
I'm not a Wizard

There are people born with magic, and there people who do not. A wizard is supposed to be a powerful sorcerers who dedicated they're entire life for the sake of knowledge of magic. Then there's a hunter, they live they're entire life in the outside wilderness. They hunt prey for food, they go across rivers for water, they wear the fur of creatures as clothing. They do all of this willing instead living the comfortable life style. Both of these two have a similar question. Do you need magic to be a hunter? No. Do you need to learn how to survive to be a wizard? Of course not. But let me ask you this. Do you need magic to a Master Wizard? No, no you don't.

Sora_Gemini · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 5: The Wizard Council

The Wizard Council is a group of Grandmaster Wizards who govern all magic users who coexist within Pugnore. They are the guardians of the keep and protectors of the World Tree, planted within the soil of where the star first landed. The very reason why magic exist in the world and flows through everything. Alive or dead, everyone is connected to the World Tree.

However, most people do not possess the strength to control magic, they are regularly called the Twiglings or Twigs. They are called this for how far they are away from the World Tree. Meanwhile the ones are able to use magic are simply called Branchburkers or Branches. Or mages, sorcerers, warlocks, wizards, it's all self explanatory. And then there's the third group who possess great power but can't fully control it, these people categories as the Bark or by other words mutants. Mutants are people who posses odd shapes and abilities base on what they consume.

Grandmaster Wizards however, have their own special title; the Roots. As the guardians of World Tree, their connection would be stronger than most magical things. Thus why is the main reason they are highly respected yet highly feared.

"What do they want with you, Master?" Eric said while he held his master's hand tightly.

Solomon sighed with her covering her face. "A few months ago I was given an letter by the Wizard Council. The contents of said letter involved promoting me into a Grandmaster Wizard."

"Wow! That's sound awesome!" Eric beamed.

"It does, doesn't it? Except there's one tiny problem..."

"What's that?"

"To become a Grandmaster Wizard, I have to fuse my magic with the World Tree."

"But you don't have any-- Oh~" Eric said as he realized the situation.

Eric began tremble as he stuttered. "We're screwed... we are royally screwed!"

Solomon covered Eric's mouth before she whispered. "You think I don't know that already?! Don't panic I've invented a plan to get us out of this mess."

Eric nodded his head as he removed Solomon's hand. "What's your plan?"

"Well..." Solomon whispered into Eric's ear.

"Are you Master Solomon?" spoke a deep masculine voice.

Solomon and Eric turned their attention to a tall man who wore pure white clothing. His skin was a rich golden brown, he had long raven braided hair that rested unto the side of his shoulder, his sapphire eyes are sharped edged, giving the man a striking appearance.

"That depends on who's asking." Solomon said coldly.

The tall man bowed his head as he spoke. "I am Master Wizard Raymond Cole. We have waited for your arrival Master Solomon."

"I see, it's a pleasure to met you Master Raymond." Solomon bowed her head in returned.

Raymond then turned his gaze to Eric and back to Solomon. "And the child?"

"His name is Eric, Eric Brace. He is my apprentice." Solomon explained.

"Your apprentice? I see." Raymond said with little to no reaction.

Before the conversation continued two men dressed in white stood behind Raymond. "Master Solomon, Grandmaster Morgan wishes to see you now."

"May I bring my apprentice with me?" Solomon said as she held Eric small hand.

The two men looked at each other but before they could speak, Raymond spoke first. "Permission granted, although you must swear that your student can not misbehave."

"I swear for nothing, for it is unnecessary. But if my student does happen to cause trouble, I'll take any punishment you see fit." Solomon said sternly.

The men who stood behind Raymond wore shocked expressions, while Raymond himself only seemed amused.

"Very well then. If Master Solomon is so confident, than I believe there won't be any issue." Raymond said with a entertained gaze.

"Thank you for being understanding." Solomon said before she followed Raymond with Eric into the moden building.

Inside was a table and some wooden chairs. The wall were clean and floor, no specs of dust could be spotted. There was two wooden chairs on one side of the table while the other side had three chairs.

