
A New World

"Adela! Adela! Adela, wake up!" An angelic voice kept ringing in my ears. Despite the panic that was transmitted through the voice, it was still pleasant to hear.


As my eyes opened, I was greeted by some of the most beautiful scenery I had ever witnessed. A sky bluer than the ocean itself, clouds that looked like they had come right out of a Vatican painting. Singing birds flying high in the sky, vibrant green grass lazily swaying with the wind, and colorful flowers blooming everywhere. It's all so… "Beautiful…" While I was enjoying the scenery an overbearing, but very soft and fluffy feeling enveloped my face. "Mmmffhhhhf"

"Adela.. Thank all of the gods below and above that you are okay."

The most beautiful majestic voice to ever be created blessed my ears. Like a beautiful musical instrument.

I silently listened to the sobbing voice, mesmerized by its beauty. For some reason, my chest started throbbing uncontrollably. Despite my mesmerization, after a few minutes, I started having difficulty breathing.

I furiously tapped the back of the owner of the angelic voice.

There was a very femine yelp, before the angelic voice owner removed themselves from me. I inhaled a deep breath, praising every air molecule that entered my lungs. After I gathered myself, I prepared to confront the person who tried to suffocate myself. But, I was unable to.

THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL TO EVER EXIST! I couldn't tell how old she was, but she had to be in her midteens if not her late teens. She had long flowing wavy azure colored hair that reached past her chest. All her features were well defined, but yet so delicate. Bright fuschia colored eyes that were as clear and serene as spring water. Long azure eyelashes. Cute little freckles sprinkled around the bridge of her nose. Two little beauty marks one on the side of her left eye, and one underneath the corner of her plump cherry colored lips. Her skin held a healthy glow, and there was not a blemish to be found. Despite her slight tan, her skin appeared to be smoother than silk. Two well rounded breasts sat on her chest, but in contrast to her breast she possessed a tight waist. Her teardrops were like crystals falling from her face onto mine. It was as if she wasn't real, like she came straight out of a painting. A top tier waifu.

Everything in me ached for her, my lower member was struck with a sudden rush of unprecedented blood! My heart felt like it was on the verge of exploding! Despite there being a cool breeze, I was sweating uncontrollably. It was as if the world had suddenly disappeared, and all that was left was me and her.

"Adela.. are you okay?" Before she could utter another word, I stole her lips!

The beauty in front of me pushed me away in a panic. Although we had separated, a trail of saliva still connected our lips together. Her bountiful chest rose and fell as she gasped for air. Her rosy cheeks were painted bright pink, and her eyes were wide like she had just seen a ghost.

Oh my God… P-people..really blush like that?! That's… that's so cute! N-no way! No way this is real! This is a dream! It must be a dream!

I'm absolutely certain that I had the exact same expression as the beauty in front of me. I.. I can't believe that I did that?! This isn't how I imagined my first kiss! What the hell is wrong with me?!

As much as I tried, I was unable to take my eyes off of her glossy cherry blossom lips. I could still feel the fluffy soft warmth of her lips on mine.

The urge to kiss this beautiful girl finally won, and I stole her lips once again. Her eyes were wide, and she tried to resist, but all of her feeble attempts failed. I kept piling my lips on top of her's, only seperating for brief moments to breathe.

Her lips taste so good! I could get addicted to this! Please, god don't let me wake up just yet?!

I forced my tongue inside of her mouth. Running my tongue along her gums teeth, and swallowing her saliva.


She stopped resisting, and she let me intertwine my tongue with hers. I was surprised to find she started moving her tongue around. At first she matched my rhythm, but gradually she started becoming more aggressive and sought my tongue out more.

After we separated our lips again. Her expression was no longer shocking, but lust instead. Sweat glistened off of her skin, her eyes were melting with pleasure, her cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and her sultry breath was rough and erratic. Her pink tongue glistened, as if it missed me and was inviting me back in.

I EARNESTLY obliged!

Our tongues began a passionate dance with each other. Saliva seeped from our mouths as we exchanged saliva without a care in the world.

My hand reached for her chest, and the moment my hand made contact with the beauty she jumped in surprise. But, she did nothing to resist my advances.

Her breasts were soft, squishy and elastic, but yet firm at the same time. It was an amazing feeling! I felt her nipples rise and become hard in my hands. I pinched her nipples and played with them to my heart's content. Sweet moans started escaping from her mouth.

I can never go back.. She's made me crazy…

She gazed at me with burning eyes, Her chest rose seductively, and her breathing was growing more erratic by the second. Her wanting and fiery gaze caused something inside of me to stir. And it was quickly eroding my sense of self.

Fuck being a gentleman! I'm going to fuck her even if it kills me!

I quickly gulped down a mouth full of saliva and steeled my resolve.

If the boys on discord and Reddit could see me now!

"Adela! You-" The sound of her voice was like a bucket of ice cold water, and something inside of me made me stop.

I looked up to see an almost exact copy of the girl I was mounted on.

The woman who looked like the girl underneath me, was slightly taller, her bust and waist were bigger, her eyes were a piercing blue, she had no freckles, and her facial features were a bit less.. feminine.

Is she...her sister?

There was an awkward silence that lingered in the air, and the sister of the girl underneath me appeared to have been frozen in time.

Finally having the time to think, I realized that this may look very bad.

...How can I explain this? I pushed her down…forced a kiss on her...fondled her.. Wait, I don't even know her name! Oh...this might be really bad...

Her sister's face slowly morphed into a deranged maniac, and she bared her fangs at me. "What the fuck are you doing your sister?!"


The woman suddenly leapt forward and kicked me square in the chest. I hit the tree that we were underneath with a hard *thud* Before sliding down onto my bottom. I tasted iron in my mouth, and instantly felt the pain from the fresh cut in my mouth.

Unbecoming of a woman of her size, she lifted me up by my collar, and looked me directly in the eyes. "You're not even a man!" Her voice was seething, and I could feel her anger.

SURPRISE! My groin swelled from the feeling of her breath in my face.

Her mother looked down at my twitching member, and snorted. "Who could you please with this?"

Her mother grabbed my balls and squeezed the hell out of them!


Wait, why am I happy?! God, please don't let me be an M!

My heart sank when I felt the oh so familiar jolt of pleasure in my crotch, and the ensuing sticky liquid that stained my pants.

Tears poured out of my eyes as the world slowly faded to black.