me get a body, there is no reason for you to reject me because it's not like you can get me out of here or kill me so were stuck. You have no other choice but to help me" I sat still and thought while he got a glass of coke and waited for me to respond, knowing full well what I was going through.

After he drank the glass of coke, he then began reshaping this pitch-black space into something absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the view. It was a field full of roses and it even had snowy mountains, and the sky was just a galaxy that looked absolutely mesmerizing, but after finishing he looked tired but happy.

After thinking about it I start asking questions.

"Ok... You are the reader. What do you think will happen?" I ask choosing to ignore a couple of problems I have with this and just accept it as is.

"Good Question!!! From both reader's and the writer's perspective, the most likely crouse is that the mage girl is going to ask us about the notepad and the theories. And don't forget to tell her that those theories are incorrect and take the notepad back and destroy it. We have knowledge that could be game-changing and we should keep it secret. Do it, even if it means losing the stone."

(Ok so for now here would be a paragraph of what knowledge they hold, but I don't have anything prepared, so I'll just explain some world things. The knowledge they hold is mainly physics-type stuff like E=mc˄2 and ways to combine them or something similar, this is because this world was mainly focused on mana and their geniuses Instead of focusing on how to exploit the laws of physics they researched how to modify them. That doesn't mean that there is no knowledge of physics, no rather its limited)

Thinking for a bit I realize that he's completely true The knowledge we hold has immense value and we should keep it but what I didn't understand was why did he suggested declining to become her disciple, wouldn't we get more power?

"Technically yes, we would, but then our enemies would maybe be stronger. Plus there isn't really an advantage what can we learn from her that we can't in the academy?" thinking about it a bit more he was right and he continued.

"You felt it too didn't you, someone or rather something is coming and we need to prepare, and it's definitely dangerous, I don't know how much time we have but we need to prepare. I don't care how you do it you do it, just do it. Anyway, our current goal is not power but knowledge, we need to combine the knowledge of two worlds. We don't have much time so quickly ask your questions now!"

"What should we do after we wake up?"

"I already told you, idiot. Next!"

"Uhh... Do we use the skill [Data Mind]?" Although I was against the idea, I decided to listen to his opinion

"Yes, you'll see why after we meet next or you'll just find out later." After that, I had problems thinking of questions, so I had no choice but to give up. "I'm guessing you don't have any questions... Then uhh, bye?" He didn't know how to respond neither did I but we both laughed before everything went black.

"Wait! What's your name-" I asked but it was too late.

Waking up I realized I was in my hospital room. I still remembered everything that happened.

Looking around I see the mage girl 'sleeping' next to me and I felt everything going as 'we' predicted. Seeing the chance I do something risky and touch her cheek.

After touching her, she immediately opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I knew you thought this noona was hot," she smiled and then took out my notepad and showed it to my face.

"Never mind that, are these theories true!?!?!" She enthusiastically asked and that started my act.

"AH! Yes, I almost forgot, give me that." I took the notepad, crossed my theories, wrote a completely wrong theory mixed with some more advanced truths (and lies), but hey weren't that important and would either give her dead ends or low returns, and gave her the notepad.

"YES!! This theory makes more sense than the other ones, hey can I keep this?" I couldn't believe that my fake theory thing worked, and came 'clean' and told her that the previous theories were a trap, made by my 'Teacher' to make me learn that not everything is true. she somehow bought that and believed me

"No, you cant..." I declined her keeping the notepad and took it back.

"Huh? why? I can pay you more mana stones- wait no, how about I give you some skill books? Oh wait I haven't even introduced myself, My name is Amelia Croft and I'm a researcher of the Magic Tower in New York, and also an A-Tier hunter, I came here for a dungeon and got injured, but I guess it was well worth it." I predicted the first part but I didn't expect her to be an A-Tier hunter, I wanted to agree but I suppressed the urge and declined. She also seemed not to want me but rather the knowledge I had, and still seemed to be pissed off by the way I acted with her.

"I can't accept at least not for now. Anyway... what happened to me and why did I pass out?" I asked, saying that she got embarrassed and mumbled something that I couldn't make out.

"...so that's what happened. Okay, ill ask in the future about those theories although I may figure out them myself, and here is my contact, call me whenever you want to talk about mana." she threw a piece of paper with her number which I put in my backpack. 'Main character luck, with the clutch.' I still asked her to repeat herself because I didn't hear her. "Your mental barrier cracked... and you almost didn't die, but thanks to me I managed to save your mind before you became brain dead and even healed your disease with a high-tier potion. No need for thanks." She acted almighty, but there was a bit of guilt in her eyes.

'Weren't you the reason my mental barrier cracked? And what about this disease?' I was angry at her but didn't want her to get more annoyed with me than already.

"Can you do me a favor and help me make my mana circuit?" Before she left I asked, and she grinned.

She immediately told me to sit down and turn my back, and I did as instructed. She took my mana stone and started injecting mana power into me. 'IT FUCKING HURTS!' I screamed inwardly and outwardly. I could swear to god hear her laughing.

After what seemed 2 minutes of pure torture, I began to try to focus on the magic power and how it moves and feels, guessing that, that was the key to manipulating it. That lasted for 7 more minutes before I felt it finish.

"There, you should have an amazing thick circuit, although it is just a template." She seemed to enjoy that as if she wanted to get revenge for not respecting her. After that, she left.

Before I could even react to her I passed out yet again... I should probably stop doing that.



Fine whatever, make the villains weaker. And make sure that this doesn't happen again!

Plus he's not that important to the plan.



I will be updating this chapter and the other ones quite soon. I'll mainly be explaining stuff more clearly.

As always if you see any mistakes, please do tell me about them.


This chapter was a speedrun and needs a lot of fixing :c

IGNS_STcreators' thoughts