Sitting on those three chairs were men who dressed in white clothing. The two men who sat on the sides also wore golden plated armor across their bodies. The one who sat on the right wielded a golden axe while the one on the left wielded a golden bow. The one who sat in the centre was a elderly man with a long white beard.

"Master Wizard Solomon..." spoke the elderly man, Solomon immediately bow to her knees.

Eric was confused at first but quickly followed suit and also bowed to his knees. A long period of silence filled room until the elderly spoke again.

"You may raise," he said before Solomon stood on her feet.

"Come over young Master, have a seat." the elderly man said before Solomon walked over and sat on one of the wooden chairs.

Eric however, had himself still kneed upon the floor. After a moment of silence, the elderly man spoke again. "Same goes to you, small child. Come and join us."

Eric said nothing, he simply stood up and walked over to be seat on the other wooden chair. The two armored men readied their weapons before the elderly man lifted his hand and paused their advances. Soon the two armored men relaxed their shoulders and sat comfortably on they're chairs.

"You may speak, Master Solomon." the elderly man said.

"Thank you, Grandmaster Morgan. It's truly an honor and pleasure to be within your presence." Solomon said while she lowered her head.

Morgan hummed while he lay his gaze upon Eric. "It's only have been a month, yet I can see you have been training your new apprentice well so far."

"You flatter me, your grace." Solomon said.

"It's not mere flattery, normally it takes the span of six month to train a student this amount of mannerism." Morgan said as he exam Eric carefully.

One of the armored men leaned forward as he spoke with echoed voice. "May I speak?"

"You may, is there a question would you like to ask? Grandmaster Blair?" Morgan said before the armored man who wielded an axe spoke.

"When Grandmaster mentioned student, does that intel that this child is Master Solomon's apprentice?"

"If those are your only suspicions, then they stand corrected. One month ago, Master Solomon decided upon herself to take in a child and made said child as her apprentice." Morgan explained.

"May I say one more thing, Grandmaster Morgan?"

"You may, however, you can not be too overly harsh." Morgan said.

The armored man nodded his head before he spoke. "Master Solomon,"

"Yes, Grandmaster Blair?" Solomon said calmly.

"My last report of you, described that you were within the age of sixteen. I was handed that report three years ago, meaning you have to be at the age of nineteen as it now, am I correct?"

"Yes, Grandmaster Blair."

"And how old is this child you are raising at the moment?" the armored man voice became deeper.

"Eric is ten years of age." Solomon's tone became much colder.

Though only few words were exchanged, the room's atmosphere became immediately intoxicating. Eric thought he could fall unconscious from simply breathing in the intensity of the air.

"Enough, the both of you." spoke Morgan and the threatening atmosphere disappeared.

"Yes, Grandmaster Morgan! Our apologies!" they both bowed their heads.

"How about we get straight to the point," Morgan sighed.

"Master Solomon, I've have summoned you here because I have full intent of promoting you into Grandmaster Wizard. Both for the fact you becoming Master Wizard at the very young of seven and for all the achievements you have done for the pass twelve years." Morgan said with a stern voice.

"I understand." Solomon said with her deadpan expression.

"But for some reason it seems you are displeased by this golden opportunity, and so not to misjudge you, and also to understand what you are thinking. I, Grandmaster Morgan have travel here to speak with you in person." Morgan said, yet Solomon's expression did not change.

Solomon bowed her head. "I understand, I'm greatly sorry for all the trouble it must have caused you."

Morgan frowned before he sighed. "I can see you're not going be cooperative in this state. Grandmaster Blair, Grandmaster Lark, may you leave us for the moment."

"But Grandmaster Morgan!" they both yelled.

"Silence! The both of you! Please, just wait outside for only a moment." Morgan huffed.

"Understood, Grandmaster Morgan." the two armored men said as they walked out through the door.

The room was filled silence until Morgan sat up and dragged his chair next to Solomon's. "Okay! Let's talk, what's actually bothering you?"

