

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 8 chapters ahead at chapter 36. Chapter 37 is almost done. I'll probably post 2 chapters on patreòn tonight.


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[Gimme my stones or else I'll reincarnate you as the female lead of the most heinous NTR doujinshi known to mankind. If I don't get my STONES, Ya'll finna get f*cked.]

"What if I said that I can make it so you never have to worry about your relatives ever again? No returning there or even seeing them anymore?" Bruce asks like the devil offering Harry everything he ever wanted.

Hearing these words, Harry looked at Bruce with a face that said 'what could you possibly do?'.

"I see you're doubting me and I understand that as we are both children, but I have a lot of resources and money in the mundane world." Bruce explains.

"So you're rich... how would that help?" Harry doubts him even further.

"It helps a lot actually." Bruce says with a smirk. "Do you think your Aunt and Uncle would give up custody of you if I offered them a few million dollars?"

Hearing Bruce's offer, Harry couldn't believe anyone would pay so much money to help him. After all, he's been told all his life that he's worthless and whatnot. It's hard to not believe something when it's been drilled into your head since you were a baby.

"I-I don't know..." Harry mutters as he doesn't believe someone he's just met would be so kind like this.

Though, he didn't doubt that the Dursleys would sell him off for far less than a few million.

"If you're worried about me, then you can relax. I have no ulterior motive. I'm just a very rich boy that hates child abuse. Even if you don't agree to my offer, I'll just call the police on them." Bruce says with a shrug.

"I-I tried that before. They lied to the cops and nothing happened..." Harry says with a defeated sigh and a look that said he didn't enjoy the consequences of his actions.

"I don't think you understand the power of money, Harry. A nice donation towards their funds and the police will take whatever I bring them very seriously." Bruce says as he knows from experience.

"Do you just throw money at everything? What happens when you run out?" Harry asks in disbelief.

"I have billions of dollars, Harry. That's billion with a capital B. I can walk around and throw money at people for my entire life and I wouldn't even put the tiniest dent in my accounts, which are still growing by the second because of investments and my family company. A few million to some disgusting people for a friend of mine is literally nothing." Bruce explains, surprising Harry with his amount of wealth.

"But we just met today..." Harry comes up with another excuse.

"Harry, would you say we're friends now?" Bruce asks with an exasperated sigh.

"I mean, yeah I guess?" Harry answers with uncertainty.

"I would say we are and I don't have many friends. In fact, I only have one and you met her today." Bruce is of course referring to Hermione. "I take my friendships very seriously. Now, no more excuses. Would you like my help or not?"

Harry couldn't help his tears from leaking as his heartbeat quickened. He wanted nothing more than something like this to happen when he was younger. A nice person to come along and help him get away from the monsters that are his relatives.

Though he always hoped it would be his parents, who would somehow be alive or wake from a coma, but anyone would do for a child that is abused and starved of attention.

Sadly, that never happened and after he found out that the police couldn't even help him, he had given up. Who knew it would happen long after he'd given up hope.

"Y-Yes please..." Harry agreed with a sad smile as tears cloud his vision.

"Good, I'll have to figure some things out before making any moves, but expect to be living somewhere else once school ends." Bruce says as he stands and pats Harry's shoulder.

"...Thank you." Harry smiles up at Bruce as he wipes his tear-stained face.

"Don't worry about it kid." Bruce says as he turns to grab his trunk.

"We're the same age you know?" Harry retorts with a small chuckle.

"Whatever you say kid." Bruce answers over his shoulder with a smirk. "Now clean yourself up. We should get back to Ron and Hermione before they murder each other."


After gathering all of Bruce and Hermione's luggage, they returned to Harry's compartment. Instead of just bringing the snack as planned, Harry offered to just share a compartment since they were friends.

Ron may have stolen the title of Harry's first friend, but Bruce definitely made a bigger impact, which is what he was going for.

Well, do you count meeting and eating candy together a clear sign of friendship? Maybe Bruce could be considered his first friend after his little speech? Who knows?

Upon returning to Harry's compartment with luggage in hand, they were met with two angry children glaring at each other.

"What happened while we were gone?" Bruce asks and immediately regrets it.

""It's his/her fault!"" Hermione and Ron scream at the same time as they point at each other angrily.

After accusing one another, they went on to yell over each other about whatever happened, which both Harry and Bruce couldn't seem to decipher.

Giving each other an exasperated look, Harry and Bruce set the luggage down and start snacking along with Cinder, who seems to have taken a liking to Harry.

Once both Ron and Hermione screamed themselves tired, they finally noticed that Bruce and Harry were eating the muggle snacks they were talking about.

"Hey! Don't eat all my Reese's!" Hermione exclaims as she snatches her favorite snack out of Bruce's hands.

"What's a Reese's?" Ron eyes the candy with curious and hungry eyes.


At Hogsmeade station, the Hogwarts Express blows its whistle and pulls into the station. The sun had already set as a bearded giant of a man walks along the station's platform with a lantern in hand. As the train comes to a halt, students dressed in Hogwarts robes begin pouring out of the train.

"Right, then! First years! This way, please! Come on, now, don't be shy! Come on now, hurry up!" The big guy with the lantern calls out, gathering the youngest students around him.

(A/N: Last I checked, no harem was winning in the polls. I won't count the votes for a bit and allow the new frogs to vote too. We have a bit of time before romance starts anyway.

Ps- female lead poll is still going on patreòn. If you wish to cast your vote, then become a patron. *laughs greedily while rubbing hands together*)



AlienWarlordcreators' thoughts