
I'm The Son of a Demon Lord?!

What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery

dotturndot · แฟนตาซี
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169 Chs


"Is there any way for a visitor to talk to a student in the academy?" Sequencee asked.

"Did it not go well?" Arine asked with a raised brow.

Sequencee, accompanied by Schwii, had come to the admissions office, and as usual, the place was packed. When Arine Lin noticed Sequencee, she finished up with her current client to approach him.

"Don't talk about it. So is there a way to send a message?"

"If that's the case then I'll refer you to the visitor's quarter. It's somewhere in the first building, there should be signs that'll guide you there. Once you reach the office, someone should be present to help you reach out to the person you're trying to find hm.." Arine eyed Schwii suspiciously.

'What's going on? Two days later he brought himself another elf? And this one is.. a real man killer.'

Schwii ignored the lecherous gazes surrounding her and simply busied herself by twirling her hair around her fingers. She didn't realize how her actions were only further fueling the passion of the people around her.

"Alright. Thank you Miss Lin."

Following up, Schwii curtsied. Silent awes spread across the room.

The pair left the office, plunging the mood of the room back to its original monotonous state.

'Just who is that girl?'

Even Arine can't help but be jealous of her beauty.


"Leticia, no house name, a participant of the appraisal who won– alright. I will send a ticket to her dorm, when will you schedule the appointment date?"


The visitor's quarter wasn't as lavish as the admissions office, nevertheless, it was still quite an amazing place to behold. Like a lounge with carefully articulated decorative elements, there was a touch of lux to it all.

To further the explanation of the staff, it seems that the way to meet someone in the academy was by letter. Per request, a letter would be sent to the recipient's room with a date and time written. From that, the receipt would then come to meet with the sender at this visitor's lounge.

The system had its flaws obviously.

"I recommend you give one day of notice at least. Though the ticket will be sent the day requested, the recipient may or may not notice the arrival of the letter even though it has arrived."


"Too bad then. Tomorrow it is," Ro said.

"This is a really nice place. I wonder what Leticia is doing now," Lilian mumbled.

Schwii was simply twirling her hair as if the world didn't exist. But of course, the world did and the people in the surroundings were paying attention to her every gesture.

"No. Just send out the letter saying that we'll be here until 5 pm."

"If that's what you wish," Sequencee wanted to get it over with as soon as possible.

The staff processed the documents and then sent the ticket out through some mysterious system.



"A letter.. for Leticia."

"I wonder who sent it?"

"Oh my."

Quora passed the letter which had been tucked from underneath the door and passed it to Leticia.

She, Daizo and Nynim watched intently as Leticia opened the letter and read the contents. Dorry was absent in the room.

She then gazed up from the paper and asked, "Where's the visitor's quarter?"


"Isn't this.. expensive?"

"I can afford it, don't worry."

In the visitor's lounge, there is a section where you can order food and drinks. They had been waiting for almost the entire morning, spending their time chatting and familiarizing themselves with one other. Ro and Lilian tagged along as it wasn't like they had anything to do back at the inn anyways.

"Say– you're an aristocrat, Schwii?"

"You could say so."

It was already sometime around lunch, the sun was at its peak so Schwii went and ordered some food from the small cafeteria over at the corner.

A small bento with rice and fried cutlets made from some unknown meat in one square, there fresh raw fish and vegetables in the second, and a slice of watermelon and orange in the third. The set also came with a sweet bean drink called Nim, which had the consistency of barley but the tanginess as if someone had added a few drops of lime into it.

"This tastes a little odd," Ro said.

"I think it's nice though?" Lilian's mouth was stuffed.

"Here, I don't eat raw things," Schwii picked up the raw fish in her box and draped it over Seqeuncee's plate.


"Schwii, what kind of food do you like?" Lilian asked.

"Me? I'm not particularly picky with my food. I'm fine with most so long as they're edible to a good degree."

"Is that so?"

"Yes," Schwii nodded.

"Hey, isn't that him?"

"Looks like it?"