"I wouldn't say that any outside interference are bothering me, it just..." Solomon spoke within a timid tone.

Master is acting shy? That's new. Eric thought while he kept his head low.

Morgan placed his hand upon Solomon's shoulder before he said. "Come on Solly, you are not the one to skip opportunities like this. So what's wrong?"

Solomon took a deep breath before she said. "I don't want to be a Grandmaster Wizard."

"Oh! And why is that?" Morgan said calmly.

"I only became a Master Wizard for one reason, to live everyday life with a filled stomach with my friend." Solomon said with a sincere voice.

With her friend? I thought Master's disappeared when she turned into Master Wizard. But if that is true, doesn't it mean Master Solomon has been waiting for her friend for twelve years? Why? Eric continued to think.

"But you could more Solomon, so much more!" Morgan said with enthusiastic smile.

"But I don't want to more... I am truly satisfied with the life currently live in. I don't need nor want more than this." Solomon said, and Morgan sighed.

"I understand. I can see you truly have no desire of becoming a Grandmaster." Morgan sat up and dragged his seat back to its original place.

"Thank you for being understanding, Grandmaster Morgan." Solomon bowed her head.

"But even if you have no desire to Grandmaster, I still have a offer you may find interesting." Morgan began.

"Go on~" Solomon said with a amused.

"Eric Brace, raise your head." Morgan said.

Eric lifted his head and stared upon Morgan with his shiny blue eyes.

"Tell me boy, do you ever want to be a Grandmaster?"

"Grandmaster Morgan?!" Solomon squeaked as she held Eric's hand.

Morgan laughed. "Do not threat Master Solomon, I have no intention of taking your student away from you."

Solomon loosen her grip but her shoulders still trembled. Eric wrapped his small arms around Solomon's arm, as he rubbed his face against Solomon's forearm. Morgan observe Eric before hummed happily while he stroke his beard.

"I'll give you six years," Morgan said as pointed out six fingers.

"What for, Grandmaster Morgan?" Solomon asked as she dragged Eric into her arms.

"I'll give you six years to train young Eric into a fine Wizard, after six years he'll have to enroll Umeadora Academy. When he graduates as the top student, he'll become Grandmaster Wizard in your place." Morgan explained with a cheeky grin.

"Six years? I think you're overestimating me your grace." Solomon stuttered.

"Nonsense! It shouldn't be too much of a problem for someone as yourself." Morgan said confidently before he turned he attention towards Eric.

"What do you say Eric? Do want to become a Grandmaster Wizard? It is your choice." Morgan smiled.

"Okay." Eric simply said.

"Eric?! You don't need to force yourself!" Solomon said in a panic voice.

"But I'll only do it one condition." Eric said with a serious tone.

"Oh~ and what would that be?" Morgan said with a amused expression.

"I want a golden favor!" Eric said.

Morgan hummed.

"Where did you learn that?" Solomon stuttered.

"I readed a book about it once! Having a golden favor is like having free access for everything, right?" Eric said with sparkly eyes.

Morgan laughed heartily. "Yes, your right. But may I ask what are you planning to do with a golden favor?"

"For food reasons!" Eric grinned.

Morgan laughed again. "Food reason? Can you be more specific?"

"Nope! You'll have to wait till I graduate!" Eric snickered.

"Oh. Is that how it is? Very well then, allow it."

"Yay!" Eric cheered.

Afterwards, Morgan and the other two Grandmaster went on their golden carriage and left Veilig Town while Solomon and Eric walked their way back to the Dood Forest.

"Did I do well Master?" Eric asked.

"You did perfectly, I expect no less from my apprentice." Solomon smirked.

"I wasn't that great compare to you Master, I actually thought you were panicking back there. Truly, your acting skills are a sight to behold of, Master Solomon." Eric sighed.

"Don't sweat about it, remember I have years of experience. You'll get there soon little one." Solomon said as she patted Eric's head.

"So, Master? What are you planning to do with the golden favor?"

Solomon grinned widely. "Oh~ I have a few ideas."