
I'm in Hollywood

An advertising director is reborn in 1988 Hollywood as an eighteen-year-old blond-haired westerner named Eric Williams. From then on, he starts writing movie scripts and television songs, becomes skilled in directing every kind of film, wins over all kinds of female celebrities, and takes the path to becoming a Hollywood legend.

Krudy · สมจริง
87 Chs

Chapter 85 - Car Thief

Pausing, Eric felt a little thirsty. He got up and went to the refrigerator, took a can of beer, drank a few mouthfuls, and returned to the sofa. He was about to continue his scolding, but when he took a look at the girl across him, he immediately shut his mouth.

She was crying...

He helplessly reached under the tea table, to pull out a box of tissue paper, and pushed it in front of her.

"Please don't cry, I won't say anything anymore."

This sentence had the opposite effect. Julia took a few sheets of tissue paper, covered her little face, and let her tears out with more enthusiasm. She even let out a small sob.

Following the normal plot in times like this, a woman needs a shoulder to cry on. Then he will say a few affectionate words, and then he will find a dark room with a fireplace on, to start a session of lovemaking.

However, it looked like he was the one who made Julia cry. So he felt he shouldn't try to execute the plot.

So he didn't know what to do.

He sat there helplessly, watching her tears flow from her beautiful eyes.

As a woman, she felt stupid, ashamed, and angry. All those emotions made her lose control of her tears. The bastard was just sitting there awkwardly, not even try to comfort her.

Why does she feel so embarrassed now?

A few minutes later, she finally managed to stop crying. She wiped her face, crumpled the soaked tissues and threw them at him, and said: "You're such a jerk!"

She then stood up and hurried to the bathroom to fix the makeup she ruined with her crying.

She stayed in the restroom for a while trying to patch up her makeup. She only came out after there were no traces of her crying left and sat back in her original position.

"I will pay attention to get you a great script as soon as possible. You don't have to be so anxious. If you feel bored, you can go to attend some simple college courses, which will help shape your image. The public still prefers ambitious actresses. Of course, it's OK to take part in variety shows. You can ask Kapoor to arrange things for you. He is a very good broker.

"Ok," Julia said with a nod.

"By the way, have you ever been to a psychiatrist?"

Julia shook her head and glared at Eric. She blamed the bastard for all her issues.

She had some free time after the film was released. So she looked up information on what exactly the so-called Stockholm syndrome was. The examples in the book seemed absurd in her view, but she had to admit that they can be linked to her abnormal behavior.

At the same time, with the release of Pretty Woman, she quickly went from a small actor to a big star. So she was afraid to even find a psychiatrist. If the psychiatrist accidentally revealed her illness, it may ruin her fledgling career. How can the public accept an actress who can become a sex slave at any time? So Julia was afraid to tell even the people closest to her. Presently this issue was only to Eric and her.

Eric also quickly understood Julia's concerns as this issue was really tricky. Once others are informed, a scandal would be inevitable.

"I think this kind of thing has something to do with confidence. When you just arrived at my house, your condition was good, and your body was giving a domineering appearance. You should continue doing that, and you may recover from this illness without any medical help."

"You... Nonsense! I checked the information. I blame you for this thing. That night, If you hadn't treated me like that, I wouldn't have this problem."

Eric raised his hand in surrender: "Okay, it may be my fault."

"It was your fault."

Seeing Eric's look, Julia was quite pleased with herself: "Oh, that Drew Barrymore... Why isn't she here? Is it not the weekend?"

"She lives in a boarding school. And sometimes she comes home on the weekends. She may not know that I came back today. The girl likes playing, and when I'm not at home, she rarely stays at home alone."

Julia said in a sour tone: "You're so kind to her."

Eric laughed: "You are not the first to say that. The girl is now my creditor and owes me one million dollars. These days, you have to take care of your creditors to get your money back."


"Are you going to the celebration party at the Hilton Hotel this evening?"

"Of course," Julia nodded and looked at her watch: "It's getting late now. I better return."

Eric helped Julia put back the disguise, and saw her off, before returning to the villa.

He watched TV until sunset. He then went upstairs to get ready and drove to the Hilton Hotel.

The celebration party of a movie with a big box office, like Pretty Woman, would definitely be the focus of the paparazzi. Eric didn't like dealing with the paparazzi, so he planned to take the elevator to the banquet hall directly from the parking lot. He suddenly realized that he forgot to ask the floor on which the party was on.

He looked around the parking lot and found no one. Eric reluctantly waited in the parking lot, in the hope of meeting up with a guest who also came to the party. Unfortunately, his luck wasn't so good. Even after waiting a few minutes, no one had appeared. If he waited for too long, he felt that the ones watching the overhead cameras might think that he was a car thief.

With no other choice, he reluctantly decided to get out of the parking lot. He was immediately surrounded by a swarm of paparazzi.

The Hilton's security guards were diligent and quickly came over to help Eric block the crowd. While frantically pressing the shutter, the paparazzi were shouting their questions.

"Director Williams, you disappeared for a week. Are you preparing for the next movie?"

"Eric, did Miss Julia sleep with you to get the heroine role of Pretty Woman?"

"Lamborghini announced that the number of weekly pre-orders for their latest Countach car reached 153%. Eric, are you going to continue putting ads in your following movies?"

"Eric, why didn't Miss Barrymore come with you? Isn't she living with you?"

"... ..."

Well-meaning, malicious, trap-filled, all kinds of chaotic questions drifted into his ears. It was a situation where Eric could hardly give an appropriate answer, so he chose not to answer at all. Under the protection of the security guards, he finally was able to walk into the Hilton lobby, leaving the crazy paparazzi behind.

After entering, a Hilton's manager greeted him with a smile

"Mr. Williams, welcome. The celebration of Pretty Woman is on the fourth floor. Shall I take you there?"

Eric hurriedly shook his head: "No need, I'll just go by myself."

He entered the elevator and pressed the button to go up, only to see the manager still standing there smiling at him. What was going on?

In fact, the matter was very simple. The manager had just watched Pretty Woman. He was very fond of Eric because he created a very cool hotel manager named Barney Thompson in the movie.

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