Sequencee and Schwii turned around to the voice. Nynim, Quora, Daizo and.. Leticia whose eyes were practically popping from the socket.

'W-When did that succubus..'

"Leticia!" Lilian bounced off her seat and rushed towards her.

"How have you been?" Ro waved.

Sequencee and Schwii remained silent. Sequencee especially, as he hadn't prepared what he should say to Leticia. He didn't expect her to come so soon.

"Who is this?" Nynim bounced over and examined Schwii as if she were a legendary item.

"I'm Schwii, nice to meet you," she nodded.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Quora said, touching the shortsword on her waist.

"Wow," Daizo merely expressed her awe.

"Hey!" Quora smacked the back of his head.

"Ow?! What?!"

"Schwii? That's such a cute name, nice to meet you. You're not an elf are you?" Nynim's smile was shadowed over.

"How did you guess?" Schwii acted as if she didn't see it.

"Sequencee, don't tell me you've decided to abandon your sweet Leticia for another woman? That's no good, you know?"

"In the first place, you're the one who's making things up," Sequencee said in a cold voice.

"Oh really now?" Nynim furrowed her brow.

"Sequencee, come here," Lilian who was beside Leticia beckoned.

"Go," Schwii gestured with her head.


'This is complicated, but we'll see how it goes.'

Sequencee got up and made his way to Leticia.

"Have you had lunch?" Schwii asked the rest.

"Me? No," Daizo said.

"Not yet.. who are you anyways?" Quora kept her guard up.

"Me neither. So what are you suggesting?" Nynim pouted.

"If you don't mind, may I invite you for a meal? You've come all the way here with Leticia after all."

"Sure, I don't mind, how about you Quo..?" Daizo took a step back.


While Schwii was defusing the situation there, Sequencee..

"It's been a while," he greeted. To Leticia, it sounded rather distant and she didn't like it.

"What is it?" Leticia asked. Her stomach churned.

'Something must have happened. There's no way a succubus being by his side is any good news.'

"I don't think I can make it into the academy," he said after a short stop.


"That's what I came here to tell you. Long story short, they didn't accept my application, they even took my stuff and kicked me out."


'No, no. What's going on?'

"What do you mean? Did it not go well?"

"Not at all. This place seems pretty hostile, if anything," Sequencee smiled bitterly. "That's why my next plan is to go to Eluive, so I'm here to ask for your opinion."

His next plan was simple. Give up on Riestallia Academy and find somewhere else to study. Otherwise he would return to becoming a mercenary. Now that he had been reunited with Schwii, many new paths had opened up to him. Paths that were by no means simple to take.

'Ah, so that's it.. but..'

"Then who is that?" Leticia turned to Schwii who was with the other three at the ordering counter.

"Schwii, a childhood friend of mine. I'm surprised I didn't recognize her the first time we met.."

"But she's a succubus?!" Leticia hissed.


There were many stories of males becoming the slaves of succubus, overindulging, eventually leading to their deaths.

'Don't tell me he's charmed? How about Lilian and Ro? Those two look alright to me though? Or did she do something to them too?'

The succubus who tried to seduce him was Sequencee's childhood friend? Leticia's mind was spinning in confusion.

"She's not a bad person, that's how I see it at least," Lilian said.


Sequencee heaved a sigh. Leticia's reaction was justifiable.

'It's like seeing a love rival huh? Well, it's not like I can just tell her that I'm a demon lord.'

"So, do you plan to join us to Eluive?" Sequencee asked again.

"If that's your plan then.. it's not like I have any choice do I?"

"What?! You're going to leave?!"



Nynim teleported into their conversation and squabbled with her hands waving like a seagull.

"You worked so hard to win the appraisal though? Are you sure? Are you sure? And you, Sequencee, I don't know what you're trying to do but are you really just going to let your girl lose out on a chance of a lifetime? Hm? Hmr?!"

"What else can I do? I almost got killed just because I tried to apply," Sequencee's harsh tone stopped everyone stiff.

"Almost got killed?" Nynim tilted her head.