
I'm Poseidon

Lasssi_Con · อื่นๆ
5 Chs

birth of Poseidon

so what's your choice mortal

I will be your entertainment kind sir


. Good now you have three wishes

make it snappy

hmmm sir can I be reincarnated as Poseidon you know I love the sea I fell fresh when at the sea

Done mortal but for you wishing to be a God that's three wishes hahaha

bastard I thought

you do know I can here your taught

bye my boy

The world began with seven primordial being been Chao's - Gaia - earth - Eros -love

Gaia gave birth to Uranus and heaven

they gave birth to their favourite children

Titan elderly cylope and the hundred handed ones

Uranus love the Titans but dis like his other children cause they are ugly he chained them up and threw them at Tartarus pit

Gaia sick of seeing her children being chained up made a sythe made out of the metals of earth and she gave it to her young son Kronos the time of time to murder his father with

Kronos hid until he father fell asleep with his mother and jump up and cut off his genitalia and which fell into the sea

Kronos cut his father into tiny pieces and banished Uranus from walking the face of earth Uranus did not die he was an immortal but before he left he layed a curse on Kronos

that his children will do the same to him this made Kronos went mad

with the scythe Kronos freed his brothers from Tartarus and he was the king of all Titans

Kronos got married to Rhea the Titan of mother hood who gave birth to half of the major gods

As time went on Kronos went mad with power and used intimidation to control all Titans Kronos know as the black sheep in his family didn't want to losed his power he chained his brothers back in Tartarus

Kronos didn't want to have a child but couldn't stop him self from having sex with his wife eventually she gave birth to her first child Hestia she didn't look like a titan At all

Kronos promptly ate her

Rhea cried but Kronos told her it won't happen again then she gave birth to her second child Demeter - Kronos ate her too Rhea cried

she gave to her third child Hera Kronos ate her Rhea cried Kronos ate her it went on she gave birth to hades Kronos ate she cried

Kronos now wondering if he can eat more gods

Rhea gave birth to Poseidon and Kronos ate him up


wuahh whhhh ahhh

I cried out to the sea and earth seems am out I felt a soft pair of hands holding but she was crying but there was hate and the same time love in her eyes she must be my mother how long since I wanted a mother figure In my life I stretch out my hands she carries me into her arms and breast feed me I felt joy blossom in my heart so this is what it means to have mother

A pair of rough hands grab me he is no Good the man speak in Ancient Greece and I understood wow but wait he is no Good he is be my father Kronos I used my ultimate weapon I cried Kronos look at me and said this one look a bit like me he smiled and swallow me

no not again I heard my mother crying we have talk about this he is no good Rhea tried to fight but he pushed her how dare you dis obey your king and husband woman

Poseidon : POV

all I see is darkness in Kronos Abyss stomach shit I thought