
I've Become The Main Character

Thanks for viewing my novel feel free to read it... or not. ____________________________________________ What happens when the main character knows that there inside the novel? What do you do when you find there are third-rate villains around every corner knowing that this is just a novel? Oscar Blake is a typical 17-year-old, and he soon awakens but instead of normally awakening he instead gets a new 'intruder' in his mind who knows that this world is a novel and helps him become stronger, while preparing for the incoming doom that he himself doesn't know about. ____________________________________________

IGNS_ST · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

Academy II

After waking up from my nap, I noticed it was 1:00 AM, so I decided to start uploading the mana collection program into my brain. The program didn't give as much corruption as I thought, which I was happy about. Getting in a comfortable position and waited for the upload to start.

When I woke up, I noticed that I had been sleeping for 11 hours, but I didn't care. First, I checked my skills, and there it was the [Advanced Mana-Collection (Alfa) (Semi-auto)], but unlike I thought it was actually designated as a unique skill, but that made sense due to the unique way that the skill approaches the collection of mana and how the user can also cultivate mana this way and not only collect mana.

This was a pretty big win for me, looking that I now to had a way to gain experience points, but sadly it wasn't beneficial for me to focus on level and experience. It was better to concentrate on training mana because it would really help me learn things and skills that aren't designated as 'system skills' like mana control and unique ways to use mana.

Although classes haven't started, most were training or studying. I have been doing that for the last 3 weeks, and I wanted to choose to play games. Still, I had to start using mana to upload the academy's database to the skill [Internet Backup]. That was a long and daunting task sitting there focused and injecting mana constantly, but before I was able to do that, I needed to test the Collection program.

Activating the skill, I feel the mana wanting to leave my body but unable to. I proceed to help the program eject the mana, and the program starts doing its magic. The mana blob slowly makes its way toward other blobs and consumes them. While I am playing games, the mana slowly gets bigger. After the day ends, I try to find out if it works even in my sleep, so I do.

The next day I find that my blob is more than ten times bigger than before, so I quickly start to bring the blob back and sit down at the computer, ready to upload most of the database; after the blob comes back, I mold it into a thick stick and start absorbing the mana and use it with the skill.

[Uploading... 7% Complete]

After an hour, the blob, or I guess the stick now, got shorter by 1/11th of its original size, but it still was going strong. Not so surprisingly, Blaze came to me and started complaining and telling me that I should be careful because students and teachers could notice the blob and investigate the constantly expanding blob.

After 10 hours, my progress stopped at 70 percent, and I thought it was enough for now. I got all of the 1st and 2nd year required knowledge and even 3rd and 4th year knowledge, anyway I went to the training rooms, to train, entering what I saw was a cool modern-mechanical style training room with all kinds of equipment.

After training and nothing happened, I went back to the dorms. After coming back, I noticed the other roommate and introduced myself, but he only said his name and left "John Murphy," which was his name. I was pretty curious about him.

I returned to my room and began talking with Blaze, which for some reason, called me.

"Do you know why I called you here?" Blaze asked.

"No, not really. Maybe you have a plan? I don't know."

"I remember you had a plan to make money by selling the other world's games and things," I instantly realized, but that was a dream I threw out, realizing that it was impossible to do.

"Isn't it impossible to do it? I mean, it wouldn't take long before I was found out and forced to give my knowledge up" After saying that, I see Blaze just sigh. I already knew I said something stupid.

"You dumb, dumb idiot. Okay, this world's technology, although advanced, does not have the technological security compared to my world. If our worlds were at war, I would be able to hack yours, and yours wouldn't even be able to bypass intermediate security systems. Want to know why? Simply, your world is focused on defending against monster attacks that it doesn't have the funds to research security and hacking defenses. Basically, I'm saying that we already have the best possible security in the world due to the [Internet Backup] skill." As soon as he finished his rant, it made sense. It was perfect. The problem is that we couldn't create most of them.

"We only need basic security like a VPN which your world doesn't have, and a few others that are simple to get, but even then, we need money, but uploading a few small games won't make a difference," he said made a lot of sense. But would people really buy the games?

"Yes, they would as long as there is marketing, people will buy anything, but for now, we'll just use very good indie games that tubers would play and or review and wola free marketing," I decided to do this strategy, not like I wouldn't need money here.

"Okay, let's do it. What should be the name of the 'company'?" I asked because I wasn't confident in my naming sense.

"Other World Corp. or OW Corp." Damn, his naming sense wasn't better than mine, I wanted to retort, but he wouldn't allow it.

"It's a good thing that a Digital distributor already exists, and we don't need to waste time. I already have a few games in mind first one is Undertale because of its good story, and the other one is Stanley parable, for its funny humor" I haven't played any of the games, but Blaze recommended them. It would probably be good.

"What about Minecraft? It's an amazing game. It would definitely be fit," I suggested, but Blaze only shook his head at me.

"Minecraft is not just a good game. It's an amazing game, you probably don't know, but the game is the most sold game in my world, it's definitely not a good idea to sell this game without security," I think I understood him but still wasn't entirely sure why not, but he seemed that he wasn't going to bother explaining.

Then after talking about it more, we decided on everything and sent an email to the 'Dream' Digital distributor for the application to put our games for sale.

Now that we finished everything, I was pumped up and played the games that Blaze recommended to me, they seemed pretty good, and after playing for a few hours, I didn't expect them to be this good.

Anyway, the school was starting in 3 days.


A tad bit shorter than the average chapter; I do apologize for that.

Anyway, thank you all for reading this; it really means a lot.

Have a nice day!


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