2 Together?

We were unsure of each other at first. But then we became closer, sharing small bits of what were interested in. It was nice

Then you handed me a note. Like you always did during class you have me a cute nickname that I only let you call me.

Being with you was like having a friend knows everything about like you don't even have to talk, you just knew what I was think and I you.

Laughing for hours hanging out between classes. Having them around made my world feel not so small and dark. It was like their was a small light that very slowly started to grow.

I was excited for school everyday. Of course I also had to continue my own education but it was hard to concentrate. It was waking from a dream, I'd be told something but then in a second I'd forget what i was told. I couldn't sit still. I'd find myself spacing out then snapping back to the lesson. My favorite subject was always math like algebra, trigonometry.  Odd right most people don't like math but I found it enjoyable.

After every class though you were always tanding there waiting for me to walk out. You'd walk me to class, talking about how the previous class and what you learned.

At the time their was one thing I didnt understand though. Their was one girl who always came around I didn't like her. Yet I didn't even know her. You smiled and talked to her. All I could even think when she was around was 'mine' and I'd loop my arm in yours.

I didn't understand It but I knew I didn't like her one bit which was strange because other females I had no problem with. Just her I wanted to rip to shreds or worse.

You called it being possessive over what's yours. you said that you loved it, because you felt the same from the guys who would come around me.
